The world versus 40 Republican Senators: climate change

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May 1, 2006
I cant believe any would stand behind the global warming science after the leaked emails and such. Its been all but proven to be a load of made up data. Its nothing more than pie int he sky emotions now.

es, a leaked e-mail disproves all the science! Why, I just saw a leaked e-mail from someone that they hadn't really done the research the world is not flat. Guess what that proved by your quality logic?


May 1, 2006
Yes, the UN, Algore, and his band of crooks have been doing it for years.

Excepct they haven't and you are lying. I can point you to how millions of dollars have been spent by the oil companies paying for the propaganda. You can't show the other side is propaganda.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
How does the US prevent any nation from doing whatever it decides to do about emissions?
If China or India decided to go to Nuke/Solar power and have zero CO/2 emissions, which as long as humans and animals breathe will never happen, but hopefully you get what I would the US stop it?


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
Excepct they haven't and you are lying. I can point you to how millions of dollars have been spent by the oil companies paying for the propaganda. You can't show the other side is propaganda.

Really, all the pseudo-scientist promoting global scamming work for free? They are even worse, because they get their pay from taxpayer-sponsored government grants.


May 1, 2006
A link to a story about how the National Climate Data Center (NCDC) and NASA Goddard Insitute for Space Studies (GISS) have manipulated data to give the "warmest decade in history" falsified numbers. Did you wonder how they could name 2009 as one of the hottest years ever before it was even over? This is how they did it. Other links included in the story.

Wow, an issue without thousands of scientists involved has misdeed you can get reported to you, which are suddenly the proof the entire science is wrong. You want to stick with the idiocy and claim that?

Or do you want to back off the idiocy and realize there's ten thousand times the science of what you talked about you haven't dealt with, for whatever bad reason?

I found an author of one of the 100 books on the OJ trial claiming he's guilty made up some quotes. THat proves OJ was innocent!


May 1, 2006
Really, all the pseudo-scientist promoting global scamming work for free? They are even worse, because they get their pay from taxpayer-sponsored government grants.

Actually they're better. [ursuing science as such grants do, in the scientific community - not paid-for propaganda from private interests. Prove they're not doing good science.


May 1, 2006
How does the US prevent any nation from doing whatever it decides to do about emissions?
If China or India decided to go to Nuke/Solar power and have zero CO/2 emissions, which as long as humans and animals breathe will never happen, but hopefully you get what I would the US stop it?

You know, the post is idiotic, but it's better than most here, sadly. And I'll answer.

It's because the nature of this issue requires a cooperative, coordinated response, for a number of reasons.

Imagine countries decided that nuclear weapons are too great a risk and the world should get rid of them, but only if all countries agree - one contry left with them getting a power monopoly is unacceptable.

When one country says they won't, they block the disarmament. You can say, why don't the others get rid of theirs, but that's an unacceptable change to the power structure.

The US has such a major impact on this issue that as the article explained, its participation is required for there not to be big problems with the equity, the political viability, the effectiveness of the plan.

How about we talk about hiring you? Now, the part where I talk about your salary? Well, I've decided to not do that, but it doesn't stop you from doing the work.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
Actually they're better. [ursuing science as such grants do, in the scientific community - not paid-for propaganda from private interests. Prove they're not doing good science.

As soon as the raw data and source code is available to everyone worldwide for every model and computation made and reported.

And not cherry picked raw data...but complete raw data.

I think whats missing is transparency.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
Actually they're better. [ursuing science as such grants do, in the scientific community - not paid-for propaganda from private interests. Prove they're not doing good science.

LOL, where do I start? In case you haven't heard, Mr. Hockeystick added measured instrumental data from the last few decades to the tree ring and ice core proxy data, despite the fact that the proxy data did not match the instrumental data even remotely, then manipulated the series until he got the result he wanted.

That's only the beginning, I could list a lot more examples of his pseudo-science, but since you dismiss opposing views as propaganda, it's like talking to a brick wall.


