PETA on Crossfire CNN - Boycotting KFC

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Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: tcsenter

Now I don't want PETA or any animal rights weirdos to have a hand in the formulation of regulations or standards for livestock farms, because the goal of these folks is to have no animals used for any human purposes whatsoever. Not only would we have to give a Lay-Z-Boy recliner, a television, a masseuse, and one acre of open range to every chicken, but we wouldn't be able to eat them until they died of old age, if PETA had its way.

From their website:

In September 2000, PETA suspended its 11-month campaign against McDonald?s after the company agreed to conduct announced and unannounced slaughterhouse audits of all its pig, chicken, and cow suppliers, stop purchasing from suppliers that fail audits, increase the living space for laying hens, stop starving chickens in order to force them to produce more eggs, and implement humane catching standards for chickens. In June 2001, PETA halted its five-month campaign against Burger King when the company announced that it would do all this and more.

I think they want to see KFC take some responsible measures as well.

from : here


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: flavio
Why aren't they out there, making websites protesting the deplorable treatment of child laborers in China instead?

WHo knows? Why don't you make one?

There are lots of issues out there. I can't see why it bothers you that someone is interested in treating animals a little better. What's your stance? Are you intomal torture or just don't care when animals get tortured?

There are issues that are certainly more pressing.

I am a student studying economics and mathematics. I spend a good hour a day reading the news concerning world events, I study, read, and discuss issues and principles with those around me. I pay my taxes, I treat most people I know with respect, and I do my best to avoid the corporate juggernaut that is fast food and Wal Mart. I vote.

That is all I can do, for the moment. Might choose to serve as an officer in the Navy later in life, maybe public service, who knows?

However, I'm not wasting my time making an idiotic website. (although I am wasting time posting on here. :p)


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: flavio
Originally posted by: Zakath15
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: Scarpozzi
They're boycotting KFC...this is a near quote: "The chickens are being abused and are not being allowed to spend time with their families." The guy that's representing PETA was cracking me up because he sounded like an idiot. :p What a joke.

They have a website that I haven't checked out yet, but it's at
Behold the pinnacle of decadence in luxury. :disgust: :|

Wonder what they think about starving people?


I'll bet you they don't like to see people starve. Just a hunch though.

I'm very sure that they don't give a sh!t about people starving. You don't know much about the vegan-nazi and anti-human crowd do you?
Here's a newsflash: they want to make it illegal for anyone and everyone to eat or use animal products and guess what? there isn't enough food to go around for all the world without meat.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
However, I'm not wasting my time making an idiotic website. (although I am wasting time posting on here. )

Well, there goes your arguement :D

I'm very sure that they don't give a sh!t about people starving. You don't know much about the vegan-nazi and anti-human crowd do you?
Here's a newsflash: they want to make it illegal for anyone and everyone to eat or use animal products and guess what? there isn't enough food to go around for all the world without meat.

Anti-human vegans don't care about dying people? Sounds like some ridiculous propaganda that you're foolish if you believe.

they want to make it illegal for anyone and everyone to eat or use animal products and guess what?

Really, you got more BS? Show me this law there trying to pass or some valid backup for the crap you spew.

Here's a news flash. Grain and vegetables are much more efficient to produce than meat. So, there could actually be MORE food if we depended on meat less.



Sep 7, 2001
I think they want to see KFC take some responsible measures as well.
Oh, I'm sure they do...and then some.

Saying that PETA would like to see KFC take some "responsible measures" is a bit like the KKK wanting the 'reasonable goal' of eliminating race or ethnicity as a factor for college admissions.

PETA has no interest whatsoever in the 'health' of livestock. They want the elimination of the very premise of livestock.

But PETA will take whatever it can get, just like an antigun organization whose goal is to see every last firearm confiscated from every last home will take a law requiring trigger locks to be sold with every firearm. This is a drop in the bucket, but make no mistake, their aim is to fill drop at a time if that's all they can get.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Saying that PETA would like to see KFC take some "responsible measures" is a bit like the KKK wanting the 'reasonable goal' of eliminating race or ethnicity as a factor for college admissions.

I'm not sure what eveil schemes your spies have dug up but I'm just going by the measures they asked of McDonalds which were met...and then they stopped their campaign against them.


