Actually, Shocking Blue did post here recently. June 22, about 9:30 p.m., in the "Differences in religion in a relationship" thread. But maybe "Jenni" doesn't know that.
What is going on here is all about hiding. Hiding comes from shame, whether deserved or not. Shame comes from many things, but often originates in:
1) abusing knowledge/talents for self-serving ends, because one wants to be the center of things; or
2) from being abused by those with superior knowledge/talents who use someone for self-serving ends, because they want to be the center.
Read carefully the "Eden" account and this truth will be established.
Often, both facets are involved.
When one walks in the light, one is free. But then one can't remain the center. Entering into the light is painful when a huge cup of shame has to swallowed first. "Let this cup pass from me." is the normal human response.
Precocious, talented children often are victimized in a #2 setting, then mischieviously adopt a #1 face to the world as a way of saying, "No one will ever do this to me again."
It is better to drink the cup and enter into the light.