Recent content by rextilleon

  1. R


    Although I suspect that this is a forgery, it really is irrelevant. What one Marine, or for that matter 100 Marines think doesn't change reality. Remember, these guys are volunteers who have been trained to take orders and not question authority. There is nothing wrong with that because you...
  2. R

    Election reform announced in Egypt

    This has nothing to do with Iraq---Mubarak has problems that only someone versed in the current geo-political situation in Egypt would know about. Do a Google search and read about it--I won't do your work for you.
  3. R

    A superb video about the holocaust

    Watch the PBS series---there are witnesses---GERMAN SS GUARDS---who give a rather horrific description of the gassing of Jews. Anyone who believes otherwise is either a white supremecist (Ie. Arayn Nations, KKK,Nazi Party of America) or should be commited to a mental insitution.
  4. R

    In-Wall Network Wiring

    Maybe you could talk these guys into going wireless???
  5. R

    Getting DSL

    Where are you guys located--
  6. R

    Islamic Cleric in Britain supports taking women and children hostage...

    Nice to see that the Brits are just as stupid as we are when it comes to allowing these fanatics into their country.
  7. R

    Bush Wins--Civil Disobedience Time

    It appears that do to their incredible mastery of every dirty trick under the sun and their expert use of Propoganda, the Bushites will win this election. Kerry's campaign is run by people who have no idea how to fight the forces of Big Brother. Having said that, the next four years look...
  8. R

    Is there anybody here who hasn't made up his mind on who to vote for?

    Undecided but leaning to Kerry. Unlike the rest of the country, I found the RNC to be slightly scarey---all show no go. Anyhow, I heard Zel Miller and I went from neutral towards leaning to Kerry. The man is not stable.
  9. R

    More protesters at the RNC than at the DNC?

    Drifter stop playing silly games--You always intended to vote for Bush and these protestors had little or nothing to do with that decision--geeze---
  10. R

    Official Swiftboat Thread

    Laura--stay out of this--tend to your ceremonial duties and your literacy program.
  11. R

    This is pretty messed up

    That toy was actually imported by Karl Rove and was to be part of a goody bag given to RNC delegates. The idea was to keep them constantly aware that we are under threat of attack and therefore, anything that Bush does is okay.
  12. R

    1984 and the Republicans

    IOrwell was right.
  13. R

    polish Joke

    (I Loved that joke--usually Polish jokes unfairly make fun of Poles lack of intelligence--this was just plain funny!
  14. R

    FBI Suspects Israel Has Mole in Pentagon

    Listen people--I reacted to a post by a guy who questioned to American Jews loyalty to this country---this is classic anti-semitism---Let him respond---. By the way, if indeed there is an Israeli mole in the state department he should be arrested and put on trial. By the way, Mega Works...
  15. R

    Bush holds slight lead in Electoral College

    Sure--there are a bunch of states that are really swaying back and forth------Unfortunately, from what I can see, the Bushites are much better at propoganda then the Kerry people so Bush should win because basically this country is dumbed down--But who knows, you can always pray.