Why should we give NY 60Billion for Hurricane victims?

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Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
big picture..

are you people out of your effing minds ?? NY/NJ is one of the most significant economies on the face of the Earth, maybe THE most significant.

There a reason millions of people live there.. they make it work.

There is no better investment for $60 billion or whatever it takes to get everything back to, or better than it was.

Jesus H Christ we live in an age of ignorance..

The same region that created the great recession? Home of Goldmen sachs, Lehman, Bear Sterns, Merrill lynch, AIG, that destroyed the global economy for years/decades. They need resorting? That area needs saving? HA. Already bailed out enough.


Nov 18, 2007
That is what you get when you build trains systems below sea level. New york people are such snobs about people in the midwest, so why shoud the midwest pay for New York? Let the rich snobs solve their own problems. Along the Mississippi we have flood gates. So they are not smart enough to have flood gates? Why do you build a subway under a river?

Midwest doesn't need to. NY just need to be given back the money they paid in taxes but didn't receive back.
Wiki has 2007 numbers:
New York gave: $244,673 million, received: $157,789 million, net: -$86 billion
NJ is just under $60 billion in difference too.

Also the Mississippi is a river the Eastern seaboard isn't.
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Oct 9, 1999
People like you are why government debt is ballooning. You have no problems spending unlimited amounts of money just because theres an 'emergency'. When something bad happens lets just write a blank to the government. Thats your thinking.

Its idiotic, emotional, and short sighted.

Theres no reason to spend money on Alaska, Ohio, museums, etc, etc, etc, to fix the problems caused by the hurricane.

I dont see any impact on my life, or the lives of millions outside of nyc, by the current delay of these funds. none.

I don't support unlimited spending. What I do support is the American way of doing things. Like relying on the CBO to let us know if spending is justified.

As to NY/NJ affecting you in Wisconsin..that's my whole point about BIG PICTURE.

Wisconsin would be a worthless frozen wasteland without the rest of the United States. You're just a moron that doesn't have a clue about the real wordl.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
I don't support unlimited spending. What I do support is the American way of doing things. Like relying on the CBO to let us know if spending is justified.

As to NY/NJ affecting you in Wisconsin..that's my whole point about BIG PICTURE.

Wisconsin would be a worthless frozen wasteland without the rest of the United States. You're just a moron that doesn't have a clue about the real wordl.

good way to prove that the world needs less snotty new york types around.


Golden Member
Jan 30, 2010
Midwest doesn't need to. NY just need to be given back the money they paid in taxes but didn't receive back.
Wiki has 2007 numbers:
New York gave: $244,673 million, received: $157,789 million, net: -$86 billion
NJ is just under $60 billion in difference too.

Also the Mississippi is a river the Eastern seaboard isn't.

So if we got rid of all the states that had a negative contribution, we'd be out of this economic nightmare?


Oct 9, 1999
good way to prove that the world needs less snotty new york types around.

I ain't from NY or the east coast.

and you called me an idiot. I don't like personal references but since you decided to start it seems like its the way you like to converse.


Feb 6, 2002
Why should someone from Illinois or some other state pay for some rich state like NJ, or NY where everyone makes more money than me? I did not force anyone to live next to a large body of water!

Cant fix stupid. Move to higher ground.

Maybe we should move the financial and the federal capital to the center of the United States. It would make it harder to attack and more accessable to the rest of the country.
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Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Why should someone from Illinois or some other state pay for some rich state like NJ, or NY where everyone makes more money than me? I did not force anyone to live next to a large body of water!

Cant fix stupid. Move to higher ground.

Maybe we should move the financial and the federal capital to the center of the United States. It would make it harder to attack and more accessable to the rest of the country.

Agreed, all decisions should be made in accordance to things that occur about once a century. I also recommend that you relocate the entire population of the United States far underground, as an asteroid strike might also occur about that often and you'd want to factor that in.


Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2007
Why should someone from Illinois or some other state pay for some rich state like NJ, or NY where everyone makes more money than me? I did not force anyone to live next to a large body of water!

Cant fix stupid. Move to higher ground.

Maybe we should move the financial and the federal capital to the center of the United States. It would make it harder to attack and more accessable to the rest of the country.

Why should someone from New York or New Jersey die in Afghanistan for some other state? Oh the mind boggles. . .


Feb 18, 2004
Why should someone from Illinois or some other state pay for some rich state like NJ, or NY where everyone makes more money than me? I did not force anyone to live next to a large body of water!

Cant fix stupid. Move to higher ground.

