The world versus 40 Republican Senators: climate change

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Jun 5, 2000
"as the world's largest per-capita polluter, and the dominant user of resources and the biggest economy, it was required for the plans to work."

China or India?

i have a very very very hard time that the US is a bigger polluter than China. In fact i would venture out and say per capita we are probably the cleanest country on the planet.
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Jun 23, 2004
Good for them. Someone's gotta stand up to the scam known as "climate change," too bad the Dems either didn't have the brains to do so, or they were in on the scam.

Of course they are in on it. Climate Change is problem with a big restrictive government solution.


Jun 11, 2004
I look stupid because you don't get my sarcasm? Ego's a plenty around here.

How can someone distinguish your sarcasm from others similar stupidity? It's pretty hard without a score card since many have said the same thing you did but meant it... :)


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
I don't know about those 40 but the climate change has been freezing my ass off in S.C. for the last 3 weeks. In the teens at night. What gives, I thought I lived in the south.

I am having a heat wave at 30F above zero, what the F are you crying about? Oh right , your ass.


Senior member
Jul 13, 2005
IN THE BEGINNING, it took but one or two brilliant minds to see the impending disaster. But for the miracle of peer review, it was not long before a consensus was reached. A consensus amongst the priests of climatology, branded with the holy label of "science", identifying an inescapable evil (AGW) and a pious goal - no less then saving the Earth itself. And thus a new religion was born.

So noble and imperative was the goal, that the science itself became but trivial. Once held as the primary tenet of discovery, the scientific method would no longer be permitted to impede the greater good. The fight against AGW could not be troubled with other such trivial matters as open collaboration, or independent verification. And the faithful rejoiced at every growing measure of the church's power. In their fight to save the planet, they spared no expense in their fiery efforts, and from their fellow man they demanded the same.

But then, in the year 2009 A.D., the origins of the church were revealed for all to see. Those very scientists, whom they had regarded as Gods amongst men, had lied to them.

And as the faithful bore witness to their beloved church collapsing around them, they had but 2 choices: to flee the burning building or to nobly persevere. And the truly faithful did do just that - they defended their faith at all costs; shouting down those unbelievers with innumerable insults to the bitter end: "ignorant, illiterate, parrots, hacks, hicks, shills..." And despite these many affronts, there is but one name they truly wished to call them, and that was: heretics.


Oct 12, 2009
How can someone distinguish your sarcasm from others similar stupidity? It's pretty hard without a score card since many have said the same thing you did but meant it... :)

I'll put smiley's next time.

I am still looking for a solution for the crappy duct tape. :)


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
A link to a story about how the National Climate Data Center (NCDC) and NASA Goddard Insitute for Space Studies (GISS) have manipulated data to give the "warmest decade in history" falsified numbers. Did you wonder how they could name 2009 as one of the hottest years ever before it was even over? This is how they did it. Other links included in the story.

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
I cant believe any would stand behind the global warming science after the leaked emails and such. Its been all but proven to be a load of made up data. Its nothing more than pie int he sky emotions now.


Apr 8, 2002
So is Craig not responding to us now because we are all on his "Do not respond" list? :D


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2005
And if you say it out of idiocy, so be that.

Look in the mirror. It is hardly the world against 40 senators. Your over the top assertion simply shows the ignorance of the MMGW religionists while doing nothing to advance the right course which is to increase the efficiency by which we use energy.

As China, India and other developing countries truly understand and the MMGW'ers don't, energy is directly proportionate to wealth. The more energy we use, the wealthier we become. The wealthier we become, the better our ability to invest in pollution abatement and cleaner albiet more expensive forms of energy.

Bottom line is we need to develop and use more energy. The West should focus on wind, solar, nuclear and geo-thermal while the developing world builds its energy infrastructrue thru cheaper hydrocarbon based energy.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I don't understnad your post. The world says "we'll do our share". The US says "we'll piss on your leg and you tell you it's raining." The world says, no deal. You say, the US can't be blamed?

Can we blame China or India for us not participating?


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2005
The title of this thread should be renamed to "European intellectual elites versus 40 Republican senators, a billion Indians, and a billion Chinese".


May 1, 2006
I think we all need to look a little closer to the Craig's opening post. It seems it's less about the environment and more about that pesky 60% requirement. Reading between the lines, it is obvious that Craig and the article he links is favoring a majority vote - or a change in how all bills are voted.

Interestingly, D Representative Steny Hoyer was on CNBC this morning advocating the same thing. hmmm.......

I didn't discuss the topic and haven't reached an opinion on it yet. I criticized the irresponsible, evil behavior of the 40 Senators who, as I said, are abusing the rules to filibuster effectively every major issue.

Now what's supposed to be a 50-vote system with the occassional extended debate has become a system in which virtually nothing can pass with an obstructionist 'majority' of 40 allowed to block everything.

It may be the Republicans hope to get the Democrats to fix the problem by liniting their abuse and reducing the power of the 40 to be so irresponsible. THey threatened it when they had the majority.

So, no, this is not a 'stealth point' to change the rules. I may or may not support that at any point because of the Republicans' irresponsibility, but this is stating how irresponsibly and evilly they are behaving.

The world is being blocked by these 40, elected by people who have pretty mcuh no clue what they're up to or about the climate issue. Most nations, the President, the House and over 50 Senators are opposed.


May 1, 2006
Ignorance is bliss Craig, but not when you use blatant lies based on unproven theories to push oppressive controls and wealth redistribution on an unwilling populace.

You might want listen up to Global Warming: The Other Side.

You can get a lot for millions of corrupt dollars buying propaganda. Then the right-wing noise machine is happy to pass the propaganda around.

Did you know tax cuts on the rich INCREASE tax revenue?

Why, I can show you all kinds of right-wing studies proving it. Except it actually gets 22 cents/dollar back.


May 1, 2006
"as the world's largest per-capita polluter, and the dominant user of resources and the biggest economy, it was required for the plans to work."

China or India?

i have a very very very hard time that the US is a bigger polluter than China. In fact i would venture out and say per capita we are probably the cleanest country on the planet.

Read the link. Then again, haven't seen one loudmouth talking about it say they have read it yet.


May 1, 2006
Look in the mirror. It is hardly the world against 40 senators. Your over the top assertion simply shows the ignorance of the MMGW religionists while doing nothing to advance the right course which is to increase the efficiency by which we use energy.

As China, India and other developing countries truly understand and the MMGW'ers don't, energy is directly proportionate to wealth. The more energy we use, the wealthier we become. The wealthier we become, the better our ability to invest in pollution abatement and cleaner albiet more expensive forms of energy.

Bottom line is we need to develop and use more energy. The West should focus on wind, solar, nuclear and geo-thermal while the developing world builds its energy infrastructrue thru cheaper hydrocarbon based energy.

You are hanging out in my mirror.

Actually, it's as I said, not as you said. The 40 Republican Senators have single-handedly blocked the other nations and the rest of the US government from taking action on this.

Yes, we should develop alternative energy. That doesn't change the things we should do on emissions/pollution.