Starting to like Bloomberg

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Feb 1, 2008
Bloomberg’s sharp wit and big mouth would drive Trump to the end during the debates, so Trump would definitely not debate Bloomberg.
And if it’s Bernie, Trump will need to come up with more than socialism.
So, Trump would never debate Sanders either.
Frankly and like I said elsewhere, Donald Trump is not going to debate anyone.
Far far too risky.
But if it only comes down to exposing Trump and screwing with Trump’s mind, then Bloomberg is your man most definitely.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
It’s complicated but I admit it is mostly due to Bloomberg playing to win and going dirty against Trump immediately.
Again not my ideal choice but a good enough choice.

This is what I’m saying. I bet almost every person here wants someone who is more liberal than Bloomberg but he is willing to go for the throat.

What I hope is that he causes the other candidates to stop competing for who has the most liberal health care plan and makes them focus on the true enemy.


Sep 5, 2000
Bloomberg’s sharp wit and big mouth would drive Trump to the end during the debates, so Trump would definitely not debate Bloomberg.
And if it’s Bernie, Trump will need to come up with more than socialism.
So, Trump would never debate Sanders either.
Frankly and like I said elsewhere, Donald Trump is not going to debate anyone.
Far far too risky.
But if it only comes down to exposing Trump and screwing with Trump’s mind, then Bloomberg is your man most definitely.

I dont think trump will actually debate.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
Bloomberg would sell business interests if elected president is on the front page of the AP right now.

Bloomberg would put Bloomberg LP into a blind trust, and the trustee would then sell the company, adviser Tim O’Brien said. Proceeds from the sale would go to Bloomberg Philanthropies, the charitable giving arm that funds causes from climate change to public health and grants for American cities.

The only restriction Bloomberg would put on the sale is that it not be sold to a foreign buyer or a private equity company, O’Brien said. Bloomberg, a Democrat, is currently chief executive of the company.

“We want to be 180 degrees apart from Donald Trump around financial conflicts of interest,” O’Brien told The Associated Press. “We think it’s one of the biggest stains on the presidency, and Trump’s record is his refusal to disengage himself in his own financial interests. And we want to be very transparent and clean and clear with voters about where Mike is on these things.”

How many could afford it. I'm assuming he wouldn't sell it as one piece?.
Feb 4, 2009
thats all bullshit. All the profits from the sale would go to philanthropy? Bullshiiiiiiiit

He has pledged to give minimum 50% in that Bill Gates Warren Buffett thing.
Regarding selling his shit he appears to be the uncle warbucks (Annie guy) kind of wealthy. Has a shit ton of cash and spends it on a whim. Wouldn’t surprise me if let’s say he has 60 billion worth of businesses he dumps them for 45 billion in a quick sale.
I remember something from the Stern show where they mentioned Bloomberg paid out of pocket for some road repair or bridge repair just because he wanted it done and the purse holders wouldn’t approve.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
In this case, as I said earlier. Winning is far more important than my agreeing with everything the candidate does.
I don’t have time but we could look up what sort of State Judges he brought to NYC or how the States Attorney General acted. Those would be good guides.

You sound very evangelical when asked about why you are voting for Trump, oops I mean Bloomberg.


Aug 2, 2001
So you still can't tell me why Bloomberg would nominate good justices. I told why he probably wouldn't. Just admit you picked the guy because he trolled Trump about his wealth and it was emotionally satisfying.

Because it's a party decision ultimately.

Why would he know all the potential judicial candidates in the pipeline? He's not a lawyer. He wouldn't.

How it always works is that the portfolio the party has been grooming is brought out and the potus picks from that. Bush tried once to nominate his personal atty (Harriet Meyers) and that quickly blew up in his face and she withdrew.

He ended up picking from the Federalist's pipeline in the end.

Only way Bloomberg is getting a pick through is with the help of Chuck.

The key point of that it has to be a D potus making the pick, and apparently also a D majority leader due to McConnell.


Aug 2, 2001
This greater point should be appreciated by all.

