The Defective Conservative Brain; It's Evolution Stupid.

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Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
When you find a study that actually calls this difference a defect we can talk.

until then, troll on.

It has no use in today's world. It is useless. Therefore, when it goes off, it is defective. Since you are NOT in danger of being killed.

And, you can't control it either.

Look at how many of you have lost your shit over this. You are all doing the exact thing you genes tell you to do. And, there is no danger of losing your life over this thread.

You need to calm down.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
It has no use in today's world. It is useless. Therefore, when it goes off, it is defective. Since you are NOT in danger of being killed.

And, you can't control it either.

Look at how many of you have lost your shit over this. You are all doing the exact thing you genes tell you to do. And, there is no danger of losing your life over this thread.

You need to calm down.

actually its you that has lost it.

you have a made up claim. And then go ranting about it.


Oct 9, 1999
If conservatism is something that people are born with, then isn't the left guilty of daily hate speech against what should be a protected class?

According to their own endlessly parroted "research", you can't change being conservative any more than you can stop being black or gay, so "liberals" need to start showing support for conservatives and their issues. Speaking out against conservatives should be a hate crime, and we need to start enforcing it. Anyone who talks down about conservatives should be publicly shamed and fired from their jobs. Maybe we can have forced integration and conservative hiring quotas.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
When you find a study that actually calls this difference a defect we can talk.

until then, troll on.

Other research shows that conservatives rationalize away information that is painful to the ego so when I presented that data I called it a defect to cause the behavior I was describing, to demonstrate its validity. It is not a defect in, say the Pleistocene, but when no danger exists it is because it is dangerous itself. You can't call something that threatens humanity a good thing. Climate change denial is one example.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
If conservatism is something that people are born with, then isn't the left guilty of daily hate speech against what should be a protected class?

According to their own endlessly parroted "research", you can't change being conservative any more than you can stop being black or gay, so "liberals" need to start showing support for conservatives and their issues. Speaking out against conservatives should be a hate crime, and we need to start enforcing it. Anyone who talks down about conservatives should be publicly shamed and fired from their jobs. Maybe we can have forced integration and conservative hiring quotas.
:D +1

I truly feel sorry for proggies, who are utterly dependent on we poor defective conservatives for their health care, retirement, education, day care, birth control . . .
Nov 30, 2006
:D +1

I truly feel sorry for proggies, who are utterly dependent on we poor defective conservatives for their health care, retirement, education, day care, birth control . . .
Looks like there's some truth to this. Survey is from 11/09.

Democrats & Unaffiliateds More Likely To Be Unemployed Than Republicans

Data from Rasmussen Reports national telephone surveys shows that 15.0% of Democrats in the workforce are currently unemployed and looking for a job. Among adults not affiliated with either major party, that number is 15.6% while just 9.9% of Republicans are in the same situation.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006

This can't be that surprising to anyone as the very poor and younger voters tend to vote for Democrats. Both those segments have higher than normal unemployment right now. The difference in wealthier segments is smaller than you might think, however:

Under $30k: 63% for Obama
$30k-$50k: 57% for Obama
$50k-$100k: 53% for Romney
$100k+: 54% for Romney

EDIT: Also, considering their track record of late I'd be wary of taking Rasmussen's results too seriously. While I think the overall trend is probably accurate, Rasmussen has become a pretty inaccurate pollster with a noticeable Republican bias.


Jul 20, 2003
If conservatism is something that people are born with, then isn't the left guilty of daily hate speech against what should be a protected class?

According to their own endlessly parroted "research", you can't change being conservative any more than you can stop being black or gay, so "liberals" need to start showing support for conservatives and their issues. Speaking out against conservatives should be a hate crime, and we need to start enforcing it. Anyone who talks down about conservatives should be publicly shamed and fired from their jobs. Maybe we can have forced integration and conservative hiring quotas.

lol, nice one.


Jul 20, 2003
Other research shows that conservatives rationalize away information that is painful to the ego so when I presented that data I called it a defect to cause the behavior I was describing, to demonstrate its validity. It is not a defect in, say the Pleistocene, but when no danger exists it is because it is dangerous itself. You can't call something that threatens humanity a good thing. Climate change denial is one example.

It's a good thing you are hear to save the world Mr. Moon. I feel safer knowing you are patrolling the dark streets of the internet.


Jan 31, 2010
Start a thread - tell us about it.

Why should I start a thread when the liberals posting in this thread and forum prove on a daily basis that they're not that much different than conservatives? Both side have their own fears based on their ideology. You would think that people with critical thinking skills would be able to figure this out instead of trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill every time someone publishes a study claiming that liberals and conservatives are different. Even worse is trying to claim any differences as being a defect, seems like those people who make such claims have absolutely zero critical thinking skills.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
This can't be that surprising to anyone as the very poor and younger voters tend to vote for Democrats. Both those segments have higher than normal unemployment right now. The difference in wealthier segments is smaller than you might think, however:

Under $30k: 63% for Obama
$30k-$50k: 57% for Obama
$50k-$100k: 53% for Romney
$100k+: 54% for Romney

EDIT: Also, considering their track record of late I'd be wary of taking Rasmussen's results too seriously. While I think the overall trend is probably accurate, Rasmussen has become a pretty inaccurate pollster with a noticeable Republican bias.
That plus one is more likely to be in favor of wide-ranging big government programs if one is in need of wide-ranging big government programs. As they say, a liberal is a conservative who has been arrested and a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged, meaning people's principles tend to change with their current experiences.

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
If conservatism is something that people are born with, then isn't the left guilty of daily hate speech against what should be a protected class?

According to their own endlessly parroted "research", you can't change being conservative any more than you can stop being black or gay, so "liberals" need to start showing support for conservatives and their issues. Speaking out against conservatives should be a hate crime, and we need to start enforcing it. Anyone who talks down about conservatives should be publicly shamed and fired from their jobs. Maybe we can have forced integration and conservative hiring quotas.

Blacks don't try to prevent people from signing up for ACA.

Gays aren't preventing women from doing as they wish with their bodies.

There is a huge difference between someone born with a trait that makes them a raging moron and someone born with a different color skin and/or sexual preference; the raging moron is fucking up shit for everyone, with his/her constant blaring and screaming sensationalism.

Turn it off, or die out.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
If conservatism is something that people are born with, then isn't the left guilty of daily hate speech against what should be a protected class?

According to their own endlessly parroted "research", you can't change being conservative any more than you can stop being black or gay, so "liberals" need to start showing support for conservatives and their issues. Speaking out against conservatives should be a hate crime, and we need to start enforcing it. Anyone who talks down about conservatives should be publicly shamed and fired from their jobs. Maybe we can have forced integration and conservative hiring quotas.


Always funny when lib "logic" is turned around on them. Always exposes what a farce most aspects of modern liberalism* are.

*NOTHING to do with classic liberalism, just extreme bootlicking statism with a healthy dose of totalitarianism tossed in for good measure.

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
Here is the definition of defective (since science is somehow dismissed,... wait,... I am dealing with conservatives here,.. nm), let us tone it down to the very basics here.

Full Definition of DEFECTIVE

1 a : imperfect in form or function : faulty <a defective pane of glass>
b : falling below the norm in structure or in mental or physical function <defective eyesight>

The conservative's mind does NOT belong in today's society and time.

The conservative's mind worked wonders in times where humanity was not civilized and lived out in the wild.

The form and function, of a mind, that is constantly under the impression there is danger around - in an environment that does not present danger - is not necessary. And, in fact, a problem for everyone else - again:
- gunning down people who play music too loud
- passing around false information, to advert / prevent a "threat" (i.e. boomerang's, nepahlim and a few others who lie over and over again on these forums - the GOP claiming ACA will bring about death panels).
- sensationalism news reporting; see Fox News for God's sake,..

There is NO place for this type of behavior, since there is no danger. Ergo, defective.

Constant screaming and yelling about 'dangers' (especially those that do not exist), is "below the norm in structure or in mental or physical function".
Nov 30, 2006
Here is the definition of defective (since science is somehow dismissed,... wait,... I am dealing with conservatives here,.. nm), let us tone it down to the very basics here.

Full Definition of DEFECTIVE

1 a : imperfect in form or function : faulty <a defective pane of glass>
b : falling below the norm in structure or in mental or physical function <defective eyesight>

The conservative's mind does NOT belong in today's society and time.

The conservative's mind worked wonders in times where humanity was not civilized and lived out in the wild.

The form and function, of a mind, that is constantly under the impression there is danger around - in an environment that does not present danger - is not necessary. And, in fact, a problem for everyone else - again:
- gunning down people who play music too loud
- passing around false information, to advert / prevent a "threat" (i.e. boomerang's, nepahlim and a few others who lie over and over again on these forums - the GOP claiming ACA will bring about death panels).
- sensationalism news reporting; see Fox News for God's sake,..

There is NO place for this type of behavior, since there is no danger. Ergo, defective.

Constant screaming and yelling about 'dangers' (especially those that do not exist), is "below the norm in structure or in mental or physical function".

This is what a bigot looks like...just in case anyone is confused.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
If conservatism is something that people are born with, then isn't the left guilty of daily hate speech against what should be a protected class?

According to their own endlessly parroted "research", you can't change being conservative any more than you can stop being black or gay, so "liberals" need to start showing support for conservatives and their issues. Speaking out against conservatives should be a hate crime, and we need to start enforcing it. Anyone who talks down about conservatives should be publicly shamed and fired from their jobs. Maybe we can have forced integration and conservative hiring quotas.

I know you're joking but apparently other people don't. The idea that we could isolate holding certain political opinions down to a genetic or biological basis is of course, absurd. A broad correlation between a physiological component and a generalized outlook is of course vastly different (edit:) than say the obvious genetic component of race or gender.
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Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
Here we go with superfluous BS to make that mole hill even higher. At this point I have no hope that certain liberals in this forum have any capability to think critically.

Still angry over not getting me banned to silence me?

Hey, what is next; start at campaign to close down and discredit Cambridge as well? Yeah, you sure proved to me you want to have a discussion over facts, observations and science.

What a conservative goon,...


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
Congratulations - you've proven my point by dismissing actual science - since it proves you are defective, and you view that as a threat.

Please, don't gun me down,.. it's only science.

"Actual science", LOL, that's a good one. Anything that comes from Motherjones can be safely discarded as trash at the same level of credibility as WND and The National Enquirer, both of which are actually a tad more credible, but not much.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
Still angry over not getting me banned to silence me?

Hey, what is next; start at campaign to close down and discredit Cambridge as well? Yeah, you sure proved to me you want to have a discussion over facts, observations and science.

What a conservative goon,...

you have no facts supporting your twisted conclusion.