Should mentally disabled people be kept alive?

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Feb 2, 2000
I'm talking once they come out of the birth canal they are taken away for spare parts or disposed of, where you don't have the time to get to know them.

What do you think, women give birth and somebody can just take it away without us having a second thought about it? You go through pregnancy for nine months, every day feeling your love for your child and the excitement to see them grow, and then you think it can just be shut off like a switch? You are one sick puppy, hpkeeper, and I think the only mentally ill people who should be considered a burden on society are the ones who think that people who are not as whole as themselves should be killed.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999

It not a big jump from some highbrow "theoretical" conversation to reality.
Do you think the extermination of 6 million Jews was just a spur of the moment thing?
I'm sure the Nazi's relied on some jackass theory that stated Jews were inferior or "different" than the rest of society.

As for posting about family members. Does it make you uncomfortable? GOOD!
I suspect your more worried about what people think of you and your half assed ideas than the validity of your argument.

BTW, I have an Autistic nephew.
He has exceptional mathematical and musical accuity, he can't verbalize as well as the rest of us. He's six. His parents pay just as much if not more in taxes as you do. Should he and those like him be "cut up for spares" before the true extent of his possible contributuions to humanity are known, because mentally ill people make you and the rest of the scientific bigots uncomfortable? Nevermind, don't answer that. I would probably have to suggest a little gene pool cleansing of my own.:|



Senior member
Dec 6, 2000
OK, Now I'm going to stop being civil.

I never thought these words would come from my mouth.

To you few who think that a handicapped child is nothing more than spare parts, a drain or worthless to the world, I hope that if you ever do reproduce your child is as severly handicapped as mine is.

Then you will see that all your ranting and raving about this subject makes you sound like spoiled little children.

Grow up kids life is not a science fiction book.


Golden Member
Jan 23, 2000

they give us all an opportunity to witness the amount of love in your heart


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Why shouldn't we cut you up for spares?
What massive contribution to mankind have you made in you obviously short existance?
Paying taxes and being a "productive" member of society isn't good enough IMHO.
Deciding whether a person is contributing to society based solely on their mental accuity is miopic at best and arrogantly bigoted, as in your case, at worst.



Jul 24, 2000
If 'love' would regulate our lives, the world would be one big mess...

I've seen many people refer to Hitler in this thread. Well, let me tell you that what the Nazis did wasn't based on any scientific matter except the evolution theory, which they interpreted wrong as well. The reason so many Jews, homos, gypsies etc. were killed was because Hitler hated them.

So basically what some people are trying to say now is that we are happy as things are now and that we shouldn't try to make Humans more healthy by curing (avoiding) serious genetic defects.

Has any of you ever considered the possibility that a world full of healthy Humans could be filled with 'love' and 'happiness'?


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2000
I thought most people have moved beyond asking such a stupid question.
Just because you can't see the value of these poeple doesn't mean in the long run qhich may mean hundreds or thousands of years humanity won't benefit.
You were quite a detriment on society for your first 20 yrs using my tax money to go to school using my roads to learn to drive on using my hospitals get vaccinated.
If you were to die in a drunken car crash tommorrow before you have repaid your debt to society can I sue you parenets for lost benefit?
Medical science advances occur when you have challenges, these people may have genetic benfits that make them immune to airborne disease and when the day comes we need it you have snuffed out the genetic pool. Diversity brings strenght. Why do you think the environmentalists lament the erosion of the Rain forests?
We may be destroying a cure for cancer.
I lament these people have to suffer and that is all, When the day comes that I am old and enfeebled I hope that the medicine learned to help their suffering will help me.
You live a spoiled and pampered life compared to most on this planet be grateful we live in a society that can afford to care for the infirmed.


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
Well, like I said in unxpurgated's thread about his son, nothing surprises me anymore. The world will always be filled with ignorant, mean, cruel people who have no compassion or respect for life. The fact that people are "debating" this subject is proof of that.

<< Step back,turn around and walk away from the computer. You are losing your ability to reason. >>

Red, that was the best advice I have seen on here in a long time. :)


Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
I had hoped with the stories shared by those of us who have known and loved the mentally disabled, perhaps some of you would realize what they bring into our lives is worth far more than the material values some of you worship so highly.

Those of you who know the sweetness and value of love and life that can only be taught by a child... ANY child.... ALL children... you are blessed indeed.

Just remember this: Those of you who have no compassion will one day need compassion to be shown to you. Don't doubt this... you will, one day, be in need of mercy. Last I checked, we all bleed. Compassion is a learned thing, although to some it does come more naturally.

