Originally posted by: gururu and of course, we enslaved africans because white was the superior race.
Africans were enslaved by Africans and offered for sale. Americans didn't decide they needed slaves and then randomly choose a continent. Instead, Americans were merely following the custom of the time period. Should they also be insulted for believing in the four humors?
We didn't enslave Africans because we were the superior race. We, like so many others of the world, purchased what was made available.
over and done with? not by a long shot. that ignorant sentiment is what fuels a new, subversive racism in today's society. these groups continue to be oppressed. just compare the differences in education between whites and blacks.
Is that difference in education entirely attributable to the white race? I don't believe it is even 50% attributable to the white race. Look at the differences in
government funding to schools. The government doles out a disproportionate amount of funding to minority schools. Nonminority school districts may get more money from the local taxes of parents and residents, but why shouldn't the money they work for support their children?
No one ever looks to the differences in the home lives and upbringing when discussing the differences resulting from early development. I'm not saying all minorities are bad parents and I'm not saying all whites are good ones, but there are differences in things such as teen pregnancies, school drop outs which are well known as indicators of future success. Maybe it would be better to start funding programs that instruct people how to be parents, rather than into the K-12 school systems. I also don't believe those differences are due to poverty levels. We all have the ability to attempt and raise our children to be responsible, regardless of income.
so why affirmative action? first of all, it is hardly a handout and you're a fool for thinking that it is.
How is it not a hand out? Do minorities have to successfully complete the 'daily physical challenge' to get the benefits? No, they are given benefits by merely checking the right box. That's not working for the benefit, that's a handout.
the objective of affirmative action is not to make things 'equal'. it is simply to make the composition of the professional class reflective of the social composition that supports it. if the country is 30% black, 10% mexican, then why shouldn't these percentages exist in academia, industry and government?
Because we're not arranging dinner dates for people to sit and talk about what they have in common with each other. We're talking about the ability to engage in the type of rational and well reasoned thought it takes to run a government, make an industry profitable, or instruct a class. Society benefits by placing its most able individuals into the positions their talents are best suited to serve.
Sure, minorities have been historically disadvantaged in a very unfair manner. Much as anyone would like to, it is impossible to change the past. However, you can't simply remedy those acts by placing them into positions they have not demonstrated an aptitude to function within. It's like building a house by trying to place the roof first. Without a proper foundation it just won't be able to support itself.
Allow people to acquire the positions they are best suited for and progress will follow. If a minority can easily get into a trade school, that is what he is suited for and he will excel. Then, on the basis of his higher level of prosperity, his children will have a better chance of advancing beyond his postion.
Right now, people are placed into positions that they have not learned to cope with and they fail, only be in a worse postion than they were before. So then we have two people who aren't necessarily performing to their fullest potential, the accepted minority and the rejected non-minority. How does society benefit from that situation?