Palestinians using the UN to bypass recognizing Israel...


Jul 13, 2005
Seems to mme that by going the UN route the Palestinians and Hamas can have their cake and eat it too...or so they believe they can.....
Some very interesting responses by the Hamas Leader....;_ylv=3
Hamas leader vows never to recognize Israel
Reuters – 11 hrs agoGAZA (Reuters) - Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal, making his first ever visit to the Gaza Strip, vowed on Saturday never to recognize Israel and said his Islamist group would never abandon its claim to all Israeli territory.

"Palestine is ours from the river to the sea and from the south to the north. There will be no concession on an inch of the land," he told a sea of supporters at an open-air rally, the highlight of his three-day stay in Gaza.

"We will never recognize the legitimacy of the Israeli occupation and therefore there is no legitimacy for Israel, no matter how long it will take."

In an uncompromising speech, Meshaal also vowed to free Palestinian prisoners held in Israel, indicating Islamist militants would try to kidnap Israeli soldiers to use as a bargaining chip.

Israel last year released 1,027 Palestinians from its jails in return for the liberation of Gilad Shalit, a conscript soldier who was seized by Palestinian guerrillas in 2006 and hidden for more than five years in Gaza.

Thousands of Palestinian detainees remain in Israel. The Jewish state says many of them are terrorists. Hamas calls them freedom fighters.

"We will not rest until we liberate the prisoners. The way we freed some of the prisoners in the past is the way we will use to free the remaining prisoners," Meshaal said to cheers from the huge crowd that had flocked to see him.

Meshaal was born in the nearby West Bank but has lived most of his life in exile. He entered Gaza 24 hours ago to attend Saturday's rally which marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of Hamas.;_ylv=3

Exiled Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal is walking on Palestinian territory for the first time in 45 years. He's in town to celebrate his party’s 25th anniversary and the end of a week-long conflagration with Israel last month.

But his visit could also signal growing confidence within the Islamist party – which Israel, the United States, and the European Union consider a terrorist organization – over its position in the tumultuous Middle East.

Mr. Meshaal, who left the West Bank as a boy in 1967 and had not visited Gaza before today, has led Hamas for over 15 years, primarily from the party's offices in Damascus, Syria. But he was in Egypt late last month for negotiations of the cease-fire that ended the eight-day conflict with Israel. Some 170 Palestinians and six Israelis were killed in the violence, the Telegraph reports, the worst fighting in four years. The New York Times reports that Hamas' negotiation of “a cease-fire with Israel through the agency of the Egyptians … may represent an important step toward becoming a more recognized international player and representative of at least a portion of the Palestinian people.”

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Meshaal has since spoken of the possibility of reaching out to other political factions within the Palestinian territory, including the Fatah party, which was pushed out of Gaza by Hamas in 2007. Al Jazeera reports Hamas invited Fatah officials to a celebration rally in Gaza tomorrow, part of Meshaal’s whirlwind trip.

"There is a new mood that allows us to achieve reconciliation," Meshaal told Al Jazeera.

According to the Times, “The Fatah movement controls the West Bank, which Israel still occupies, and the rivalry between the two groups is the defining principle of Palestinian politics, despite continuing efforts by Egypt to bring about a reconciliation.”

The most recent violence between Israel and Palestine started on Nov. 14 with an exchange of rockets and airstrikes. Since then, the Palestinian Authority gained United Nation’s recognition as a non-member observer state (something that Meshaal thanked Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for, reports the BBC), and Israel announced the expansion of settlement construction on the West Bank.

Israel says its airstrikes did substantial damage to Hamas in November, killing Ahmed al-Jaabari, its military chief, and diminishing its supply of weapons, reports the Telegraph. But according to The Associated Press, Hamas leaders declared victory in Gaza after the truce was brokered in November. “While Israel said it inflicted heavy damage on the militants, Gaza's Hamas rulers claimed that Israel's decision not to send ground troops into the territory, as it had four years ago, was a sign of a new Hamas deterrent power.”

A spokesman for Israel’s foreign ministry told Bloomberg today that “it doesn’t matter who they are, Hamas still stands for violence, bloodshed, extremism and racism.”

But the November Israeli-Palestinian face-off highlighted a change in the regional attitude toward Hamas, one that The Christian Science Monitor’s Egypt correspondent writes may be attributed to the aftermath of last year’s Arab uprisings. Political parties such as Hamas now have more support from Arab leaders, and the role Egypt’s Mohamed Morsi, the Turkish prime minister, Qatari emir, and Hamas’ exiled Meshaal played in brokering the cease-fire last month is one example of this.