May 1, 2006
LOL, where do I start? In case you haven't heard, Mr. Hockeystick added measured instrumental data from the last few decades to the tree ring and ice core proxy data, despite the fact that the proxy data did not match the instrumental data even remotely, then manipulated the series until he got the result he wanted.

That's only the beginning, I could list a lot more examples of his pseudo-science, but since you dismiss opposing views as propaganda, it's like talking to a brick wall.

Wow. On an issue with any thousands of scientists, you can find some cherry pick wrongs. They prove all the science wrong!

This guy writing a book on OJ's guilt made up some quotes.

Proves OJ is innocent!

You can try to whine yo're not being listened to but you are not posting any information on the larger science, just the cherry pick.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
You know, the post is idiotic, but it's better than most here, sadly. And I'll answer.

It's because the nature of this issue requires a cooperative, coordinated response, for a number of reasons.

Imagine countries decided that nuclear weapons are too great a risk and the world should get rid of them, but only if all countries agree - one contry left with them getting a power monopoly is unacceptable.

When one country says they won't, they block the disarmament. You can say, why don't the others get rid of theirs, but that's an unacceptable change to the power structure.

The US has such a major impact on this issue that as the article explained, its participation is required for there not to be big problems with the equity, the political viability, the effectiveness of the plan.

How about we talk about hiring you? Now, the part where I talk about your salary? Well, I've decided to not do that, but it doesn't stop you from doing the work.

Well..there is a difference M.A.D. and this I think.

If China decided to set the example they are more than free to. They have the ability to produce the technology and the manpower to implement it. They are communists after all.


May 1, 2006
The right seems to think the wirld's scientists have become corrupt monsters out to defraud the planet.

If global climate change is the error they think - lie, mistake, whatever - I'm all for that coming out.

The right appears unable to pariticipate in any thread - this thread is not abiout the accuracy of global warming - without the same 'lol global warming, coid outside, and let me cut and paste' comments.

But at this point, I haven't seen the scientists say the right is correct, and I haven't seen proof the scientists are the evil liars out to deceive.

In the meantime, what I discussed on the irresponsiblity of the Republicans IS happening. And the topic.

The Repubvlicans don't have any solid info for opposing the efforts - they're simply putting their political benefit ahead of any concerns for the well being of the planet. And that's wrong.

It's the depths of idiocy for people to call them 'heroes' for the irresponsible behavior, even if they turned out to be right later, but did not know that now.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
Wow. On an issue with any thousands of scientists, you can find some cherry pick wrongs. They prove all the science wrong!

This guy writing a book on OJ's guilt made up some quotes.

Proves OJ is innocent!

You can try to whine yo're not being listened to but you are not posting any information on the larger science, just the cherry pick.

Ah, downplay and divert... classic tactic. Got anything else in defense of your pseudo-scientists?

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
es, a leaked e-mail disproves all the science! Why, I just saw a leaked e-mail from someone that they hadn't really done the research the world is not flat. Guess what that proved by your quality logic?

Nooo, the leaked email proves the science was at best tinkered with and at worst flat out made up to support a certain argument. That argument of course being that man, And of course America in particular, was destroying the world. Oh noes.

The whole thing was a scam. It was never about the polar bears or carbon levels, it was about MONEY.

Now just so we're clear on this Craig I'm not saying we should carry on with no regard for the planet. That would be counterproductive to my own hobbies as I liek being outdoors. But this whole man made global warming doom and gloom is hardly the boogy man in the closet Mr. Gore would have us believe it is.


May 1, 2006
Oh look, on more personal attack by Craig in his troll thread. Hard to imagine that happening!

Not a personal attack, it's accurate. You show it is each post. I'm not attacking you personally, just the content of your posts, which reflects on you. I'm not insulting your mother.

But look at the bright side - once I've made the point, if you post 10 more idiotic posts, and there's every reason to expect that, not each one needs a response pointing out the obvious again.


May 1, 2006
Nooo, the leaked email proves the science was at best tinkered with and at worst flat out made up to support a certain argument. That argument of course being that man, And of course America in particular, was destroying the world. Oh noes.

