Release the Krak... err FISA Memo!

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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
“I can’t reveal the mystery to either saint or sinner; I can’t state at length what I’ve said curtly; I achieve an altered state that I can’t explain; I have a secret that I cannot share.”
― Omar Khayyám

The bird of life is singing on the bough
His two eternal notes of “I and Thou”
O! hearken well, for soon the song sings through
And, would we hear it, we must hear it now

The bird of life is singing in the sun
Short is his song, nor just begun
A call, a trill, a rapture, then-so soon!
A silence, and the song is done-is done

Yea! What is man that deems himself divine?
Man is flagon, and his soul the wine;
Man is read, his soul the sound therein;
Man is the lantern, and his soul the shine

Would you be happy, hearken, then the way
Heeed not TO-MORROW, heed not YESTERDAY
The magic words of life are HERE and NOW
O fools, that after tomorrow stray

Were I a Sultan, say what greater bliss
Were I to summon to my side than this
Dear gleaming face, far brighter than the moon
O love! and this immortalizing kiss

To all of us the thought of heaven is dear
Why not be sure of it and make it here?
No doubt there is a heaven younder too
But ’tis so far away- and you are near

Men talk of heaven- there is no heaven but here
Men talk of hell- there is no hell but here
Men of hereafters talk, and future lives
O love, there is no other life-but here

Gay little moon, that hath not understood!
She claps her hands, and calls the red wine good
O careless and beloved , if she knew
This wine she fancies is my true heart’s blood

Girl, have you any thought what your eyes mean?
You must have stolen them from some dead queen
O little empty laughing soul that sings
And dances tell me- what do your eyes meam?

And all this body of ivory and myrrh
O gard it with some love and care
Know your own wonder, worship it with me
See how I fall before it deep in prayer

Nor idle I who speak it, nor profane
This playful wisdom growing out of pain
How many midnights whitened into morn
before the seeker knew he sought in vain

You want to know the secret-so did I
Low in the dust I sought it, and on high
Sought it in aweful flights from star to star
The Sultan’s watchman of the starry sky

Up up, where Parween hooves stamped heaven’s floor
My soul went knocking at each starry door
Till on the silly top of heaven’s stair
Clear eyed I looked-and laughed- and climbed no more

Of all my seeking this is all my gain:
No agony of any mortal brain
Shall wrest the secret of the life of man;
The search had taught me that the search is vain

Yet sometimes on a sudden all seems clear-
Hush! hush! my soul, the secret draweth near;
Make silence ready for the speech divine-
If heaven should speak, and there be none to hear!

Yea, sometimes on the instance all seems plain,
The simple sun could tell us, or the rain
The world, caught dreaming with a look of heaven
Seems on a sudden tip-toe to explain

Like to a maid who exquisitely turns
A promising face to him who, waiting, burns
In hell to hear her answer-so the world
Tricks all, and hints what no man learns

Look not above, there is no answer there
Pray not, for no one listens to your prayer
NEAR is as near to God as any FAR
And HERE is just the same deceit as THERE

But here are wine and beautiful young girls
Be wise and hide your sorrows in the curls
Dive as you will in life’s mysterious sea
You shall not bring us any better pearls

Allah, perchance, the secret word might spell
If Allah be, He keeps his secret well
What have he hidden, who shall hope to find?
Shall God His secret to a moggot tell?

So since with all my passion and my skill
The world’s mysteries meaning mocks me still
Shall I not piously believe that I
Am kept in darkness by heavenly will?

How sad to be a woman-not to know
Aught of the glory of this breast of snow
All unconcerned to comb this mighty hair
To be a woman and never know

Where I a woman. I would all day long
Sing my own beauty in some holy song
Bend low before it, hushed and half afraid
And say “I am a woman” all day long

The Koran! well , come put me to the test-
a lovely old book in hideous errors drest-
Believe me, I can quote the Koran too
The unbeliever knows his Kuran best

And do you think that unto such as you
A maggot-minded, starved, fanatic crew
God gave the secret, and denied it me?
Well, well, what matters it! believe that too

Old Khayam, say you, is a debauchee;
If only you were half so good as he!
He sins no sins but gentle drunkenness
Great-hearted mirth, and kind adultery

But yours the cold hearted, and the murderous tongues,
The wintry soul that hates to hear a song,
The close-shut fist, mean and measuring eyes,
And all the little poisoned of wrong

So I be written in the book of love,
I have no care about that book above,
Erase my name, or write it, as you please-
So I be written in the book of love.

What care I, love, for what the sufis say?
The sufis are but drunk another way;
So you be druk, it matters not the means,
So you be druk-and glorify your clay

Drunken myself, and with a merry mind,
An old man passed me, all in vine-leaves twined;
I said, “old man, hast thou forgotten God?”
“Go, drink yourself, ” he said, “for God is kind.”

“Did God set the grapes a-growing, do you think,
And at the same time make it sin to drink?
Give thanks to Him who foreordained it thus-
Surely He loves to hear the glasses clink!

From God’s own hands this earthly vessel came,
He, shaped it thus, be it for fame or shame;
If it be fair- to God be all the praise,
If it be foul-to God alone the blame

To me there is much comfort in the thought
That all our agonies can alter nought,
Our lives are written to their latest word,
We but repeat a lesson He hath taught

Our wildest wrong is part of His great Right
Our weakness is the shadow of His might,
Our sins are His, forgiven long ago
To make His mercy more exceeding bright

When first the stars were made and planets seven,
Already was it told of me in Heaven
That God had chosen me to sing His vine,
And in my dust had thrown the vinous leaven


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
This while episode had shown me how weak the Constitution really is in the face of a major political party attempting to establish a dictatorship. I wouldn't be shocked at this point if the majority of the gop would vote to give Trump emergency dicator powers.

