Help me with an important decision (update)

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Golden Member
Apr 19, 2003
Maybe you should try staying at their house for a whole weekend or so, and then decide.


Dec 1, 2000
Originally posted by: George P Burdell
Originally posted by: BigToque
Originally posted by: George P Burdell
Originally posted by: BigToque
Originally posted by: George P Burdell

Not much of an update yet. I went over to their house again last night and talked with her mom and youngest daughter for a couple of hours.

All the girls know about the situation and are fine with me moving in.

I still haven't decided what I want to do. I think I'm leaning towards not moving in just because I don't want to intrude on their space. But, when they seem eager to have me, turning it down might be rude.

I dunno yet...

If you move in with them, are you gonna get your own bathroom? How many rooms in the house? Are you gonan get a proper bedroom to yourself or are you gonna be shacked in a loft/attic/basement/living-room-couch?

I'd have my own big bedroom, and there are 2 bathrooms. It's a large 3 story house.

If you're not used to it, it takes a LOT of patience to share a bathroom with a bunch of girls.


Especially high maintenance girls. And they look like the high maintenance type from all the combed and fixed up hair and accessorized clothes.
Aug 25, 2004
Originally posted by: Trente
Maybe you should try staying at their house for a whole weekend or so, and then decide.

Not a bad idea, but the problem is: how will he sell this to them? "Hey, can I test drive your house for the weekend?"


Golden Member
Apr 19, 2003
Originally posted by: George P Burdell
Originally posted by: Trente
Maybe you should try staying at their house for a whole weekend or so, and then decide.

Not a bad idea, but the problem is: how will he sell this to them? "Hey, can I test drive your house for the weekend?"

Sit down with the mother, be honest and explain your dilemma; also hint you may want a try out. She might offer him to stay for a week just to see how things get along... If she doesn't cooperate and/or is pressuring him, it goes to show you her intentions might not be innocent.


Dec 1, 2000
Originally posted by: Trente
Originally posted by: George P Burdell
Originally posted by: Trente
Maybe you should try staying at their house for a whole weekend or so, and then decide.

Not a bad idea, but the problem is: how will he sell this to them? "Hey, can I test drive your house for the weekend?"

Sit down with the mother, be honest and explain your dilemma; also hint you may want a try out. She might offer him to stay for a week just to see how things get along... If she doesn't cooperate and/or is pressuring him, it goes to show you her intentions might not be innocent.

Good idea. No problems with the advice as I see.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2001
Bad idea....

Living with them doesnt gauruntee you booty.... it just means you live with a bunch of women... living with 1 woman is bad enough...

don't do it man



Senior member
Mar 24, 2003
Originally posted by: ironcrotch
Nah, living situations like these almost never work out. The common thing that I notice is that they destroy relationships. If things are that bad at home, I'd suggest finding a place on your own.

Second that. If you like the 19 yr-old, probably better to not move in with them. If it's miserable living at home, why not just hang out at their place more often?


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2005
Originally posted by: DainBramaged
No matter what anybody else says in this thread, it's a really sh!tty idea.
u know, u always seem to ruin everybodies day. just when he finally makes up his mind to go with it, u ruin it. GO WITH IT MAN! ENJOY LIFE!


Golden Member
Aug 8, 2001
DO IT and make sure you blog it for the ATOT community so we can live vicarously through your life.


Jan 15, 2001
If you think you can handle it, then ignore the naysayers. I have 4 older sisters so I know the pains of living with a bunch of really isn't that bad. If they start to get annoying, just say you have something to do and leave or go into your bedroom until the situation cools off and 20 minutes later it is like nothing ever happened. Moving in wouldn't destroy your relationship unless you are stubborn and pig-headed like most of the people here saying you shouldn't move in.

If things are bad at home, then why not try something new? That goes for almost any situation...this one just has the added perk of sharing the house with 3 hot girls. I really fail to see the issue (provided you aren't a moron like I alluded to before).

BTW, it is not hard to share a bathroom with girls. Do your 10 minute routine to get ready and that is the end of it. Imagine could actually use the sink/mirror at the same time!! *gasp* I have done it for years. It is actually better to share it with girls since they will clean it.
Aug 25, 2004
Originally posted by: MrDudeMan
If you think you can handle it, then ignore the naysayers. I have 4 older sisters so I know the pains of living with a bunch of really isn't that bad. If they start to get annoying, just say you have something to do and leave or go into your bedroom until the situation cools off and 20 minutes later it is like nothing ever happened. Moving in wouldn't destroy your relationship unless you are stubborn and pig-headed like most of the people here saying you shouldn't move in.