Sep 7, 2001
I will say this about PETA:

Even though PETA knows the vast majority of the world does not share PETA's ideology, and as tempting as it may be for an extremist group with little support to 'mislead' the public about their true agenda so as to 'enhance' their image and support, and although PETA certainly has tried to give the 'appearance' of being 'moderate' in many ways, especially in some of their public advocacy, PETA has always been honest and candid about their true agenda when pressed.

That's a lot more than I can say for most gun-banning organizations, who go to great lengths to avoid giving the appearance of or being known as a gun-banning organization.


Sep 7, 2001
I'm not sure what eveil schemes your spies have dug up but I'm just going by the measures they asked of McDonalds which were met...and then they stopped their campaign against them.
My 'evil spies'? Hmmm...I have 'evil spies' and nobody told me?

What the hell good is having evil spies if you don't know about them?


Sep 7, 2001
The spies aren't's the schemes. Check again.
Huh? Oh, right. Well, in that case:

My 'spies'? Hmmm...I have 'spies' and nobody told me?

What the hell good is having spies if you don't know about them?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Heheh :D

Point is that you say:

Saying that PETA would like to see KFC take some "responsible measures" is a bit like the KKK wanting the 'reasonable goal' of eliminating race or ethnicity as a factor for college admissions.

PETA has no interest whatsoever in the 'health' of livestock. They want the elimination of the very premise of livestock.

But I haven't seen anything to back any of this up. Where ARE you getting this information? What I have seen is information that they ended their campaign against the fast food restaurants who started obtaining their meat in a more responsible way.

I see no reason why it would be any different with KFC.


Sep 7, 2001
But I haven't seen anything to back any of this up. Where ARE you getting this information? What I have seen is information that they ended their campaign against the fast food restaurants who started obtaining their meat in a more responsible way.
PETA is an unabashed and self-described animal rights organization who has went on record many many times about their ideology.

The president of PETA, well she may be the former president by now, has went on record many times to say that the mass slaughter of chickens in the poultry industry or cows in the beef industry is MORALLY EQUIVALENT to the Jewish Holocaust and neither she or her organization recognizes a distinction between humans and animals; moral, philosophical, ethical, legal, or otherwise. Chickens = humans. Chicken farms = concentration camps. Chicken slaughterers = Nazi death squads.

That is PETA and, as I've said, they freely admit it. I respect their honesty in admitting to an ideology that about 99% of the world's population would find absurd.

They do not care one iota about the 'health' or 'treatment' of livestock. Their stated purpose, which PETA's representative admitted today once again on CNN's Crossfire, is to end all forms and manners of animal use by humans, whether it be as pets, as food, clothing, entertainment, medical research - ANY type of human manipulation or use of animals.

All this new for you?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
This new for you?

Yep, you got a link? I haven't followed them too close.

I see nothing wrong with what they state they ask of KFC or what I saw of their previous dealings with McDonalds and BK.

They do not care one iota about the 'health' or 'treatment' of livestock.

That seems far fetched to me though. Even more so if what you claim about them is true.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Oddly enough some impressive trained chickens just came on the Jay Leno rerun that's on. :D


Sep 7, 2001
Yep, you got a link? I haven't followed them too close.
To be honest, this is like...way old and way commonly known information. I've never actually had anyone dispute it or claim not to know it, so I don't have any links handy and I'm feeling a bit lazy tonight.

You're just as capable of plugging keywords like "PETA" and "ideology" into a search engine as I am. That's what I would be doing, if I were so inclined, and simply reporting back to you what I found. I say skip the middle man.

What say you?


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2000
I'm very sure that they don't give a sh!t about people starving. You don't know much about the vegan-nazi and anti-human crowd do you?
Here's a newsflash: they want to make it illegal for anyone and everyone to eat or use animal products and guess what? there isn't enough food to go around for all the world without meat.
I just can't believe how incredlibly ignorant and uninformed some people are.... If you knew how much food goes into a single cow before it's slaughtered and how it would feed TEN TIMES the population the meat from the cow would! I forget all the ratios off hand and I've been up all night as it is, but in every single case it's vastly more efficient to eat plants in any form than it is to eat factory-produced animals.

