The world versus 40 Republican Senators: climate change

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Apr 8, 2002
I don't understnad your post. The world says "we'll do our share". The US says "we'll piss on your leg and you tell you it's raining." The world says, no deal. You say, the US can't be blamed?

Oh yeah? China and India going to curb pollution? China has agreed to improve their economic efficiency, not stop increasing pollution. That is a no brainer. Like any market, more efficiency the better.


Apr 8, 2002
So, the world's scientists alerted the leaders to the cimate change threat. After years from the first attempt to do something about it, the Kyoto protocal, the world got together for another try in Copenhagen.

You had the world's countries - the devloping countries, the regions, Eruope Asia and the US, China and others, all trying to work out a plan for the good of makind.

There were many conflicts - each looking out for their own interestsm coalitions of developing against coalitions of advanced.

And slowly they worked out issue after issue, and a plan began to gel for the human race.

One nation had a special role - as the world's largest per-capita polluter, and the dominant user of resources and the biggest economy, it was required for the plans to work.

After years of being completely stalled while the Republicans held the White House, a new leadership was in power who had spoken the right thigs about what it wouild like to do.

So, what happened? Read the link below. But here's a taste.

And so, a small majority of Americans, who are semi-literate and vote for these mosntrous sellouts, have blocked the world from dealing with a crisis, crippling their president to trying to sell ridiculous positions.

This party has broken the system of American politics to abuse the rules so that 40 is the new fifty, and this party who lost so badly is united to block virtually anything, the most filibusters ever. taking control of the government no matter what the House, the President, and a majority of their fellow Senators want. And they have done so not for a grand motive, but for the worst motives - the political advantage of preventing the other party fro getting anything done for the people, and to serve the corrupt interests they have sold out to.

What a scandal of evil now effecting the whole world.

"R", the new "W" for global political disaster.

I love how in desperation the left is still trying to pin all of their shortcomings on 40 Republican Senators lmao. So pathetic, yet so fun to watch the train fall off the tracks.


Apr 8, 2002
...I can't believe it's come down to calling climate change proponents terrorists. Seriously?

I am surprised the MMGW zealots havent declared an envrionmental jihad on the world yet. I feel an inquisition is coming as their last gasps for total power fall out of their reach.


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Final Draft of Copenhagen Treaty Declaration

Parties to provide new and additional resources amounting to 30 billion dollars for the period 2010-2012 as listed and with funding for adaptation prioritized for the most vulnerable developing countries, such as the least developed countries, small island developing states and countries in Africa affected by drought, desertification and floods.


In the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation, the Parties support a goal of mobilizing jointly 100 billion dollars a year by 2020 to address the climate change needs of developing countries.


Non-Annex I Parties to the Convention resolve to implement mitigation actions, based on their specific national circumstances and in the context of sustainable development.

Since the Copenhagen agreement has about 0% to do with fighting pollution and about 100% to do with the West paying billions to the rest of the world who aren't even being held to any reduction goals, I say bravo to those Republican senators for not getting sucked into supporting the cause du jour.
Nov 30, 2006
Craig234, I love your thread title "The world versus 40 Republican Senators: climate change ". You certainly have a very 'unique perspective' for such a 'smart' guy. :rolleyes:


Jul 18, 2000
I don't know why people even bother responding to Craig. He is childish in his arrogance and when he gets his widdle feelings hurt he sends you a PM like the one in my sig.

He is quickly approaching McCowenesque levels with his postings here and should be left to play alone in his sandbox.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
You had the world's countries - the devloping countries, the regions, Eruope Asia and the US, China and others, all trying to work out a plan to line their own pockets and those of their "supporters".

There were many conflicts - each looking out for their own interests coalitions of developing against coalitions of advanced.

Last edited:


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2007
And so, a small majority of Americans, who are semi-literate and vote for these mosntrous sellouts, have blocked the world from dealing with a crisis, crippling their president to trying to sell ridiculous positions.

I love how you start right off insulting others with different viewpoints than your own.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
I think we all need to look a little closer to the Craig's opening post. It seems it's less about the environment and more about that pesky 60% requirement. Reading between the lines, it is obvious that Craig and the article he links is favoring a majority vote - or a change in how all bills are voted.

Interestingly, D Representative Steny Hoyer was on CNBC this morning advocating the same thing. hmmm.......


Apr 8, 2002
I don't know why people even bother responding to Craig. He is childish in his arrogance and when he gets his widdle feelings hurt he sends you a PM like the one in my sig.

He is quickly approaching McCowenesque levels with his postings here and should be left to play alone in his sandbox.

Craig cant take the heat while in the kitchen.


Apr 8, 2002
I think we all need to look a little closer to the Craig's opening post. It seems it's less about the environment and more about that pesky 60% requirement. Reading between the lines, it is obvious that Craig and the article he links is favoring a majority vote - or a change in how all bills are voted.

Interestingly, D Representative Steny Hoyer was on CNBC this morning advocating the same thing. hmmm.......

Talking points? Dems going to attempt a nuclear option? If they do it will be hilarious to watch the usual crowd parade their hypocrisy for the entire msgboard.


Sep 22, 2007
I love how in desperation the left is still trying to pin all of their shortcomings on 40 Republican Senators lmao. So pathetic, yet so fun to watch the train fall off the tracks.

Yes, Obama needs 60 votes, there are 40 Republican senators, and 100 members of the Senate. Hmmmmm, something isn't adding up here. But wait -- Craig will be along any moment to address our concerns and blame "non-progressive" Democrats as well. In other words, anyone who disagrees with him.


Sep 22, 2007
Final Draft of Copenhagen Treaty Declaration

Since the Copenhagen agreement has about 0% to do with fighting pollution and about 100% to do with the West paying billions to the rest of the world who aren't even being held to any reduction goals, I say bravo to those Republican senators for not getting sucked into supporting the cause du jour.

Bravo sir -- another good post from Yllus and as usual, another Craig thread going down in flames.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
Good for them. Someone's gotta stand up to the scam known as "climate change," too bad the Dems either didn't have the brains to do so, or they were in on the scam.


Jun 11, 2004
I don't know about those 40 but the climate change has been freezing my ass off in S.C. for the last 3 weeks. In the teens at night. What gives, I thought I lived in the south.

You might want to stay out of threads like this if you don't want to look stupid.


Senior member
Jan 31, 2006
It was 50F yesterday in the D.C. area. Open car windows and all in January FTS (for the strange).