The local morning show called a guy in California who believes this. Was a hilarious interview. The host asked if he had documents drawn up today would the guy agree to sign over all assets he has beyond what he needs for the next week, and the guy just responds with "well it won't matter because after Saturday money is irrelevant."
"Good, then please sign this document."
The refusal to do such a thing is just the result of the last surviving remnants of reason trying to cough up some influence in the back of their minds.
One of the cohosts asked how did Noah get all the animals on the boat since we are discovering new species every day, and the guy responded by saying that Noah just had 1 pair of each general animal. For example, 1 male and 1 female dog. He said that all species today are derived from those on the Ark, but it's not evolution.
Even so, there are still a lot of different species, and if the hardcore Creationists still say that one species cannot become another, well...there's still not going to be enough space on the Ark for all of them.
If the premise of "1 male and 1 female dog" and "general animal" is good enough, then they'd have to accept evolution.
But when that starts to happen, the few remaining neurons of reason get Tased by the neurons of blind faith and pride.
They also asked him why we have no evidence of a global flood. His response? "Well they have found elephant remains in Canada, and seashells in Arizona." Congrats, you have now discovered plate techtonics!
Plate tectonics is a myth, perpetuated by Satan, to sway us from God! :awe: