All previous posters MISSED the opportunity and the point of his death. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I am smellin' like the rose
that somebody gave me on
my birthday deathbed
I am smellin' like the rose
that somebody gave me
'cause I'm dead & bloated
BOOM. *mind blown* Can't believe you all missed that.
That said, I'm very sad to see him go, though I knew it was only a matter of time. Been a huge STP fan for a very long time now. They had a winning formula. The sound. The lyrics. The vibe to the songs.
Velvet Revolver's one CD was a notable attempt at copying/rebooting STP. Great CD. But Scott's addictions basically burned through another band. Poor Slash...if not for his endorsements with Gibson, Musicians Friend and a hundred other companies, he might only be a Millionaire.