Oh man, all of those would be awesome. I think you and I have similar tastes. :awe:
For my next purchase I'm considering:
- Yugo M24/47 (not set on this model in particular. I'd just like a K98k clone)
- Marlin 336W lever action .30-.30
- 1911. I'm leaning towards the Remington R1 Enhanced at the moment.
I'm probably gonna go with a 1911 of some type but I'd really like one of the other two as well.
Ive been eyeing those guns too. The Yugo though Im not sure on. I dont really want ot add ANOTHER caliber to reload for, but might pick one up just to have.
Not going for the 30-30 marlin but do plan to pick up one in either 44mag or 357mag just cause it would be a "fun gun" and i dont want another caliber ot reload for (already do 357 and 44mag)
The 1911 is something Ill pick up one of these days just to have one. Probably a Range Officer or a SR1911.
Ill get an AK too just to have one. Wanting one with nice wood furniture since thats what i picture when i think of an AK.
Then i kind of want to get another M1 and refinish the stock but Im not to sure if ill actually do this. Would have to find a lone action and barrel to feel right doing it. My two current garands are staying stock