Sen. Lugar defeated in IN primary

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Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Lugar is one of the most accomplished US senators, responsible for legislation that facilitated dismantling and securing of WMDs in former USSR so they wouldn't fall into wrong hands:–Lugar_Cooperative_Threat_Reduction
That the Republican party would replace him with some teabagger is a testament to how low they've sunk.
Senseamp, you don't have to peddle your position with me, losing Dick Lugar is not only a loss to the people of Indiana, its a net loss to our entire nation.


Jun 11, 2004


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2002
Even though I've been to tea party gatherings here in SoCal, this has Christine O'Donnell the sequel written all over it, we've turned a guaranteed R seat to a dem seat. I mean, I would love a true conservative take Feinstein's senate seat here in CA, but I'm a realist and that california is run by a bunch of free-loaders and know that the chance of a right of center republican ever winning a state-wide race is zero. Indiana is closer to california overall than Texas/Mississippi. (Yes there's ultra-liberal areas like SF that Indiana doesn't have, but the majority of the interior leans right that somewhat counterbalances that)

I really don't think we can take back the WH either short of an economic meltdown. So we're definitely not going to control the senate and the house control is also in jeopardy. So we've got another 2 years of dumbocrat control again. Arghhh!

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Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
He's been in office for 36 years and was looking to make it 42 years.... in office in the Senate. He was a Senator longer than most the people posting in this forum have been alive. He should have stepped down a long time ago and gone back to the private sector and let someone else serve the public.


May 1, 2006
Even though I've been to tea party gatherings here in SoCal, this has Christine O'Donnell the sequel written all over it, we've turned a guaranteed R seat to a dem seat. I mean, I would love a true conservative take Feinstein's senate seat here in CA, but I'm a realist and that california is run by a bunch of free-loaders and know that the chance of a right of center republican ever winning a state-wide race is zero. Indiana is closer to california overall than Texas/Mississippi. (Yes there's ultra-liberal areas like SF that Indiana doesn't have, but the majority of the interior leans right that somewhat counterbalances that)

I really don't think we can take back the WH either short of an economic meltdown. So we're definitely not going to control the senate and the house control is also in jeopardy. So we've got another 2 years of dumbocrat control again. Arghhh!

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How sad for you! No massive further increase in impoverishing the people of the US and transferring their wealth to the oligarchs, and starting wars for two years. Poor baby.

Feinstein already is a moderate Republican, really, so you can comfort yourself with that. Now Barbara Boxer is a better Senator. You got Arnold - that did well, nice going.
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Senior member
Mar 4, 2005
I'll give you right wingers credit for at least getting rid of some of the rot. You replace it with shit, but at the end of the day none of these politicians are worth a damn.


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2006
Yes. Do you also remember the results of the 2010 federal elections? The historic shift?

2010 was not a historic shift. I remember in 2002 and 2004 people were talking about how the Democrats were finished, they were the new permanent minority, etc etc. Then in 2006 the Republicans get slaughtered and it's all "oh, this changes everything," there were claims that the GOP had become nothing more than a Southern regional party, same crap. Politics goes through cycles.
Feb 10, 2000

You have to be kidding to criticize anyone about any fucking Senator.

I didn't vote for Franken - I was deeply skeptical of him as a Senator - but he has been excellent IMO, and I will almost certainly vote for him for re-election. I certainly think he was a far wiser choice than, say, Christine O'Donnell. The Tea Party is one of the dumbest, most self-destructive political movements I have ever seen.


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2002
The Tea Party is one of the dumbest, most self-destructive political movements I have ever seen.

I wouldn't put it that far, but you guys are damn lucky that the OWS doesn't have much power in the democrat party.

One point of discussion I have with my other fellow tea part'iers' here in California, is electability. Some of us truly believe the Rush/Hannity kool-aid, that if we just pick the most conservative, USA will turn around and pick that candidate. That only works for the deep south. Too much of our country is now like France and would just vote for the candidate with the most candy. 'Who cares if our debt is 25 trillion in 10 years, just as long I gots mine!'


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2006
I wouldn't put it that far, but you guys are damn lucky that the OWS doesn't have much power in the democrat party.

It's not so much luck as a reflection of the utter worthlessness of the people who comprise OWS. I have no love for the Teahadists but at least a lot of them actually get up and go to work in the morning. Most OWS types are pieces of shit who sit around and smoke pot while spouting vague, meaningless anti-capitalist rhetoric.


Jan 28, 2002
Why you better minded folks keep playing with the resident psycho always astonishes me...

A man that refuses to wash his hands after shitting, claiming it leads to a diminished immune system is a psycho?

I thought he was just "eccentric".


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
It's not so much luck as a reflection of the utter worthlessness of the people who comprise OWS. I have no love for the Teahadists but at least a lot of them actually get up and go to work in the morning. Most OWS types are pieces of shit who sit around and smoke pot while spouting vague, meaningless anti-capitalist rhetoric.

What are you basing this on? I for one have considerable sympathies with OWS and have attended a number of their events and I most certainly get up and go to work in the morning. I was down in Union Square for the May 1st events and some of the biggest contributors were working groups.

While I guess the people who were actually camping out in Zuccotti Park weren't working, the idea that 'most OWS types sit around and smoke pot while spouting vague, meaningless anti-capitalist rhetoric' is simply wrong.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I didn't vote for Franken - I was deeply skeptical of him as a Senator - but he has been excellent IMO, and I will almost certainly vote for him for re-election. I certainly think he was a far wiser choice than, say, Christine O'Donnell. The Tea Party is one of the dumbest, most self-destructive political movements I have ever seen.

I've also been really impressed by Franken as a senator.


Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2000
Mods why isn't this guy banned yet?
Why should he be?
Who else would provide us with comic relief?
Even the people that he called "fuckers" are laughing at him. You seem to be the only one complaining.

You should see some of his posts in OT too.
When he takes a dump in the restroom, he doesn't wash his hands.


Jun 11, 2004
I wouldn't put it that far, but you guys are damn lucky that the OWS doesn't have much power in the democrat party.

Why would they? The democrat party can't be hijacked nor does the OWS have a GD thing to do with democrats/liberals to the point that one person would ever get on a ballot and elected who represents the movement... OWS != the liberal version of the Tea Party by any stretch of the imagination.