And if you knew the quality of meat that comes out of most of these factories.... My brother-in-law works at Schneider's as a butcher. I'm surprised he still eats the stuff after he talks about the cancerous tissues they are supposed to remove. And there's a lot - and it's only getting worse. But then this goes into basic selfishness. That of the corporation that wants nothing more than to line its pockets, and the mindless consumer that wants nothing more than to fill his belly with a tasty thing that's cheap.

Burger King's BK Veggie is really darned good, a touch drier than the fat-laden "beef" patties, but by far one of the best fast-food meatless burger.

Two years ago Subway got rid of the AWESOME VeggieMax subs they *used* to have... *sigh*

Oh well. I guess I've said enough.


Jun 13, 2000
Originally posted by: bluemax
I'm very sure that they don't give a sh!t about people starving. You don't know much about the vegan-nazi and anti-human crowd do you?
Here's a newsflash: they want to make it illegal for anyone and everyone to eat or use animal products and guess what? there isn't enough food to go around for all the world without meat.
I just can't believe how incredlibly ignorant and uninformed some people are.... If you knew how much food goes into a single cow before it's slaughtered and how it would feed TEN TIMES the population the meat from the cow would! I forget all the ratios off hand and I've been up all night as it is, but in every single case it's vastly more efficient to eat plants in any form than it is to eat factory-produced animals.

And if you knew the quality of meat that comes out of most of these factories.... My brother-in-law works at Schneider's as a butcher. I'm surprised he still eats the stuff after he talks about the cancerous tissues they are supposed to remove. And there's a lot - and it's only getting worse. But then this goes into basic selfishness. That of the corporation that wants nothing more than to line its pockets, and the mindless consumer that wants nothing more than to fill his belly with a tasty thing that's cheap.

Burger King's BK Veggie is really darned good, a touch drier than the fat-laden "beef" patties, but by far one of the best fast-food meatless burger.

Two years ago Subway got rid of the AWESOME VeggieMax subs they *used* to have... *sigh*

Oh well. I guess I've said enough.
This may be true that a lot of processed beef cattle eat a lot of food, but traditional cattle are grazers....I don't see too many people eating grass for a food source. (though most PETA members prolly smoke it) Anyhow, the only reason we have groups like PETA is because there are still people from the 60s era still alive. Hopefully the tree-huggers will die off soon cause they're stressing me out. Football games and family picnics just aren't the same without a bucket of chicken....if PETA starts yapping about the unfair treatment of hops in the beer making process, somebody gonna get whacked. :Q


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Scarpozzi
This may be true that a lot of processed beef cattle eat a lot of food, but traditional cattle are grazers....I don't see too many people eating grass for a food source. (though most PETA members prolly smoke it) Anyhow, the only reason we have groups like PETA is because there are still people from the 60s era still alive. Hopefully the tree-huggers will die off soon cause they're stressing me out. Football games and family picnics just aren't the same without a bucket of chicken....if PETA starts yapping about the unfair treatment of hops in the beer making process, somebody gonna get whacked. :Q

You're reasoning is pretty weak. Even grazers need large amounts of space that could be used much more effectively growing grain or something. Are your personal picnic preferences really supposed to be considered logic as well?

Besides if you had bothered to read the link their campaign is pushing for KFC to obtain their meat responsibly as McD's and BK have begun doing.



Aug 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Scarpozzi
Originally posted by: bluemax
I'm very sure that they don't give a sh!t about people starving. You don't know much about the vegan-nazi and anti-human crowd do you?
Here's a newsflash: they want to make it illegal for anyone and everyone to eat or use animal products and guess what? there isn't enough food to go around for all the world without meat.
I just can't believe how incredlibly ignorant and uninformed some people are.... If you knew how much food goes into a single cow before it's slaughtered and how it would feed TEN TIMES the population the meat from the cow would! I forget all the ratios off hand and I've been up all night as it is, but in every single case it's vastly more efficient to eat plants in any form than it is to eat factory-produced animals.

And if you knew the quality of meat that comes out of most of these factories.... My brother-in-law works at Schneider's as a butcher. I'm surprised he still eats the stuff after he talks about the cancerous tissues they are supposed to remove. And there's a lot - and it's only getting worse. But then this goes into basic selfishness. That of the corporation that wants nothing more than to line its pockets, and the mindless consumer that wants nothing more than to fill his belly with a tasty thing that's cheap.