If things are bad at home, then why not try something new? That goes for almost any situation...this one just has the added perk of sharing the house with 3 hot girls. I really fail to see the issue (provided you aren't a moron like I alluded to before).

BTW, it is not hard to share a bathroom with girls. Do your 10 minute routine to get ready and that is the end of it. Imagine could actually use the sink/mirror at the same time!! *gasp* I have done it for years. It is actually better to share it with girls since they will clean it.

This man gives good advice.


Oct 21, 2000
This whole thing just screams "wrong" to me.

1. You are 23 and you are still living at home? Clearly, you can't afford rent. So this whole idea of having a place that's rent free is irrelevant. You couldn't afford a place with rent anyway, hence living at home.

2. What the heck is so wrong with your family/parents that you have to complain to another family about it?

3. What sort of woman has total disregard and lack of respect for another parent (yours) that she'd invite you to move in. If some parent invited me to move in, my parents would certainly think that was a) rude and b) suspect.

4. You are clearly not a good person. Your biggests concern, in fact your only concern, in the OP is the dating situation with the daughters.

This is just bad news.


Diamond Member
May 3, 2001
Look, you're 23, you've got your whole life ahead of you. Move in and see what happens. If and when things go south, move out. In the between time you might get some tail!


Elite Member
Dec 5, 1999
Originally posted by: MisterJackson
I'm going to have to post again just to reinforce my answer:

YES! WTF Dude, get packing.....

Seriously though, you should do it. This oppritunity will likely NEVER present itself again in your lifetime. To pass on it "because something bad might happen" is just plain asinine. So what if something bad happens? If you go through life not doing things because of that attitude you'll never get laid.

You will need to walk a fine line though to ensure you don't end up being looked at like a "Friend" and not a piece of meat for them to pleasure.

Exactly. Live a little! Have fun in your life.


Golden Member
Apr 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Sukhoi
Originally posted by: MisterJackson
I'm going to have to post again just to reinforce my answer:

YES! WTF Dude, get packing.....

Seriously though, you should do it. This oppritunity will likely NEVER present itself again in your lifetime. To pass on it "because something bad might happen" is just plain asinine. So what if something bad happens? If you go through life not doing things because of that attitude you'll never get laid.

You will need to walk a fine line though to ensure you don't end up being looked at like a "Friend" and not a piece of meat for them to pleasure.

Exactly. Live a little! Have fun in your life.

Spoken like a tru playa.


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
Move in man. Have some fun.

Living with girls isn't all that bad. Just depends how you live on your own to start with.



Platinum Member
Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: BigToque
Here's the story,

I'm close friends with this family that has a widowed mother and 3 young daughters. They live down the street from me (I'm living with my mom).

Anyway, I stopped by the house for the first time in like a year or so just to say hi and see how things were. We got to talking about my family and how everything has gone to hell at my house.

Anyway, she asked me if I would consider moving in with them.

I love these girls they're so nice and friendly (and HOT)

The oldest daughter is 21, and in a 2 year relationship.
The youngest is 15 and well, she's 15, enough said.
The middle daughter is 19. I've always liked this girl and I think she has (had) a crush on me before.

Anyway, they're all swiss and blonde w/ blue eyes.

Aside from the boner I'd probably have 24/7, what do you think of the situation? She doesn't want rent (although I'd definitely find a way to pitch in a few hundred every month).

The family pic (the 19 y/o is in the white)
15 and 19 y/o
19 y/o

I'm very tempted because my house is absolutely retarded. I want out.

*Update 2006-03-02 - Not much of an update*

Not much of an update yet. I went over to their house again last night and talked with her mom and youngest daughter for a couple of hours.

All the girls know about the situation and are fine with me moving in.

I still haven't decided what I want to do. I think I'm leaning towards not moving in just because I don't want to intrude on their space. But, when they seem eager to have me, turning it down might be rude.

I dunno yet...

That fifteen year old looks to be legal. Tap it anyway you fool.

All kidding aside I'd move in, you're close with them, they're women, they're attractive, they asked you. No problem in my eyes.

Oh....tap the MILF.