Why should we give NY 60Billion for Hurricane victims?

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Dec 9, 1999
Since you've never been to New York nor ridden the subway I find it fascinating that you seem to be so well acquainted with it's ridership demographics.

Or you could just be talking out of your ass.

What are you talking about? Aren't those same ridership demograhpics voting Blue at high %'s? The Blue Politicians should be perfectly willing to tax those insanely rich businesses and people that live in NY and NJ to make sure their workers - and consumers - subway is working.

Next problem?


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2005
Send the State of NY and NJ a check, I'm sure they'll take it. Your problem is now solved, and, far more efficiently than sending your money into the Fed, having them take their slice, and finally getting it to NY/NJ.


thats not how it works, if you make it so defense is treated the same way we would be on to something.

But no I have my tax dollars spent on lots of things I don't want it spent on, when there is something I want that tax money spent on, I'm told to just send them a check, that check is already sent now I want the money used for relief and rebuilding.

Unless we all get to pick and choose what it is we pay for individually, I want my elected reps funding sandy rebuilding and relief.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
What are you talking about? Aren't those same ridership demograhpics voting Blue at high %'s? The Blue Politicians should be perfectly willing to tax those insanely rich businesses and people that live in NY and NJ to make sure their workers - and consumers - subway is working.

Next problem?

I think people who have never even visited New York probably shouldn't talk too much about how the people are who live in it.

We live in a federal system, that means help goes where it is needed. If you don't like federalism, you're about 224 years too late.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2011
Not at all. I was just pointing out that the Midwest doesn't have to pay for it. NY has already contributed to the Federal government in excess of what it uses. Now when a disaster strike, it's not time to shun them as rich New Yorkers trying to suck money from the rest of the country.

You do not seem to grasp that the only way to give back what new york paid is to ABOLISH Social Security, Medicare, defense, research, and basically everything the government does. That you also do not grasp is the money spent in each state is only for that state. Example the CDC is located in Georgia, so funding for the CDC is included against Georgia, do you think the CDC only benefits Georgia, NO IT DOESN'T. That table is beyond stupid.


Dec 9, 1999
I think people who have never even visited New York probably shouldn't talk too much about how the people are who live in it.

Nah, I'm good there. Know plenty of people who've lived in NY/NJ, and who've visited there. Reports really are all the same.

We live in a federal system, that means help goes where it is needed. If you don't like federalism, you're about 224 years too late.

I had no idea we lived in United America. I could have sworn it was United States of America...but I guess I'm wrong. Maybe change the name to Federal America to remove any confusion? How about Federal American Provinces? Might make more happy...but Provinces suggest multiples which suggest actual individual entities, and I don't think that's what you're going for. Maybe Federal Borg of America?


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
What are you talking about? Aren't those same ridership demograhpics voting Blue at high %'s? The Blue Politicians should be perfectly willing to tax those insanely rich businesses and people that live in NY and NJ to make sure their workers - and consumers - subway is working.

Next problem?

The idea that the subways (which you admit to never having been on) are only full of rich liberal iPhone buyers is most humorous. Please tell me more.


Feb 6, 2002
My mother-in-law lives in new york and she said it is much todo about nothing. Just increase the fares on the subway or shut it down or something. Dont expect a free ride on the government dime.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
I think people who have never even visited New York probably shouldn't talk too much about how the people are who live in it.

We live in a federal system, that means help goes where it is needed. If you don't like federalism, you're about 224 years too late.

I'd probably put that closer to 142 years too late but the point is sound.


Feb 18, 2004
My mother-in-law lives in new york and she said it is much todo about nothing. Just increase the fares on the subway or shut it down or something. Dont expect a free ride on the government dime.

I lol'd

fortunately, we all get to have our say... write to your Congressman and tell him if you do or don't want Congress to give money to the mid-Atlantic area for hurricane recovery.

personally, I'm nearly certain that my side will win that argument and that a majority of the House of Representatives will vote for it once it's brought to the floor.


Dec 9, 1999
The idea that the subways (which you admit to never having been on) are only full of rich liberal iPhone buyers is most humorous. Please tell me more.

I never said everyone that rides the subway is rich. Let me guess though: NYC, NY, all the businesses and rich people there, they happen to depend on those subways working? It's in their interest to see them restored? They actually have the money long term to fund the long term projects in their own city/state? Say it ain't so...


Feb 6, 2002
How much money did the city of New York or the state of New Jersey spend on the people from the flood of 93 in the midwest?

I say give them the flood relief and that is enough for now, But only for home owners.

60 bil is just too much.

Ask for the infrastructure item by item and let them decide what they want to pay for.

If you expect the fed govt to rebuild houses owned by millionaires, then you better rethink that.
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Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
It is hard for New York to convince what they call a flyover states to fund their lifestyle.


they constantly mock the midwest, then they want my money.

New York also helped bankrupt the world with all their finical scams. When are they going to start paying back that damage?


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
I never said everyone that rides the subway is rich. Let me guess though: NYC, NY, all the businesses and rich people there, they happen to depend on those subways working? It's in their interest to see them restored? They actually have the money long term to fund the long term projects in their own city/state? Say it ain't so...

You most definitely implied that. You probably don't even know that the truly wealthy people don't even step foot in the subway...they have drivers or use a car service/cabs. People will get to their jobs one way or another or the companies will find new people to work their jobs for them.

Governments budget for long term projects (talking years or even decades here). If you are going to claim that buying and building a bridge is the same general thing in scope and cost as hurricane recovery I have one to sell you.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
How much money did the city of New York or the state of New Jersey spend on the people from the flood of 93 in the midwest?

I say give them the flood relief and that is enough for now, But only for home owners.

60 bil is just too much.