Burger King's BK Veggie is really darned good, a touch drier than the fat-laden "beef" patties, but by far one of the best fast-food meatless burger.

Two years ago Subway got rid of the AWESOME VeggieMax subs they *used* to have... *sigh*

Oh well. I guess I've said enough.
This may be true that a lot of processed beef cattle eat a lot of food, but traditional cattle are grazers....I don't see too many people eating grass for a food source. (though most PETA members prolly smoke it) Anyhow, the only reason we have groups like PETA is because there are still people from the 60s era still alive. Hopefully the tree-huggers will die off soon cause they're stressing me out. Football games and family picnics just aren't the same without a bucket of chicken....if PETA starts yapping about the unfair treatment of hops in the beer making process, somebody gonna get whacked. :Q

And how much of the meat you eat do you think is made through "traditional" methods?


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: flavio
Originally posted by: Scarpozzi
This may be true that a lot of processed beef cattle eat a lot of food, but traditional cattle are grazers....I don't see too many people eating grass for a food source. (though most PETA members prolly smoke it) Anyhow, the only reason we have groups like PETA is because there are still people from the 60s era still alive. Hopefully the tree-huggers will die off soon cause they're stressing me out. Football games and family picnics just aren't the same without a bucket of chicken....if PETA starts yapping about the unfair treatment of hops in the beer making process, somebody gonna get whacked. :Q

You're reasoning is pretty weak. Even grazers need large amounts of space that could be used much more effectively growing grain or something. Are your personal picnic preferences really supposed to be considered logic as well?

Besides if you had bothered to read the link their campaign is pushing for KFC to obtain their meat responsibly as McD's and BK have begun doing.
Sigh... your reasonings that there would actually be more food if we didn't eat meat would hold merit... if they're weren't any animals anymore consuming resources like grazeland and feedcorn, etc. Unfortunately, PETA's plan would be that there would be just as many animals as before, we just wouldn't be allowed to eat them or use them anymore. Hence, no there would not be enough left anymore for us 2nd-class humans.
As for knowing PETA's designs, maybe it's just because I live in the vegan-nazi capital of the world, or maybe it's just because because I'm occassionally involved in local politics... but their plans are pretty much common knowledge. They're not too shy about them either so why don't you ask? No, they don't have any pending legislation (AFAIK) for these goals, but does NAMBLA have any for theirs? Does that keep you from knowing their designs?

As for the corporate farm problems, I couldn't agree more. That food is disgusting. Tcsenter's post on the previous page was dead-on how I feel. That is why I avoid fast food, shop from organic grocery stores and butchers, go to farmers' markets, drive out to the country several times a year (in season) to buy food direct from the farmers themselves, and raise a large garden in my yard every year. What're you doing?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: flavio
Originally posted by: Scarpozzi
This may be true that a lot of processed beef cattle eat a lot of food, but traditional cattle are grazers....I don't see too many people eating grass for a food source. (though most PETA members prolly smoke it) Anyhow, the only reason we have groups like PETA is because there are still people from the 60s era still alive. Hopefully the tree-huggers will die off soon cause they're stressing me out. Football games and family picnics just aren't the same without a bucket of chicken....if PETA starts yapping about the unfair treatment of hops in the beer making process, somebody gonna get whacked. :Q

You're reasoning is pretty weak. Even grazers need large amounts of space that could be used much more effectively growing grain or something. Are your personal picnic preferences really supposed to be considered logic as well?

Besides if you had bothered to read the link their campaign is pushing for KFC to obtain their meat responsibly as McD's and BK have begun doing.
Sigh... your reasonings that there would actually be more food if we didn't eat meat would hold merit... if they're weren't any animals anymore consuming resources like grazeland and feedcorn, etc. Unfortunately, PETA's plan would be that there would be just as many animals as before, we just wouldn't be allowed to eat them or use them anymore. Hence, no there would not be enough left anymore for us 2nd-class humans.

So you believe that if we relied less on meat that farm animals would still be bred at the same rate? Seems unlikely.

As for knowing PETA's designs, maybe it's just because I live in the vegan-nazi capital of the world, or maybe it's just because because I'm occassionally involved in local politics... but their plans are pretty much common knowledge. They're not too shy about them either so why don't you ask? No, they don't have any pending legislation (AFAIK) for these goals, but does NAMBLA have any for theirs? Does that keep you from knowing their designs?