Maybe we should move the financial and the federal capital to the center of the United States. It would make it harder to attack and more accessable to the rest of the country.

we could move our harbors and ports to Kansas, but I'm not sure cargo ships and oil tankers would be able to reach our new storm-impervious docks.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Why should someone from Illinois or some other state pay for some rich state like NJ, or NY where everyone makes more money than me? I did not force anyone to live next to a large body of water!

Cant fix stupid. Move to higher ground.

Maybe we should move the financial and the federal capital to the center of the United States. It would make it harder to attack and more accessible to the rest of the country.

You don't think people have tried? New York is an extremely expensive place to do business. Know what happens? The talent won't follow. The clients don't follow.

You can't move the financial capital of the US to Kansas because nobody that's in it wants to go there. You're just acting childish right now. New York is perhaps the single most important city on the planet, something that provides us with enormous nationwide benefits and you don't want to help it recover from a disaster because you think that people should be taught some moral lesson about not having subways or something.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000
Why should someone from Illinois or some other state pay for some rich state like NJ, or NY where everyone makes more money than me? I did not force anyone to live next to a large body of water!

Cant fix stupid. Move to higher ground.

Maybe we should move the financial and the federal capital to the center of the United States. It would make it harder to attack and more accessable to the rest of the country.

Because intelligent people don't want to live in a place full of dumbfucks and inbred yokels. See Wisconsin for an example.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2011
Midwest doesn't need to. NY just need to be given back the money they paid in taxes but didn't receive back.
Wiki has 2007 numbers:
New York gave: $244,673 million, received: $157,789 million, net: -$86 billion
NJ is just under $60 billion in difference too.

Also the Mississippi is a river the Eastern seaboard isn't.

You must support the abolishment of things likle Social Security and Medicare, which is what nearly all of the difference is due to. You act like you care about the disable and elderly, but really you don't give a damn. You are as bad as the worst republicans. With dumb ass thinking like yours why even have a government, just the rich trambling over everyone else, that is what you are basically advocating for.


Dec 9, 1999
You don't think people have tried? New York is an extremely expensive place to do business. Know what happens? The talent won't follow. The clients don't follow.

You can't move the financial capital of the US to Kansas because nobody that's in it wants to go there. You're just acting childish right now. New York is perhaps the single most important city on the planet, something that provides us with enormous nationwide benefits and you don't want to help it recover from a disaster because you think that people should be taught some moral lesson about not having subways or something.

Are you saying that the people and businesses in NY and NJ don't have enough money collectively to either outright repair or secure loans to repair their own infrastructure?


Feb 18, 2004
Are you saying that the people and businesses in NY and NJ don't have enough money collectively to either outright repair or secure loans to repair their own infrastructure?

maybe if we stopped throwing our federal tax dollars away at welfare states...


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2005
Are you saying that the people and businesses in NY and NJ don't have enough money collectively to either outright repair or secure loans to repair their own infrastructure?

I'm saying specifically its exactly the types of things I WANT my tax dollars to pay for. You assume that the things you want tax dollars spent on are the same as the rest of the country, that's not the case.


May 28, 2007
Maybe we should call this Train to Nowhere!

I would not be upset if the Feds paid for some of the subway repairs. The Subway is infrastructure which saves money in some ways in Gasoline expenses. However, dont expect the fed Govt to upgrade your ancient delapidated subway system. It collects money so just get a plan and a long term loan like they did for people in Alaska after one of their big earthquake/Volcanic events.

When a phone company wants to install a really expensive large switching system for phones, they get a long term financing agreement. This is the best way to handle a problem like this. Sell some long-term bonds or something. If they can rebuild the twin towers, why not the subway?

That is what you get when you build trains systems below sea level. New york people are such snobs about people in the midwest, so why shoud the midwest pay for New York? Let the rich snobs solve their own problems. Along the Mississippi we have flood gates. So they are not smart enough to have flood gates? Why do you build a subway under a river?

Yeah! I mean, they rebuilt the twin towers, right? Right? And that New York Subway system is clearly built under a river, not the city of New York with a few river crossings.

Are you Bluto or something? JFC three days into January and you've got a candidate for pwnage of the year right there.
Feb 6, 2007
You're totally missing the point. Disasters that damage major pieces of infrastructure cannot be insured against. Does that mean we stop building things that get us potable water, treat sewage, bridge rivers, transport people and goods? Since insuring every significant infrastructure work across the country is not possible the government is relied upon to step in when some extraordinary disaster takes place. This model is the same in every developed country.
I'd argue that major pieces of infrastructure can be insured against, and were when the signers of the Constitution agreed that the role of government was to "insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity." We are a society, a nation designed to work in the best interests of all our people. If that means a natural disaster ravages an area, we all work together to repair the damage, because, God dammit, that's what America does. It doesn't matter what political stripe we are, at the end of the day, we are all Americans, and helping other Americans recover from tragedy is what we do. It's disgusting that some people in this thread choose to turn their back on other Americans just because New York doesn't happen to be in the midwest. You should be ashamed.