I'm also a huge supporter of the first amendment, but something needs to be done about the blatant propaganda and misinformation networks.

There was a point not so long ago I would have considered this kind of talk to be hyperbolic. Now however, based on the actions of the majority, I don't think so anymore since there seems to be nothing they will not do to protect Trump and remain in power.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Republicans are so morally outraged by liberals they are willing to destroy it to get even. Liberals are so morally outraged at conservatives they are becoming willing to help them destroy it. Where is the morality in moral outrage?

What would happen if people conditioned to respect authority and rules by being punished as children and threatened with expulsion from the love of the group on whom one depends for survival and survived that by Stockholm syndrome ran into people who survived that same scenario by rejecting the notion that the conditioners actually had any such real authority? And what if it were impossible to determine who experienced the greater level of torture? You would wind up, would you not, with one group of victims who victimize and another group of victims who are more supportive of them?

It would seem to me if looked at that way we are actually all victims and all of us are morally outraged by that fact, violently morally outraged in fact, but with nobody anywhere to point to, to blame.

It would be easy to see how in such a state of impotent rage people would want to burn everything down.

The question I would finally ask is whether there might be a way out of the blame game, the trap of moral outrage, for those who consciously suffer, for those who feel and undergo the self love that is possible for those who morn and experience the cleansing made possible by real grief. We are none of us guilty of anything and have all been forgiven.

What you say reminds me of envy as Melanie Klein described. When something that is intensely desired is possessed by another and denied to us, we have an impulse to deny it to the other by stealing it, destroying it, or spoiling it. Your question, "Where is the morality in moral outrage?" is well appreciated.


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2012
The GOP and all it's supporters are a blight on our country. This whole episode is inane. This is the same Nunes who had to step aside because of his "unmasking" episode.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
The GOP and all it's supporters are a blight on our country. This whole episode is inane. This is the same Nunes who had to step aside because of his "unmasking" episode.

What do you mean? Are you claiming the guy who behaved so unethically he had to recuse himself from the Russia investigation can't be trusted about issues relating to the Russia investigation?

Why I never.
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Sep 5, 2000
so this is a hit piece written by a gop congressman that they are releasing. They voted no to release a counter point by the dems. lol.


Nov 11, 1999
I seriously doubt that anything will be released. Nunes will agree to review by appropriate agencies, I suspect, then claim they redacted it for national security purposes to the point that there's nothing to release. Derp State strikes again.


Sep 5, 2000
its literally not the classified info. Its some retard writing about what he read in the classified info. This is so dumb.
Nov 30, 2006


Feb 15, 2002

"The FBI offered no comment to Fox News regarding bureau officials’ review of the document. Senior DOJ officials told Fox News after this story first posted, however, that they “dispute the characterization” that no inaccuracies could be cited.

Senior DOJ officials also had the opportunity to review the memo at DOJ headquarters on Monday."​
That’s because if they comment, make any corrections, they own the document. They aren’t going there, they’re not that stupid. But Fox insinuating that their silence confirms their agreement with it is a bigly stretch.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006

"The FBI offered no comment to Fox News regarding bureau officials’ review of the document. Senior DOJ officials told Fox News after this story first posted, however, that they “dispute the characterization” that no inaccuracies could be cited.

Senior DOJ officials also had the opportunity to review the memo at DOJ headquarters on Monday."​

Looks like it’s what I predicted. The information isn’t false, it’s just cherry picked to mischaracterize what actually happened in an effort to smear law enforcement officials trying to investigate possible criminal activity by the president and his associates. Same as before with the text messages. This hit job will likely be used to justify a purge of FBI officials that Trump deems insufficiently loyal to him personally.

Anyone who isn’t scared by what Republicans have done in the last few weeks isn’t paying attention. This is an attack on the heart of our system and Republicans are cheering it on because they are too stupid or too corrupt to put country before party.

I hope the Democrats have it in them to save the rest of us because the Republicans have gone insane. They need to release their rebuttal memo regardless of what Trump or the committee members say.


Mar 9, 2005
Anyone who isn’t scared by what Republicans have done in the last few weeks isn’t paying attention. This is an attack on the heart of our system and Republicans are cheering it on because they are too stupid or too corrupt to put country before party.
Folks should review some of HItler's tactics in the days he was seizing power and consolidating it to himself.


Oct 6, 2009
Looks like it’s what I predicted. The information isn’t false, it’s just cherry picked to mischaracterize what actually happened in an effort to smear law enforcement officials trying to investigate possible criminal activity by the president and his associates. Same as before with the text messages. This hit job will likely be used to justify a purge of FBI officials that Trump deems insufficiently loyal to him personally.

Anyone who isn’t scared by what Republicans have done in the last few weeks isn’t paying attention. This is an attack on the heart of our system and Republicans are cheering it on because they are too stupid or too corrupt to put country before party.

I hope the Democrats have it in them to save the rest of us because the Republicans have gone insane. They need to release their rebuttal memo regardless of what Trump or the committee members say.
I don't understand why this Nunes memo has any credibility and what would the Democrats' response accomplish?


Oct 6, 2009


Mar 9, 2005
I repeat, why did this Nunes memo ever have any credibility?
The right breathed life into it releasing it from the heart of the swamp to go forth and whisper lies into the ears of all that would listen.


Feb 6, 2002
Pulled the same BS stunt again.

Devin Nunes Won't Say If He Worked With White House on Anti-FBI Memo
The House intel committee GOP leader refused to answer behind closed doors if he coordinated with the president’s team on his report blasting Rosenstein, Comey, and McCabe.

We've seen this movie before

Nunes Bullshit Conspiracy Theory Vol 4

And the stupid continue to pay for the movie and an extra large popcorn. You people are fools.