you'll probably talk about it with your hypothetical wife, who may or may not be religious herself.That's one way to look at it, the other way is.. at what point do I stop pretending? Do I have my hypothtical kids baptized? Do I have them take communion? Do I have them confirmed? Do I drag them to church on Christmas and Easter?
Edit: and shouldn't my parents respect my decision on the matter? I believe strongly that the answer is yes, the only reason I haven't told them is because I think it could be painful for them.
the way my sister looked at it, baptism is a meaningless ceremony that takes an afternoon and gets them some free gifts. by the time communion and confirmation come around, the kids will be old enough to decide for themselves.
(ironically, because I believe in god, I'd never do it myself... I have moral issues with the idea of lying when swearing an oath to god in a church)