Yea, I dont think Intel is price gouging (not that they wouldnt if they thought they could). It is basically just retailers taking advantage of new products to eke out as much profit as possible. Could be related to supply somewhat as well with the 14 nm yield issues, but the microcenter near me always has good stock.
I think prices are pretty reasonable. The only way I am dissatisfied with intel is not with the price per se, but I think they could make more value available for the same price, like a mainstream hex core, and wider availability of hyperthreading and edram. (Edit: and dream on, but maybe an overclockable i3???)
And Shintai, please dont start with the something for nothing, Intel is not a charity, blah, blah. Nothing wrong with the consumer wishing for a bit more value, just like a company tries to maximize profits.