Just to add here what Anand posted in the comments:
So feedback is welcome (but try to keep it constructive). I'm just the informant here as I have absolutely no say in the web design but since there's been quite a bit of feedback, I'm sure Anand can implement something to satisfy as many users as possible.
A bit of color at the sides (maybe even a selectable shade?) is a fantastic idea
Aside from toning down the side banners (and the wish for adjustable column width), I like the new site layout.
Don't feel too bummed about the AT crowd. They do this this with pretty much everything. I'd be hard pressed to find one example of anything that was created or changed, that received its own AT thread where anything but the majority of comments are fit in the slots of "Do not like change!" "A 5 year old could have done better!" and "Pointy elbows, would not bang!".
Nerds, in general, tend to have the tendency of being overly critical to the point where they don't feel normal if they *don't* find a problem with it. They can be safely ignored, in a focus of feedback to people less biased towards narcissism.