Recent content by ajscottsr

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    About to sell something on eBay, need pricing advice UPDATE: Thanks for the advice!

    It's real simple... Start the auction at the minimum amount of money you are willing to accept for the item or slightly more. If you start it lower than that, you risk not getting enough for it. Much higher than that, you risk not selling it at all. As for reserve, people have mixed...
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    Secret Shopper

    Definitely don't pay anyone for this. I've done it before and found it to be an aweful lot of work for very little pay. Generally, for restaurants, you just get comped the meal but its not just a few questions, its a substantial questionaire. Most stores, banks, etc. pay between $5 - 20...
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    Any East Coast people still up?

    I'm still up, but not for long, I'm about to knock off...
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    Introductory Law Course?

    Try the local bookstore. There is a book in my state called Louisiana Legal Advisor which is really good and covers the basics of the sorts of things you described. It's written by a lawyer in the state. You might just find something like that for your state as well.
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    Drop out of high school

    What if something happens and she doesn't finish her nursing degree. Then she is left with a GED as the last completed education. I did this. I dropped out of high school at 16 with a near 4.0 GPA. I immediately started college and went for 2 years (4 year program). I fell in love and...
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    So who else is up studying for finals?

    One final left, 7:30 AM today and then the ritual begins of waiting a few days for my grades. I don't think I did bad on my final the other day despite being on here for a good half hour or so...
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    So who else is up studying for finals?

    I already regret it, what do you mean? This was supposed to be a 5 minute stop by (he says 30 minutes later as his GPA slowly fades away)...
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    what does it mean when the phone says "all circuits are busy"?

    I think everyone completely missed it... Sorry iskim86, you deserve a good answer. It means all circuits are busy. please try again later.
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    So who else is up studying for finals?

    5 Papers and 1 Final Due today :(... I"m up late. I came here to try out this forum on advice from a friend because I'm starting to see crosseye'd and need a break from the book.
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    Tonight, I stopped being a doormat.

    Why leave us in the dark, we want to know, what came of it???
  11. A

    capital one is pretty frustrating to deal with

    Dump Crapital One and go elsewhere... The solution seems to be pretty obvious.