Any legislation is going to start with Nancy. Then it goes to Chuck.

They and their conferences will help shape any legislation regardless of which person wins the presidency. If Mike wins, he will have some political capital from the win, but will also known to be there due to his money and not because he captured the hearts and minds of the party.
He won't have the wide latitude and trust Obama implicitly did.

It won't be tenable for him to just walk in and pull the party in a completely different direction just because he defeated Trump. He'll have to spend his first term winning the trust of the D base in order to get reelected.
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Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
I see the narrative for some is Bloomberg = Trump --- Trump = Bloomberg. When there are clearly major differences in the two men. I can see already that feels and disinformation giving us four more years of Trump.

If the choice is between a fast food burger or a shit sandwich, I'm going to choose the fast food burger rather than throwing a fit because steak wasn't on the menu.
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Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2014
Because it's a party decision ultimately.

Why would he know all the potential judicial candidates in the pipeline? He's not a lawyer. He wouldn't.

How it always works is that the portfolio the party has been grooming is brought out and the potus picks from that. Bush tried once to nominate his personal atty (Harriet Meyers) and that quickly blew up in his face and she withdrew.

He ended up picking from the Federalist's pipeline in the end.

Only way Bloomberg is getting a pick through is with the help of Chuck.

The key point of that it has to be a D potus making the pick, and apparently also a D majority leader due to McConnell.

Or he could nominate conservative judges who align with him on his gun control pet issue and dare Shumer to block him and dare the GOP to oppose him under the threat of nominating another Ginsburg. The only way he could get my vote in the general is if he does like Trump and gives a list of Supreme Court candidates he'd choose from. If they're good young liberal candidates then I'd hold my nose and vote for him in the general. That's the only way, he has to pigeonhole himself into selecting liberal SC justices.


Jun 3, 2011
i've come across some rather horrifying illuminati-style info on social media that Bloomberg is, in short, an undercover Republican, and that he should be expected to be no better than Donaldo, if elected.

Make what you will of it.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2014
This is what I’m saying. I bet almost every person here wants someone who is more liberal than Bloomberg but he is willing to go for the throat.

What I hope is that he causes the other candidates to stop competing for who has the most liberal health care plan and makes them focus on the true enemy.

You don't think Sanders will go for the throat on Trump promising universal healthcare in 2016? Or on his promises about how he wasn't a typical Republican and wouldn't go after Social Security and Medicare?


Apr 8, 2013
You don't think Sanders will go for the throat on Trump promising universal healthcare in 2016? Or on his promises about how he wasn't a typical Republican and wouldn't go after Social Security and Medicare?

I think Sanders is the type of candidate who prefers to focus on issues. Will he go after Trump? Sure. It's a question of how much and how often.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
You don't think Sanders will go for the throat on Trump promising universal healthcare in 2016? Or on his promises about how he wasn't a typical Republican and wouldn't go after Social Security and Medicare?

Maybe he will! He hasn’t so far.


May 28, 2007
Maybe he will! He hasn’t so far.
Beat me, I was going to say:

When is it going to happen?

Oh look, the pathological liars are at it again.

This was less than a week ago

This was less than a month ago.

This was two years ago. Absolutely pathetic.


Feb 1, 2008
Set your dvr for the debate Wednesday night.
Mike Bloomberg's first time.
If... if the media makes a big deal over Mike, gives Mike the same attention they gave a newbie Donald Trump back in 2016, then maybe just maybe Mike Bloomberg can win..... the presidency.
How about it CNN, are you up to it?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Oh look, the pathological liars are at it again.

This was less than a week ago

This was less than a month ago.

This was two years ago. Absolutely pathetic.
Wow, we are now pathological liars!

Jesus, dude, you’re losing it. We agree on 90% of things but because we criticize Dear Leader in any way we are now liars and the enemy.

You guys are Trumpkins - left. I’ll still vote for Bernie if he wins but you guys are sabotaging him by acting insane. I hope you grow up and realize the damage you’re doing before it’s too late.