Originally posted by: jumpr
Originally posted by: Darkstar757
You need to study more on the after effects of slavery on a culture. Its a huge force that has continued to undermind the success of blacks in the USA. I mean come on dude its called old Money man. Most blacks dont have old money because there parents parents were slaves. Also by the way you guys act as though slavery occurred 400 million years ago. Wake up and realize that AA is a form of equality for the years of greed and slavery imposed your parents parents.
I'm well aware of the effects of slavery on a culture. I'm Jewish. My people were enslaved by cruel Egyptian pharohs. I'm not making a big deal about it. I'm not demanding reparations from the Egyptians. I don't demand to be let into the University of Cairo because of my heritage.
"But," you say, "that happened thousands of years ago!" Yes, it did. But Jews have NEVER, EVER demanded preferential treatment because of their heritage. Ever heard of a place called Aushwitz? It was tougher, hotter and deadlier than the hottest Mississippi cotton field in 1855. My grandparents almost died there, but the Allied army rescued them.
I'm not sure why Jews don't complain about their treatment over the past 5,000 years. Maybe it's because we realize that minorities have it tough, and that we must work for our achievements. You could learn a lot from a Jew.
EDIT: Don't EVER tell me that my parents' parents held slaves. You don't know a DAMN thing about my grandparents, and you obviously don't recognize that OTHER people have had it tough, not just blacks. The way you talk, it seems like you're a self-centered dick who feels like everything should be handed to him just because his skin is colored differently then mine. Yup, sounds like affirmative action to me.
My skin is white. But my blood runs red, just like yours. We've all had hardships in our lives, and just because your skin is darker than mine, it doesn't mean that your trials and tribulations are ANY worse. Wake up and realize that other people in this world have had to work for their place in society. You obviously don't want to.
I have news for you: you, not I, are perpetuating the stereotype that African-Americans don't want to work for their benefits. My family has had an incredible story of hardship and blight, and look where I am today. No government assistance, no HANDOUTS, and pure HARD WORK.