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Roger Wilco

Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2017
Arizona reported a record 4,682 cases yesterday, but it included backlogged cases from previous days.

Today, AZ reported a new record 4,878 new cases, and apparently none were backlogged cases.
Dec 10, 2005
The article said it was sewage from March, 2019, implying that the virus was present in Europe over a year ago, which I find very doubtful.
Also, what does low levels but positive mean? I would bet it would be a very noisy dataset. I'm left with a lot of questions: Statistically significant at what level of confidence? Were the primers they were using to look for the genetic evidence specific enough for SARS-CoV2? What does the data look like in terms of signal to noise?


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
LA closing indoor dining for three weeks.
OC closing bars.
Apple re-closing an additional 30 stores.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Yep. Newsom ordered shutdown of bars and indoor dining in our County as well. It's like no one saw this coming...

Yea, he's closing a lot down ahead of the holiday for like 70% of the population where the metrics are bad. I guess the state sent out teams to see who was following the rules and about half of bars were noncompliant and 30% of restaurants.


Jul 11, 2001
Hey guys, July is in for 2020 and the next Swine Flu just got detected in ,,, wait for it ... China! WooHoo, can't we give a brother a pork rib flu epidemic or what!?!
Somebody (I think Fauci) said no worries about the new swine flu. I call that wishful thinking. No, I don't know the first thing about it, but I suspect he was just trying to deflect more anxiety.


Oct 9, 2002
I was really just making a fecal matter joke. They've been talking about how the body sluffs off the virus in fecal matter for months and that, as a result, there's been more evidence of where it's been. We also know that the identification of the virus as a real threat was far earlier in China than they are willing to claim. It's no wonder that they'd find traces in Italy/Spain/France by March. The first recorded case (so far) in France was around November/December if I remember correctly.
The headline said "March 2019," which I do not believe for 1 second unless there is overwhelming evidence to support it. March 2020 would be very believable.[/u]
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Oct 9, 2002
Those are rookie numbers, son. NYC was as high as 70% positive.
If I recall correctly, New York's outbreak was peaking while test availability was very limited and testing had to be reserved mostly for symptomatic people. That would skew the results in such a way that they can't be directly compared.


Jul 11, 2001
Shit is about to really hit the fan pretty soon.

About to get rid of federal unemployment @ $600/week at the end of July.... on top of that, protection from eviction will also expire.

Meanwhile congress/senate are on vacation until the end of July lol.
No offense, but this is NOT funny. Tough summer. Things are getting worse here and they weren't good before. I'm used to SIP, hey I could do it long ago when I wanted to... I have a ton of projects to keep me busy. I'd like to hit Costco in the next month but may not chance it. My gym was supposed to open today (after months being closed as are all gyms in its county) but a few days ago that was nixed for the indefinite future. Costco's not far from there, I used to hit them in tandem back in the day (February)...


Oct 9, 2002
Somebody (I think Fauci) said no worries about the new swine flu. I call that wishful thinking. No, I don't know the first thing about it, but I suspect he was just trying to deflect more anxiety.
Many entities said not to worry about the current outbreak when it was mostly just in China (though some of us knew how bad it was in China and knew those assurances were bullshit). With that said, there's no reason to assume every animal virus is the next pandemic. First it has to be able to infect people. Then it has to be able to spread from person to person. For some viruses, this may be more likely to happen than with others. For example, an animal influenza virus in a human can reassort with a human flu to gain traits that make it human-transmissible.

Could it be the next pandemic? Yes.

Is it likely to be the next pandemic? No.
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Jun 24, 2001
Only in America do we have "score cards" for receiving health care. What a joke.

"Only in America?" Did you not hear about Italy and Spain denying ventilators to people over a certain age back in March? Totally oblivious, because THAT'S THE SAME THING. Should things get just as rough, these are the guidelines.

Can't believe I didn't respond to your ridiculous assertion this way the first time. Low hanging fruit.
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Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
If I recall correctly, New York's outbreak was peaking while test availability was very limited and testing had to be reserved mostly for symptomatic people. That would skew the results in such a way that they can't be directly compared.

Yeah that was before NY dramatically expanded lab capacity. I think they still have about the highest amount of tests per capita in the country even now.