Head Like a Hole NIN


Jul 24, 2000
<< Hmmmmm if love ruled the world it would be one big >>

If everybody would love everybody and everything we couldn't regulate anything since we would love it too much.

Because not everyone could love the same things as other people, disagreements would arise, and because they would 'burn' on the fuel called 'love', they would be inextinguishable.

At last those disagreements would end in one huge inferno. Armageddon if you like to give it a popular label.

Keep in mind that perfection is impossible and that all of our tries to reach a 'perfect' world are therefore doomed. Not even a 'perfect' world based on love can exist.


Oct 9, 1999

<< Then tell me what good they are to society other that family reasons. >>

Why does a person's worth to society determine their worth as a human being? Your suggestion that all people who aren't of use to society are worthless leads to a slippery slope down to mass homocide. In your &quot;ideal world&quot; -- who gets to choose who's worthless and who's not? You? I would certainly hope not ... if you think that anybody in the human race is insightful enough to choose who lives and who dies then maybe you are one of the worthless people.


Feb 2, 2000
Then tell me what good they are to society other that family reasons.

They teach us what pure love is. What you don't seem to understand is that people who are mentally ill do not love you because of what you can give them financially, or in a romantic way. There are no strings with their love, it is pure and sweet. They love you merely because you are there for them, and for what you are. That is something the rest of us could learn from. Some of us obviously way more than others.


Oct 12, 1999
I am in no position to judge the value of individual life, therefore I am not going to be presumptuous enough to say what life should or should not be kept alive.


Feb 2, 2000
How is that beneficial?

If you can't see how that is beneficial, then I cannot tell you.


Golden Member
Dec 5, 2000
Based on the materialistic society today, such things have no value. I so wish it wasn't like this.. :(


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999

<< Based on the materialistic society today, such things have no value >>

Actually, I would argue that based on the materialistic society today, such things have infinitely MORE value.


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2000
GF... how can you say that another person in your life cannot teach you pure love? having to care for a mentally disabled person in your life would seem to me to teach one pure work. which brings up another question... why does one desire to take care of a being that is of such little use?
Tiger... if I haven't contributed to society, then what defines contributing to society? I have a job, I'd assume you do to, I'm a student at the time being hoping to extend my contribution to society further. So why don't you tell my your definition of a contribution to society because mine is:

One who is productive (in more than just Pheces and drool) and is beneficial to the economy rather than a drain upon it.

Also: Very important thing needs to be said here.
------------- so look below here ----

as much as many of you may think... I would never send something like this to congress as a potential idea to save tax money, It's an Idea that I came up with for a thread topic, a topic that would have a good debate with great support on each others arguements. Why did I do this? because too many topics on this board are Fvcking boring.... if it's not about the news, it's a poll on the news... who really cares if someone prefers McDonalds or Burger King? It's their choice. This thread could have very well been a poll.... but it isn't, I wanted to see everyones opinions on this matter, I wanted to see that this board is more constructive than polls. I'm defending this thread because one... I created it and two.... Elledan would be alone if I wasn't. But by no means would I think about forwarding this idea. This Thread has served it's purpose of generating quality conversation other than the simple yes or no answers. If you have anything you would like to say to me wether it's good or bad, please PM me, as you can tell I love to talk... that's why I created this thread.


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2000
BTW: Tiger it doesn't bother me to talk about someones family member, I do however care that in doing so my opinion may be taken offense to and taken personally, I don't want to create grudges on on the board... I'm just here for conversation...


Golden Member
Jan 23, 2000

what about pets, should we get rid of all the pets too? Based on your view, if I'm understanding you correctly, they have no use either.


Oct 9, 1999
<< having to care for a mentally disabled person in your life would seem to me to teach one pure work >>

Until you have a mentally disabled person in your life I would suggest that you stop making ASSumptions. They don't do any of us any good, and you look like an idiot.

<< why does one desire to take care of a being that is of such little use? >>

Obviously you don't know what GF is talking about when she says &quot;pure&quot; (or unconditional) love. Pure love is love without needing anything back. If you love someone just because they are of use to you then you do not love them, you are using them.

<< One who is productive (in more than just Pheces[sic] and drool) and is beneficial to the economy rather than a drain upon it. >>

Again, see my first comment. Although a mentally disabled person may seem to be only a pile of &quot;pheces&quot; and drool to an ignorant outsider such as yourself, you have to know someone to realize that this is obviously not the case.