The Defective Conservative Brain; It's Evolution Stupid.

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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
You got the gibberish part right.

Remember it may not be so much that I am far out, but rather that you have never been anywhere. These things are in my sig because I saw you coming long long ago. The uncomprehending are legion, their comments all the same, each convinced he's an original. All this would have been self evident if you could think. But you can't so I'll take your shit and fertilize my garden. Thanks!


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
The left is generally of the opinion that you are stupid and could, with great reason and logic, be shown that fact. They don't want to wade into a conversation where the ineffectuality of those qualities is front and center. It's all they have to address you with. The facts for them are equally unpleasant. Their contempt for what they see in you as your utter imbecility is, rather, a mental condition they are not equipped to treat. That means that all their capacity to see real and rational dangers that actually make sense to worry about, like the conservative madness of climate denial to name one you can't appreciate, are in fact totally wasted on you. They are rendered helpless in the face of your brain defect, just as evidenced by this thread.

There is nothing for them to do with all their contempt for your stupidity as they see it. It's not appropriate. It's not your fault you are defective. There is no escaping the madness your brain types visit on our mutually inhabited world.
We are your prisoners and victims and there is only one appropriate action to take, to love you. It's a hard road we conscious liberals have to hoe.

We have to find a cure for your brain defect as we deal our own own natural feelings of hopelessness that your defect generates. We want to condemn you for the irrationality of your fears while not addressing the inappropriateness of that response. We have to find a mature response to the hopelessness of this undertaking. There is only love and we are all so full of anger.

nm. not worth talking to a broken record.
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Oct 6, 2009

Always funny when lib "logic" is turned around on them. Always exposes what a farce most aspects of modern liberalism* are.

*NOTHING to do with classic liberalism, just extreme bootlicking statism with a healthy dose of totalitarianism tossed in for good measure.
"Logic"? Is that what you call it? Too bad you monkeys aren't able to think it through properly. Some people are born psychopaths. Should they be a protected class as well? That serial killer was just doing what comes naturally to him. Oh what? No? That would be stupid? Hmmm, I guess there must be more to it than just protecting every natural trait, but go ahead and finish stroking Bober for what passes as intelligent to you.


Oct 6, 2009
No where in the Cambridge study did it state that the differences were due to any defects, therefore defect not found. Tis a shame certain people in here must lie about what was said in the study.
So you can't tell the difference between what the OP claims the study says, and what conclusion he draws from it?


Jan 31, 2010
So you can't tell the difference between what the OP claims the study says, and what conclusion he draws from it?

The Defective Conservative Brain

Please show where in the Cambridge study they stated the differences were due to a defect or that conservatives brains are defective. Just more BS like moonbeam posts in here trying to present a lie as a fact and basing their opinions off of this lie.


Oct 6, 2009
Please show where in the Cambridge study they stated the differences were due to a defect or that conservatives brains are defective. Just more BS like moonbeam posts in here trying to present a lie as a fact and basing their opinions off of this lie.

Is there some rule that the title has to be the same as the source used in the OP? Why would you assume that the title has to be limited to what the source says?

Why would you, once again, ask where the study states that, when he has repeatedly stated that it does not? He has told you several times that he is coming to that conclusion using the study as a premise.


Oct 6, 2009
dank, do you also believe that conservatives are defective? An inferior "race" if you will?
An inferior race? No. People that still think any of the following policies are good have defective reasoning capabilities:

Any Trickle Down policy (cut taxes at the top, tax cuts pay for themselves, etc.)
Government Services should be cut
Free market is answer to everything
Any policy based on religion (including abortion policy)
Science is a religion (not a policy, but defective reasoning none-the-less)
War/Aggression in response to anything other than invasion
Homeland Security (exception to the cut government services policy, includes TSA/NSA bullshit)
Nation building
Austrian Economics
Gold standard

Notice there is a distinct difference between cutting services and trimming waste. Everyone would like to eliminate waste, but pretending we don't need the services is defective reasoning.

Also, the single most destructive force in politics for the past few decades is the GOP policy of getting as much money into politics as possible.

So yeah, you still tout any of those things and your brain is defective, and a danger to the rest of us, but it is your right to be defective.

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
Is there some rule that the title has to be the same as the source used in the OP? Why would you assume that the title has to be limited to what the source says?

Why would you, once again, ask where the study states that, when he has repeatedly stated that it does not? He has told you several times that he is coming to that conclusion using the study as a premise.

They are afraid to connect the two points - because it proves they are relics of an ancient time.

#1 the study clearly states conservatives have a mechanism in their brain that is alert and reactive to threats; like a bear, a wolf, a spider - things that are present in a wild and dangerous environment. This mechanism did wonderful things for humanity; it kept them alert and for the most part alive. It ensured their alarmist demeanor kept humanity one step ahead of predators.