The whole thing was a scam. It was never about the polar bears or carbon levels, it was about MONEY.

Oh, all the science is disproven by that? Got some national academies of science who have previously endorsed the issue now saying that they were wrong and it's been a big fraud?

Show me the scientific community agrees with you and I'm ready to jump ship.

Now just so we're clear on this Craig I'm not saying we should carry on with no regard for the planet. That would be counterproductive to my own hobbies as I liek being outdoors. But this whole man made global warming doom and gloom is hardly the boogy man in the closet Mr. Gore would have us believe it is.

Well, I'm glad you have that personal motive for saving billions of lives.

The right's logic is, that when for practical reasons and reasons of who caused the problems, the poor nations get money from the rich in the plan, "see, it's all a lie and just about money!" Wrong.


Apr 8, 2002
Yes, there's always a perverse idiot ideologue. Always good to hear your completely predictable parroting.

We should indeed do nothing and have humanity suffer massively in coming decades. Good going.

You're a parrot, not a poster. You have no rational process occuring.

You're one of the dangerous idiots who says 'ok, so I was wrong'.

Like any similar idiot - one who starts a grud addiction, one who drives drunk, one who steals, and so on, you aren't thinking, you have no idea what you're doing.

All you can do is say 'sorry' later, but you do bad in the meantime.

Would the idiocy of your post pointed out simply, or is there hope for you where you can have a discussion? I know the 98% chance answer, but I ask. Start with specifics, if you are able.

And if you say it out of idiocy, so be that.

I don't. Depends on the reason. Some are quality opinions. Some are idiots. You're the latter and don't like the truth.

And you are shown an idiot again. Even I sleep on occassion.

In your case, it's because you are an idiot. For some others, it was sleep.

You know, the post is idiotic, but it's better than most here, sadly. And I'll answer.

It's because the nature of this issue requires a cooperative, coordinated response, for a number of reasons.

Imagine countries decided that nuclear weapons are too great a risk and the world should get rid of them, but only if all countries agree - one contry left with them getting a power monopoly is unacceptable.

When one country says they won't, they block the disarmament. You can say, why don't the others get rid of theirs, but that's an unacceptable change to the power structure.

The US has such a major impact on this issue that as the article explained, its participation is required for there not to be big problems with the equity, the political viability, the effectiveness of the plan.

How about we talk about hiring you? Now, the part where I talk about your salary? Well, I've decided to not do that, but it doesn't stop you from doing the work.

The right seems to think the wirld's scientists have become corrupt monsters out to defraud the planet.

If global climate change is the error they think - lie, mistake, whatever - I'm all for that coming out.

The right appears unable to pariticipate in any thread - this thread is not abiout the accuracy of global warming - without the same 'lol global warming, coid outside, and let me cut and paste' comments.

But at this point, I haven't seen the scientists say the right is correct, and I haven't seen proof the scientists are the evil liars out to deceive.

In the meantime, what I discussed on the irresponsiblity of the Republicans IS happening. And the topic.

The Repubvlicans don't have any solid info for opposing the efforts - they're simply putting their political benefit ahead of any concerns for the well being of the planet. And that's wrong.

It's the depths of idiocy for people to call them 'heroes' for the irresponsible behavior, even if they turned out to be right later, but did not know that now.

Not a personal attack, it's accurate. You show it is each post. I'm not attacking you personally, just the content of your posts, which reflects on you. I'm not insulting your mother.

But look at the bright side - once I've made the point, if you post 10 more idiotic posts, and there's every reason to expect that, not each one needs a response pointing out the obvious again.

What a wide range of insults you have in your arsenal lol


May 1, 2006
Ah, downplay and divert... classic tactic. Got anything else in defense of your pseudo-scientists?

Downplay and divert? No, I admitted it! The guy who faked quotes in his 'OJ is guilty book' PROVES the case against OJ is all lies! Are you the one downplaying and diverting that logic?

But let's also note your new proof they're wrong!

You put the word pseudo in front of them, exposing that the REAL scientists are all on your side! Thanks for the important info you so well documented.