19 Year Old Girl Shot Looking for Help

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Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
Because a typical approach used by criminals is to bang on the door asking for help until you come to the door. If you don't answer but say something they bash it in to catch you off guard. You don't have to open it. The tactic is to get you to come to the door and throw off your ability to defend yourself.

Well, this guy wasn't off guard, was he? He had his gun ready.

So, he yells "WHAT DO YOU WANT" and tells her to fuck off.


Apr 13, 2012
Which gets back to what I've been saying all along, don't bang on somebody's door in the middle of the night. Might get you shot.

Or in this case:

Don't engage in underage drinking, get incredibly trashed, then tear up yet another vehicle by running into a parked car while drunk driving, then flee the scene of the accident, stumble around town drunk for hours, and then bang on someone's door in the middle of the night.
Sep 7, 2009
Or in this case:

Don't engage in underage drinking, get incredibly trashed, then tear up yet another vehicle by running into a parked car while drunk driving, then flee the scene of the accident, stumble around town drunk for hours, and then bang on someone's door in the middle of the night.

It never fails for the modern progressives to drum up support for the guiltiest, scummiest people around.

These thugs can threaten death on some innocent person, try to murder them, try to bash down their door... but by god if the victim defends themselves with a firearm then they must be put through a public trial and lynch mobbing. Disgusting.


Apr 13, 2012
It never fails for the modern progressives to drum up support for the guiltiest, scummiest people around.

These thugs can threaten death on some innocent person, try to murder them, try to bash down their door... but by god if the victim defends themselves with a firearm then they must be put through a public trial and lynch mobbing. Disgusting.

Its easy to drum up support for the guilty when you tell lies like calling smashing into a parked car while insanely drunk "car problems".


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
It never fails for the modern progressives to drum up support for the guiltiest, scummiest people around.

These thugs can threaten death on some innocent person, try to murder them, try to bash down their door... but by god if the victim defends themselves with a firearm then they must be put through a public trial and lynch mobbing. Disgusting.
The guiltiest, scummiest people around? Seriously? This girl was driving drunk to the point of being anesthetized, which granted is a heinously selfish thing to do, but it hardly makes her one of "the guiltiest, scummiest people around". As far as defending himself, the defendant is on record as saying he fired accidentally, not in self defense.
Sep 7, 2009
Driving a 4000lb hunk of metal around while being blasted out of your mind on drugs and alcohol is fairly high up there on my "scummy/guilty" list.

It's one of those things where people act like it's some victimless crime, when in reality it's no different than shooting a gun into oncoming traffic. Of course, if it were a gun the modern progressives would be jumping all over her... But since it's a car and drugs/alcohol it's somehow viewed as victimless...??

Keep in mind... We aren't talking about a couple of beers with a meal and driving home. This girl was literally out of her mind wasted. And, it wasn't the first... or second... or third time she's been caught doing this.

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
Keep in mind... We aren't talking about a couple of beers with a meal and driving home. This girl was literally out of her mind wasted. And, it wasn't the first... or second... or third time she's been caught doing this.

How did we get from: I shot her by accident,... to: she was probably a home invader / she was drunk and deserved to die??

You guys are just itching and aching to see people die over shit that pisses you off, aren't you?

And, if you can read into all the crap you posted, I can read into why you are hell bent on expressing how much you get wet over these fantasies of supposide criminals (home invaders) getting shot in the face.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Driving a 4000lb hunk of metal around while being blasted out of your mind on drugs and alcohol is fairly high up there on my "scummy/guilty" list.

It's one of those things where people act like it's some victimless crime, when in reality it's no different than shooting a gun into oncoming traffic. Of course, if it were a gun the modern progressives would be jumping all over her... But since it's a car and drugs/alcohol it's somehow viewed as victimless...??

Keep in mind... We aren't talking about a couple of beers with a meal and driving home. This girl was literally out of her mind wasted. And, it wasn't the first... or second... or third time she's been caught doing this.
Agreed, it's pretty bad. Not as bad as accidentally killing someone though. And certainly it doesn't rank with those people who intentionally rape, rob, and murder.


Oct 30, 2000
Agreed, it's pretty bad. Not as bad as accidentally killing someone though. And certainly it doesn't rank with those people who intentionally rape, rob, and murder.

One thing Spatially pointed out, that driving that wasted is pretty analogous to shooting a gun randomly at passing traffic. It may not hit anyone, but there is a chance it does injure or kill someone randomly. In a way it is attempted manslaughter. Especially when considering it is done on multiple times, willingly, and at a level that a person can't claim they only had a "couple" and be believed. This person did willfully on several occasions get screwed out of her mind and did so without taking precautions to be driven home. She went into the situations with the intent of driving after being completely fucked in her head by drugs. She had done this on multiple times despite knowing the outcomes of her behavior more than likely would lead to her or the death of someone else. It is pretty scummy behavior. She was just lucky she hadn't killed someone.

Still, all that is a side note to the actual story of the OP. Which is home owner kills idiot drunkard on his property. The circumstances could have been in his favor if he hadn't opened his mouth, but he did so saying his shot was an accident. More then likely as a reaction to feeling bad to killing a person and just saying the first thing that came to mind that seemed like plausible justification.
Sep 7, 2009
Agreed, it's pretty bad. Not as bad as accidentally killing someone though. And certainly it doesn't rank with those people who intentionally rape, rob, and murder.

You think so?

Personally, I think accidentally killing someone without negligence (IE unknowingly improperly building something which causes death, accidentally shooting someone who was at your door, that sort of pure accidental thing) is MUCH less of an offense compared to knowingly and repeatedly getting blasted out of your mind, making the choice to get into a car, and driving down the street endangering the lives of everyone around you.