#2 in today's world, the bear, the wolf and spider is not an issue. In fact, we have them in zoos and sometimes as pets! There is, for the most part, no danger in our modern civilization. However, the mechanism that constantly seeks out danger and threats, is in full effect. And, it is constantly blaring. Constantly screaming that there is danger abound; tons of it! And, since there is no true legitimate threat, they start picking at the most simplest and nonthreatening of things; health insurance, hooded teenagers, loud music, children playing soccer on a beach - and then commence losing their shit over it; gunning, bombing, vilifying and passing laws to stop these things they have deemed as threats.

That is clearly a defect; not being able to turn off an alarm - especially one that was triggered under false situations.

It is a time to relax and enjoy life in modern times - instead, the conservative listens to their defective brain and sensationalizes every. Single. Damn. Thing.


Oct 9, 1999
An inferior race? No. People that still think any of the following policies are good have defective reasoning capabilities:

Any Trickle Down policy (cut taxes at the top, tax cuts pay for themselves, etc.)
Government Services should be cut
Free market is answer to everything
Any policy based on religion (including abortion policy)
Science is a religion (not a policy, but defective reasoning none-the-less)
War/Aggression in response to anything other than invasion
Homeland Security (exception to the cut government services policy, includes TSA/NSA bullshit)
Nation building
Austrian Economics
Gold standard

Notice there is a distinct difference between cutting services and trimming waste. Everyone would like to eliminate waste, but pretending we don't need the services is defective reasoning.

Also, the single most destructive force in politics for the past few decades is the GOP policy of getting as much money into politics as possible.

So yeah, you still tout any of those things and your brain is defective, and a danger to the rest of us, but it is your right to be defective.

You realize of course that conservatives think the liberal policy is defective as well. I'm not asking about your opinion about policy. I'm asking you if you believe that scientifically speaking, conservatives are inferior humans.


Oct 6, 2009
You realize of course that conservatives think the liberal policy is defective as well. I'm not asking about your opinion about policy. I'm asking you if you believe that scientifically speaking, conservatives are inferior humans.
When it comes to logic and reason, yes, defective.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
So he's trolling based on his opinions of the study.

The OP can speak for himself. I told you that you got stuck on me calling you brain defective because the scientific facts associated with the phylogical differences in conservative vs. liberal brains imply a devastatingly accurate picture that anybody would be embarassed to admit to and would certainly feel is a brain defect they would not want to admit to having.

You do not have a brain defect and there is nothing wrong with you but you will never believe that because you despise the facts about how you really are. You carry the feeling that how you are is defective and it is evident in your reactions to me and your massive denial. You react fearfully and irrationally in the face of facts that immune your ego. Your ego is made of the stuff of delusions. Your mental state is the reason we say things like "Pride goeth before a fall."

And it is this very contempt for yourself, it's suppression out of consciousness via denial that causes you to project that hate on 'the other'.

And happy as Larry in your warm and fuzzy insulated bubble state, with all your fellow conservative fellow inmates, you will never notice what a tragedy you create for the US your modern Republican Party creates.

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
The OP can speak for himself.

No bones about it; these cats don't belong in today's modern world. And, we've proven it, by dismissing their alarmist noise as noise.

Sure, if "the wall comes down" or whatever dooms day bullshit scenario occurs and modern civilization is thrown back into the wild, we start at zero:
- liberals die (because we want to understand the animals, or whatever our defect is in a dog eat dog wild environment,...)
- conservatives live on (well, the ones that actually kept themselves in shape - the fat neck beard armchair experts are going to die after the wild animals finish off the liberals...)
- conservative's alarmist brain mechanism rules until civilization is built up again and the threat of wild animals is no longer around

Rinse, repeat. But,.. we've yet to see anything like this. Sure there have been ancient civilizations that have fallen. But, humanity, en masse, on this planet has yet to be plunged entirely into the wild.


Jan 31, 2010
The OP can speak for himself. I told you that you got stuck on me calling you brain defective because the scientific facts associated with the phylogical differences in conservative vs. liberal brains imply a devastatingly accurate picture that anybody would be embarassed to admit to and would certainly feel is a brain defect they would not want to admit to having.

You do not have a brain defect and there is nothing wrong with you but you will never believe that because you despise the facts about how you really are. You carry the feeling that how you are is defective and it is evident in your reactions to me and your massive denial. You react fearfully and irrationally in the face of facts that immune your ego. Your ego is made of the stuff of delusions. Your mental state is the reason we say things like "Pride goeth before a fall."

And it is this very contempt for yourself, it's suppression out of consciousness via denial that causes you to project that hate on 'the other'.

And happy as Larry in your warm and fuzzy insulated bubble state, with all your fellow conservative fellow inmates, you will never notice what a tragedy you create for the US your modern Republican Party creates.

