Originally posted by: LeeTJ
Originally posted by: Darkstar757
Originally posted by: rbloedow
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: Darkstar757 That comment did not imply all whites had slaves just the vast majority. Also most white do have more money passed down to them than minorities its a fact. Not my fault you werent one of them. Just stating a fact.
"most whites do have more money passed down to them" ??

Dude, you live in a fantasy world. In the US, "most whites" live in trailer parks or poor neighborhoods and get nothing. I recognized this problem years ago. 40-50 years ago, some proud and noble black people fought for civil rights and equality and won. The next generation came around and found out what equality really means in America.
You get nothing except opportunity. Now get to fscking work, quit crying, make use of that opportunity, and quit demanding handouts, ok? It's getting old.
I wholeheartedly agree.
Im not crying im doing quite well but it because of AA that helped me. I wouldnt have the job I have now if it wasnt for AA.
and your PROUD of that??
that's disgusting to say.
The BIGGEST problem with the "BLACKS" in america is the teenage pregnancy issue. Family structures are the SINGLE most important factor in determining a persons success. AA don't mean SH!T if the person doesn't have a decent family structure to support him, are there EXCEPTIONS to this generalization, YES, but in general is it true, YES.
Stop with the AA nonsense and FORCE people to take responsibility for their actions. STOP with the teenage pregnancy, STOP with the gangs, STOP with the drug dealing, STOP with killing of your own people. STOP pretending that you don't have a chance because your black, THAT'S NONSENSE. THE REASON you don't have a chance is because YOU BOUGHT into this black people DESERVE a chance NONSENSE.
OMFG, this issue pisses me off more than any other single issue discussed on AT.
Inner city schools aren't bad because they don't have money. YOU DON'T NEED MONEY, COMPUTERS, FANCY CLASSROOMS, HIGH PRICED TEACHERS or ANY of that crap to teach your kids READING, WRITING and ARITHMATIC. UNTIL you've proven that you can teach your kids the BASICS stop trying to pretend that throwing money at the problem will resolve it. IT'S NOT A MONEY ISSUE.
I could teach my kids at home, teach them BASICS and I could get my kids in COLLEGE. AP IS NOT REQUIRED to get kids into COLLEGE, JUST BASICS.
If you can't even teach your kids the basics don't come crying to me about discrimination.