Whatever their designs, it looks as though the topic at hand is for KFC to obtain meat in a responsible manner. Are you against that?

As for the corporate farm problems, I couldn't agree more. That food is disgusting. Tcsenter's post on the previous page was dead-on how I feel. That is why I avoid fast food, shop from organic grocery stores and butchers, go to farmers' markets, drive out to the country several times a year (in season) to buy food direct from the farmers themselves, and raise a large garden in my yard every year. What're you doing?

I only eat meat once or twice a week in the first place. I drink Rice milk instead of regular milk and buy organic products whenever possible. Do you have some point here?



Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: flavio
So you believe that if we relied less on meat that farm animals would still be bred at the same rate? Seems unlikely.
You don't understand. These animals would breed at any rate they wanted to and we wouldn't be allowed to interfere.
Whatever their designs, it looks as though the topic at hand is for KFC to obtain meat in a responsible manner. Are you against that?
AFAIK, KFC does not actually breed, raise, or slaughter any chickens. They use suppliers for that, most likely Tysons. KFC itself is a publicly-held corporation with stockholders to please and a vast number of hungry customers to serve. They get chicken where they can. Your real "beef" here, I can only assume, is with Tysons. Yes, I would like to see more regulation there, but I also want to see people eat. How much do you want to drive up the cost of chicken?
I only eat meat once or twice a week in the first place. I drink Rice milk instead of regular milk and buy organic products whenever possible. Do you have some point here?
That you and I have a luxury not available to everyone. Some people are just happy to eat what's set before them.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
You don't understand. These animals would breed at any rate they wanted to and we wouldn't be allowed to interfere.

I understand that people have a hell of a lot to do with the rate at which farm animals breed.

AFAIK, KFC does not actually breed, raise, or slaughter any chickens. They use suppliers for that, most likely Tysons. KFC itself is a publicly-held corporation with stockholders to please and a vast number of hungry customers to serve. They get chicken where they can. Your real "beef" here, I can only assume, is with Tysons. Yes, I would like to see more regulation there, but I also want to see people eat. How much do you want to drive up the cost of chicken?

I've already pulled this from the link in the first post and quoted it earlier in the thread but you must have missed it.

In September 2000, PETA suspended its 11-month campaign against McDonald?s after the company agreed to conduct announced and unannounced slaughterhouse audits of all its pig, chicken, and cow suppliers, stop purchasing from suppliers that fail audits, increase the living space for laying hens, stop starving chickens in order to force them to produce more eggs, and implement humane catching standards for chickens. In June 2001, PETA halted its five-month campaign against Burger King when the company announced that it would do all this and more.

They are looking for similar action from KFC. It is clearly stated on the website.

That you and I have a luxury not available to everyone. Some people are just happy to eat what's set before them.

I don't know about where you live, but chicken here is a hell of alot more expensive than many alternatives.



Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2000
Do you really think that owning a cattle farm is as simple as getting a field and letting cows graze in it? Do big bales of hay magically appear on this field for the cows to eat? I'm sorry, but like many other people have said, raising livestock is incredibly inefficient. If you took the grazing land of cows and grew soy/corn/wheat there, it would produce many times the amount of food(non-cancer causing as well). If we no longer raised cows for food in the US, and instead used all those resources for plant farming, virtually no one in the world would starve if we could all share the wealth. I personally still eat meat, I just don't understand some of the arguments meat eaters raise. The "why are they made out of meat if we shouldn't eat then" argument is just plain stupid. NEWS FLASH - You are made out of meat as well, should you be eaten? I wish that American society could be taught the facts through a less crazy organization than PETA, but I guess they do some good for animals....

Originally posted by: Scarpozzi

This may be true that a lot of processed beef cattle eat a lot of food, but traditional cattle are grazers....I don't see too many people eating grass for a food source. (though most PETA members prolly smoke it) Anyhow, the only reason we have groups like PETA is because there are still people from the 60s era still alive. Hopefully the tree-huggers will die off soon cause they're stressing me out. Football games and family picnics just aren't the same without a bucket of chicken....if PETA starts yapping about the unfair treatment of hops in the beer making process, somebody gonna get whacked. :Q