I'm happy as a lark because I have a good life a with wonderful wife and three very healthy children. I tend to be fiscally conservative yet socially moderate so I don't follow the conservative mold you would like to assign to me. I don't feel the need to call those who do not agree with me as having a defect. I also don't feel the need to misrepresent a study by stating things that were never in their conclusion as being dishonest weakens your stance.


Jan 31, 2010
No bones about it; these cats don't belong in today's modern world. And, we've proven it, by dismissing their alarmist noise as noise.

Sure, if "the wall comes down" or whatever dooms day bullshit scenario occurs and modern civilization is thrown back into the wild, we start at zero:
- liberals die (because we want to understand the animals, or whatever our defect is in a dog eat dog wild environment,...)
- conservatives live on (well, the ones that actually kept themselves in shape - the fat neck beard armchair experts are going to die after the wild animals finish off the liberals...)
- conservative's alarmist brain mechanism rules until civilization is built up again and the threat of wild animals is no longer around

Rinse, repeat. But,.. we've yet to see anything like this. Sure there have been ancient civilizations that have fallen. But, humanity, en masse, on this planet has yet to be plunged entirely into the wild.

No bones about it, your dishonesty destroys your stance.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
dank, do you also believe that conservatives are defective? An inferior "race" if you will?

Hehehehe, because we harbor unconscious self hate we are filled with compensatory ego pride that constantly remains on high alert to keep us on top. We want to reject the slightest information or fact about ourselves that has previously been used as a put down against us. Give me enough Rush Limbaughs and enough time and I could have conservatives going crazy with hate if you called them perfect.

Defective is descriptive. We project into it the feeling it's pejorative.

I am defective in many ways, one of the biggest of which is that I'm human. We are a mess.

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
No bones about it, your dishonesty destroys your stance.

You can dispute my connection; my observations to this scientific study. But, right out calling me liar, just proves you have no intention of having an honest discussion about this.

You went from calling for ban, to calling me unintelligent, to a liar, to a strawmanist, etc. etc. You are just throwing out anything and everything. You have no substance.

You feel threatened - as you should naturally due to your defect, because everything in your world is a threat.

And, you can blare on and on all you like; very few are listening & taking you seriously, all the while liberals & conservatives alike build empires over your fear and alarmism; The Daily Show & comedians, as well as FoxNews & crack pot conspiracy theorists.


Oct 9, 1999
Give me enough Rush Limbaughs and enough time and I could have conservatives going crazy with hate if you called them perfect.

Isn't it conservatives who are happy with who they are and how the world works, while liberals feel the need to constantly change themselves and the world around them? By your own logic, liberals are the defective ones full of self hate. And I'd tend to agree with that.


Jan 31, 2010
You can dispute my connection; my observations to this scientific study. But, right out calling me liar, just proves you have no intention of having an honest discussion about this.

You went from calling for ban, to calling me unintelligent, to a liar, to a strawmanist, etc. etc. You are just throwing out anything and everything. You have no substance.

You feel threatened - as you should naturally due to your defect, because everything in your world is a threat.

And, you can blare on and on all you like; very few are listening & taking you seriously, all the while liberals & conservatives alike build empires over your fear and alarmism; The Daily Show & comedians, as well as FoxNews & crack pot conspiracy theorists.

So says the person who accused me of being a misanthropist even though you know absolutely nothing about me.

You've made your view quite clear nonetheless; you are clearly a misanthropist.

You don't cheer on the murder of other people, but you still hate people who deviate from whatever you don't approve on.

Let me guess, your reply will be; you hate me for hating people, so you clearly are a misanthropist. Or, some similar table flipping bullshit.

Please show where I called for a ban or tried to shut you down.

Apparently you're threatened as you make false claims and throw up boogiestrawmen to support your arguments.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I'm happy as a lark because I have a good life a with wonderful wife and three very healthy children. I tend to be fiscally conservative yet socially moderate so I don't follow the conservative mold you would like to assign to me. I don't feel the need to call those who do not agree with me as having a defect. I also don't feel the need to misrepresent a study by stating things that were never in their conclusion as being dishonest weakens your stance.

As a liberal who has done a lot of honest soul searching, I an very hesitant to trust my capacity to be honest about anything. And since that same honesty resulted long ago in the death of all my most sacred and cherished beliefs and exposed me to what I assumed was going to be interminable suffering, I have come to the conclusion that defective as my honesty may be the price I paid for it has created for me some sense of personal value. You will forgive me then, I hope, when I tell you that your notion that what I did was to weaken my stance by dishonesty is the product of your need to find a rationalization to deflect the truth of what I really said.

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
Isn't it conservatives who are happy with who they are and how the world works, while liberals feel the need to constantly change themselves and the world around them? By your own logic, liberals are the defective ones full of self hate. And I'd tend to agree with that.

It's called adapting, or rather, working with the people and world around us to get by - progressive if you will,..

However, when we come across a certain type that refuses to change,.. well,.. you get threads like this,...