Quest in AZ says they are tapped out and I guess the state has nowhere to turn. Not a good situation.


Aug 4, 2000
They have been wearing masks in Asia almost 20 years now for various reasons including constant heavy air pollution and contagious diseases running around. It all started with SARS.

I suspect we in America will be wearing masks for the next 20 years. :(
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Jul 11, 2001
Screw this, I'm getting back into food storage lol

Whoa! Just yesterday Fauci was saying we're at 40,000/day and he thinks we could hit 100,000/day by was it the end of July? Looks like we may hit that by July 20 at this rate.:oops:

Wasn't it about 4 months ago when we had maybe 2 new cases a week? For quite a while every case could be traced back to China, likely Wuhan. Every single one. Then one day there was a case on the west coast (Santa Clara County, IIRC) for which they couldn't determine a link to a known case or a person's travel. That was the first community spread case and the professional reaction was, we're fucked now!
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Jun 24, 2001
Those are rookie numbers, son. NYC was as high as 70% positive.

Yea, he's closing a lot down ahead of the holiday for like 70% of the population where the metrics are bad. I guess the state sent out teams to see who was following the rules and about half of bars were noncompliant and 30% of restaurants.

Regarding percent-positive (positivity) numbers, how do you guys think antibody/serology tests should be calculated?

I read a hit piece from May critical of the way Georgia was figuring their positivity numbers. Though their goal was to make it look like Georgia was cooking the books I came out with the opposite understanding: the authors were clearly ignoring key details to paint the wrong picture.

See, the WHO recommends a positivity rate below 5% before reopening. Though I've seen people criticize states for lowering their positivity rates with more testing, that's the entire point of the WHO's recommendation: To increase visibility and know that the infection rate in the general population is even lower than that (considering positivity is skewed higher from testing probable cases).

So here's where they claim that Georgia is cooking the books:
Georgia doesn't count positive serology tests toward the positivity numbers but does count the negative ones. Supposedly, this gives GA up to 3% lower positivity. OMG!

Well, think about that for a second. You obviously can't count positive serology tests for a true positivity rate since the rate is supposed to measure active cases and a serology test will still be positive after a patient has recovered (hopefully forever). A negative serology test is almost equivalent to a negative PCR test, though it does take a little longer for the body to create antibodies. Counting them as negative tests for the positivity calculations sounds like it would skew the rate down... until you consider that everyone who tests positive will then get a PCR test to see if the infection is still active. Unless they still count it as two tests for the positivity calculation, this will keep the rate balanced and accurate.

Am I missing something here?

This was the article:


Jul 11, 2001
Yep. Newsom ordered shutdown of bars and indoor dining in our County as well. It's like no one saw this coming...
TBH, I was wondering at Newsom's approving reopening given the numbers. I've been wondering for weeks. I realize that the reopenings were limited. Things like 1/2 capacity, social distancing, masks... but still, those measures (i.e. relaxation of restrictions) could only increase exposure, cases, hospitalizations, deaths. Yes, they would improve the economy. I am not surprised that this is happening and that moving up the phase ladder is delayed but some restrictions are being reimposed. I'm not the least bit surprised.


Jul 11, 2001
Screw this, I'm getting back into food storage lol

Food storage! I wish I'd stocked up more than I did. I'm wondering how I'll resupply. Well, I can do without some things. Or maybe I'll brave Costco in 3 weeks. Might be a stupid thing to do, though. Seems like CA is just exploding right now. In fact most of the country is. Alameda County (where I live) has by far the most cases in the region but it seems that the positivity rate is lower and I guess the hospitalization rate not as high, so we're not one of the targeted counties right now (i.e. by the governor).
Nov 8, 2012
Food storage! I wish I'd stocked up more than I did. I'm wondering how I'll resupply. Well, I can do without some things. Or maybe I'll brave Costco in 3 weeks. Might be a stupid thing to do, though. Seems like CA is just exploding right now. In fact most of the country is. Alameda County (where I live) has by far the most cases in the region but it seems that the positivity rate is lower and I guess the hospitalization rate not as high, so we're not one of the targeted counties right now (i.e. by the governor).
It kinda annoys me that Costco of all places hasn't implemented curbside since this pandemic started.

Bad move overall, thought they used to be pretty smart business wise - but it seems they have lost their touch.