The mere act of that type of willful and known negligence is worse than a pure accidental death without negligence (from an ethical standpoint, in my opinion anyway..).

Particularly when it's someone does it on a constant basis... Including numerous totaled cars... I would put that square in the "intentionally rape, rob murder" category before I'd include the "accidental killing someone".


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
One thing Spatially pointed out, that driving that wasted is pretty analogous to shooting a gun randomly at passing traffic. It may not hit anyone, but there is a chance it does injure or kill someone randomly. In a way it is attempted manslaughter. Especially when considering it is done on multiple times, willingly, and at a level that a person can't claim they only had a "couple" and be believed. This person did willfully on several occasions get screwed out of her mind and did so without taking precautions to be driven home. She went into the situations with the intent of driving after being completely fucked in her head by drugs. She had done this on multiple times despite knowing the outcomes of her behavior more than likely would lead to her or the death of someone else. It is pretty scummy behavior. She was just lucky she hadn't killed someone.

Still, all that is a side note to the actual story of the OP. Which is home owner kills idiot drunkard on his property. The circumstances could have been in his favor if he hadn't opened his mouth, but he did so saying his shot was an accident. More then likely as a reaction to feeling bad to killing a person and just saying the first thing that came to mind that seemed like plausible justification.
Oh, I agree that she was a very bad person in this sense, especially doing so repeatedly. I don't think that justifies moving her into the worst category though.

You think so?

Personally, I think accidentally killing someone without negligence (IE unknowingly improperly building something which causes death, accidentally shooting someone who was at your door, that sort of pure accidental thing) is MUCH less of an offense compared to knowingly and repeatedly getting blasted out of your mind, making the choice to get into a car, and driving down the street endangering the lives of everyone around you.

The mere act of that type of willful and known negligence is worse than a pure accidental death without negligence (from an ethical standpoint, in my opinion anyway..).

Particularly when it's someone does it on a constant basis... Including numerous totaled cars... I would put that square in the "intentionally rape, rob murder" category before I'd include the "accidental killing someone".
Fair enough. I don't have the same weighting of relative evil, but I don't consider yours unreasonable.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2012
Trial date set
Judge Dana Hathaway scheduled on Wednesday Wafer’s final conference for 9 a.m. June 20 and his jury trial for 9 a.m. July 21, according to the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office.

Prosecutors will call about 20 witnesses to take the stand and the defense has between 10 and 15 witnesses, according to the Detroit Free Press. The trial is expected to last three weeks.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
Turns out it was an accidental shooting, not a home defense thing after all.....

Theodore Wafer, 55, said he did not know his shotgun was loaded, according to recorded remarks played at trial.

Renisha McBride, 19, was shot in the face after coming to Mr Wafer's home in a predominantly white neighbourhood hours after crashing her car nearby.
She was later found to have been intoxicated at the time of her death.

"A consistent knocking on the door, and I'm trying to look through the windows and the door," Mr Wafer said of his shotgun in remarks to authorities recorded soon after.

"It's banging somewhere else so I open up the door, kind of like who is this? And the gun discharged," he added. "I didn't know there was a round in there."



Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
So..... does this mean he has already admitted to negligent homicide at best? Sure seems like it to me.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
So..... does this mean he has already admitted to negligent homicide at best? Sure seems like it to me.
If you point a gun at someone and that gun accidentally goes off, seems like negligent homicide to me absent some mitigating factor. A gun, like an automobile, is an inherently deadly device, and in choosing to use it one must accept responsibility for using it safely.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
Ok 4 black people on the jury and the rest white..... Imma gonna call it a hung jury on the murder charge. At most he is going to get a manslaughter conviction, too many whites on the jury to get anything more than that. Justice certainly is not color-blind in White America.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
So..... does this mean he has already admitted to negligent homicide at best? Sure seems like it to me.

I would think so.


My question: Why was an unloaded gun cocked? (Maybe he trying to frighten what he thought might be a robber breaking in?)



Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Ok 4 black people on the jury and the rest white..... Imma gonna call it a hung jury on the murder charge. At most he is going to get a manslaughter conviction, too many whites on the jury to get anything more than that. Justice certainly is not color-blind in White America.

Racist post.

All white are racists = all Black people are criminals etc.

You also seem to be implying that the 4 Black jurors are going to automatically vote guilty of murder because they're black and the defendant is white.

Nice job.



Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
Racist post.

All white are racists = all Black people are criminals etc.

You also seem to be implying that the 4 Black jurors are going to automatically vote guilty of murder because they're black and the defendant is white.

Nice job.


Jesus have you NOT watched ANY of these racially charged trials? Doesn't the outcome ALWAYS break down along racial lines? Why did OJ Simpson's lawyers challenge only WHITE jurors? Because they were racist or because they wanted to help their client?
Last edited:


Oct 12, 2009
Jesus have you NOT watched ANY of these racially charged trials? Doesn't the outcome ALWAYS break down along racial lines? Why did OJ Simpson's lawyers challenge only WHITE jurors? Because they were racist or because they wanted to help their client?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
Jesus have you NOT watched ANY of these racially charged trials? Doesn't the outcome ALWAYS break down along racial lines? Why did OJ Simpson's lawyers challenge only WHITE jurors? Because they were racist or because they wanted to help their client?

She's dead right. You just called the members of the jury racist, because of the color of their skin. Nice.


Jun 23, 2004
This excuse... part of the duty of carrying a weapon is to be responsible. I'm rather okay with throwing the book at him, I mean serious time, for what I'd consider to be murder.

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
He opened the door. If he was THAT afraid of a home invasion, he should have hunkered down, called the cops and shot anything that wasn't the cops coming through the door.

Instead, he opened up. He wanted to kill her - period.