Ask for the infrastructure item by item and let them decide what they want to pay for.

If you expect the fed govt to rebuild houses owned by millionaires, then you better rethink that.

The Midwest received approx $10B (current dollars) in flood relief from the Feds for 93.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Nah, I'm good there. Know plenty of people who've lived in NY/NJ, and who've visited there. Reports really are all the same.

You will have to forgive me, but that's not very convincing.

I had no idea we lived in United America. I could have sworn it was United States of America...but I guess I'm wrong. Maybe change the name to Federal America to remove any confusion? How about Federal American Provinces? Might make more happy...but Provinces suggest multiples which suggest actual individual entities, and I don't think that's what you're going for. Maybe Federal Borg of America?

I'm sorry for the confusion, but we are most certainly a federal system. The states are in fact united under this federal government. The Constitution quite clearly sets one up that way. You may be confusing this with the articles of confederation, which were a confederal system. Under that your ideas would probably have a lot more sway.


Dec 9, 1999
You most definitely implied that. You probably don't even know that the truly wealthy people don't even step foot in the subway...they have drivers or use a car service/cabs. People will get to their jobs one way or another or the companies will find new people to work their jobs for them.

I'm sure it's the same as Chicago. The rich are in limos/SUVs/whatever, the less rich take cabs everywhere, and the normal people walk/take public transit. And all the rich business owners, who have workers that need public transit, and who depend on consumers who use public transit, they don't have the funding to pay for the tax increases to pay for the subways to be repaired?

Governments budget for long term projects (talking years or even decades here). If you are going to claim that buying and building a bridge is the same general thing in scope and cost as hurricane recovery I have one to sell you.

I'm going to claim that the States of NY and NJ are certainly big enough and have enough income to increase taxes to pay for their building projects. If they need short term cash, the Fed can loan them it, I'm fine with that. I don't see that happening here. What I see is two "rich" states using a natural disaster to come to the Fed with big crocodile tears whining how they just can't make it in life w/o $60B. And to that, I call BS. You (and others) don't agree, that's fine. Take heart in that Politicians generally can't pass up an opportunity to blow crac, er, money, faster than they actually receive it, which means I have little doubt the Fed will be sending whatever is needed their way.



Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2005
fact is they are going to get the money because the majority of people want to provide it. I as a tax payer want to provide it, but have run out of desire to explain to some folks why its the appropriate thing to do.


Dec 9, 1999
You will have to forgive me, but that's not very convincing.

No forgiveness necessary, I could care less if you're convinced or not.

I'm sorry for the confusion, but we are most certainly a federal system. The states are in fact united under this federal government. The Constitution quite clearly sets one up that way. You may be confusing this with the articles of confederation, which were a confederal system. Under that your ideas would probably have a lot more sway.

Right, Fed system. Can you send the tax bux to me then please? My driveway has a crack from a tree falling on it from the high wind we had here a couple of years ago. Hey, I could pay to have it fixed myself, but, why bother? We're in a Fed system, so, everyone can pay to fix the crack in my driveway.

Wait! The naturally growing tree in the neighbors yard cracked up the garage floor. Why ask him or my homeowners policy to pay for it, that too can be Fed bux! Damn, this system is great! The siding that doesn't really need to be replaced, but could, heck, why not throw that in too?!?! Bam! More Fed bux! F, this is easy! Going to change my handle to StatesOfNYAndNJ, I too can be just like them!

In all seriousness...somehow when the framers on the constitution dreamed it up, I really don't think they meant for me in IL to be paying for NY subway that NY themselves have the ability to pay for themselves. Pretty sure the framers thought people should also be self-reliant...call me crazy...

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Dec 9, 1999
fact is they are going to get the money because the majority of people want to provide it. I as a tax payer want to provide it, but have run out of desire to explain to some folks why its the appropriate thing to do.

Who is this majority? Because about 1 person out of the couple dozen I know, who is flaming liberal, think NY/NJ should be getting Fed dollars to the tune of $60B. That is from family Christmas party this past weekend where this very subject came up.


Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2007
I'd settle for getting my money back... NJ only gets back about $0.60 for every $1 it pays in federal taxes to support the welfare states.

Here here. Why don't we just consider all the money we send off to the Red States a loan that we're calling in?


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2005
No forgiveness necessary, I could care less if you're convinced or not.

Right, Fed system. Can you send the tax bux to me then please? My driveway has a crack from a tree falling on it from the high wind we had here a couple of years ago. Hey, I could pay to have it fixed myself, but, why bother? We're in a Fed system, so, everyone can pay to fix the crack in my driveway.

Wait! The nuturally growing tree in the neighbors yard cracked up the garage floor. Why ask him or my homeowners policy to pay for it, that too can be Fed bux! Damn, this system is great! The siding that doesn't really need to be replaced, but could, heck, why not throw that in too?!?! Bam! More Fed bux! F, this is easy! Going to change my handle to StatesOfNYAndNJ, I too can be just like them!

In all seriousness...somehow when the framers on the constitution dreamed it up, I really don't think they meant for me in IL to be paying for NY subway that NY themselves have the ability to pay for themselves. Pretty sure the framers thought people should also be self-reliant...call me crazy...


Maybe thats the problem your failure to understand that laws and other things have come to pass since our founders were around.

Disaster Relief Act of 1974
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act 1988.

You as a citizen don't get to just say hey buddy I'm only going along with stuff from 200 years ago.

I'm sure the founders didn't consider air travel and all of the other technical advances that make this world a much smaller place.


Feb 18, 2004
Who is this majority?

the House of Representatives, where a majority of the elected representatives of this country will vote to authorize the money you're raging against.

don't want it to happen? write to your Congressman.