Dec 9, 1999
maybe if we stopped throwing our federal tax dollars away at welfare states...

That's fine with me really. If a state can't live within it's means and constantly needs Fed handouts, then that State needs to cut its sh1t back. Either collect more in taxes or stop providing everything. If/When things get bad enough there, then, people will leave until some kind of parity is reached.

I'm saying specifically its exactly the types of things I WANT my tax dollars to pay for. You assume that the things you want tax dollars spent on are the same as the rest of the country, that's not the case.

I'm fine with Fed tax dollars being used in disaster situations, but only after that State has shown it cannot meet the burden on its own. With the amount of ching that is in the NY/NJ area, I have a very hard time believing these states need a Fed handout to the degree of $60B. I'd much rather have the Fed float them a loan, if necessary, and they can pay the Fed back with interest. This isn't shithole KY with $60B in damages...its rich New Yawkers and rich New Joisey people. I have a really sneaking suspicion that they can afford the $9-$12B they really need.



Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2007
That's fine with me really. If a state can't live within it's means and constantly needs Fed handouts, then that State needs to cut its sh1t back. Either collect more in taxes or stop providing everything. If/When things get bad enough there, then, people will leave until some kind of parity is reached.

I'm fine with Fed tax dollars being used in disaster situations, but only after that State has shown it cannot meet the burden on its own. With the amount of ching that is in the NY/NJ area, I have a very hard time believing these states need a Fed handout to the degree of $60B. I'd much rather have the Fed float them a loan, if necessary, and they can pay the Fed back with interest. This isn't shithole KY with $60B in damages...its rich New Yawkers and rich New Joisey people. I have a really sneaking suspicion that they can afford the $9-$12B they really need.


You know how I know you've never been to New York and New Jersey?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Are you saying that the people and businesses in NY and NJ don't have enough money collectively to either outright repair or secure loans to repair their own infrastructure?

What I'm saying is that the sudden imposition of such large costs on a local market are much worse than they would be with federal assistance, so a purely local response is economically inefficient.

New York helps out other areas with this, therefore other areas help out New York with this. That's what living in a country together means.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
its rich New Yawkers and rich New Joisey people

Wow...NYC really has come full circle in the stereotype department. From burned out crime hell hole to everyone is riding in a Bently while lighting their Cuban cigars with $100 bills.


Feb 18, 2004
Wow...NYC really has come full circle in the stereotype department. From burned out crime hell hole to everyone is riding in a Bently while lighting their Cuban cigars with $100 bills.

it's a little both ;)

but the ones more affected by this aren't the uber-rich bankers taking the helicopter into work, it's their secretaries and cleaning ladies taking the subway in from Queens.


Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2007
Wow...NYC really has come full circle in the stereotype department. From burned out crime hell hole to everyone is riding in a Bently while lighting their Cuban cigars with $100 bills.

In fairness, In New York City our hell holes get burned out by the cigar ashes flicked from the windows of Bentleys.


Dec 9, 1999
You know how I know you've never been to New York and New Jersey?

Never been. Never plan to. No need. Much more scenic areas of the country I'd rather visit first. If I use the power of Google and look up income distribution levels in those states, am I going to find a majority of poor broke @ss people or large concentrations (and numbers) of the wealthiest Americans?

What I'm saying is that the sudden imposition of such large costs on a local market are much worse than they would be with federal assistance, so a purely local response is economically inefficient.

But the entirety of these states as not decimated. The command and control was not decimated. The business except along the coastal areas was not decimated. These states are not dirt poor, they are in fact wealthy. They should have absolutely zero problems funding immediate efforts, nor securing the loans required for long term building.

New York helps out other areas with this, therefore other areas help out New York with this. That's what living in a country together means.

Other areas might not be able to afford to. I'm fine with them getting loans from the Fed if no private entities want to touch them, that's really not a problem. NY and NJ are saying they can neither fund their own reconstruction, and are able to show proof they've been rejected by lending institutions? The Fed is their only recourse?

Wow...NYC really has come full circle in the stereotype department. From burned out crime hell hole to everyone is riding in a Bently while lighting their Cuban cigars with $100 bills.

I never said city, I said New York and New Jersey. As in, those two states.