…n the post-“Arab spring” Middle East, the region looks much different, and Hamas has found a new swell of support as it faces Israel. Mr. Mubarak, ousted in a popular uprising in 2011, has been replaced by an elected president from the Muslim Brotherhood. Instead of a mostly sealed Gaza-Egypt border, it has become difficult to keep track of all the solidarity trips made to Gaza by Arab officials. ...

The uprisings that displaced pro-Western autocrats who toed the US line on Israel have brought to power Islamist governments more friendly to Hamas, as well as more sensitive to public opinion typically supportive of the Palestinian cause. This has reshaped the regional dynamics, leaving Israel increasingly isolated. These new governments, along with Turkey and Qatar, have formed a vocal block of opposition to Israel's assault on Gaza.

“This is a significant change in the Arab reaction,” says Khalil Al Anani, a scholar at Durham University in Britain. The new Arab nations ready to take a stronger stance against Israel could change Israel’s calculations in favor of more restraint.

“It shows that Gaza is not alone. This will put pressure on Israel, and they [Arab states] can move further if they want, by lobbying internationally and putting a spotlight on Israel and its lack of interest in peace," he says.

“The visit of Mashaal to Gaza is one of the fruits of the victory Hamas has achieved during the eight-day war on Gaza,” Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said, according to Bloomberg. “Gaza is freed now and will receive whoever visitors it wants.”

Hamas was founded Dec. 14, 1987, after the first Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation. This weekend’s celebrations were moved up to coincide with the first intifada, or uprising, against Israel, reports the Times.

According to the BBC, “Under its charter, Hamas is committed to the destruction of Israel. But the group has also offered a 10-year truce in return for a complete Israeli withdrawal from territories it occupied in 1967.”

Meshaal, who reportedly kissed the ground upon entering Gaza from Egypt, is expected to speak at tomorrow’s rally. He also plans to visit the homes of fallen Hamas members including Mr. Jabari and Hamas’ spiritual leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
No sense in Israel trying to make peace with Hamas since the only thing they'll accept is the complete destruction of Israel. Hamas had made clear the only peace they seek is the peace of the grave.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2010
Hamas can't destroy Israel because they can't destroy a majority of people descended from Israel and they can't destroy a majority of Jewish-descended people either. That said, if Hamas believes it can actually destroy all Jews, then it must be retarded.

Now, if the State of Israel collapses, then it will be due to Ben N's mistakes.
Jun 26, 2007
Seems to mme that by going the UN route the Palestinians and Hamas can have their cake and eat it too...or so they believe they can.....
Some very interesting responses by the Hamas Leader....

The quote of mine from your signature is worth repeating.

That said, Palestine will exist when they understand that Israel exists, it's that blatantly simple!

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
If you were a Palestinian, why on earth would you recognize being raped by Israel? As the Israeli State totally denies the human rights of Palestinians o the basis of hereditary. The same basic reasoning Hitler used against the Jews.

Its a two way street here, as basically the entire world except the USA voted against Israeli bullshit on 11/29/2012.

As the other mystery here, is why Israel depicts the struggle as a end binary conflict, of either Israel must win, or the Palestinians will win and push the Jews into the sea. With no other possible outcome that grants Israel and the Palestinians equal rights. As that argument gets even more weird, when we consider, that its not just the the unarmed Palestinians, some 4 million strong, against well armed Israeli Jews, some 6.5 million strong, that hangs in the balance. When some 300 million Arabs would not piss on an Israeli to kindly put out the fire they may become subject to. Kinda changes the odds long term.

As then the Israeli position becomes weirder, when the Israeli Palestinian conflict is no longer in the legitimate 1948 borders of Israel, and instead has shifted to control of the disputed territories of Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan heights. Land Israel, by UN doctrine and Geneva convention treaties can never be owned by Israel. Yet Israel is trying to claim that too on the basis of no legitimacy.

As I ask why we can't have a soft landing for both sides, Where the Arabs and Palestinians recognize the right for Israel to exist, and in turn Israel allows the Palestinians to have their own State free from Israeli domination. Leaving the Palestinian too busy building their own state to engage in the same terrorism Israel now uses against Palestinians.

Where does this stuff come from that cats and dogs can't ever get along. As Israeli Jews and Palestinians had a longer pre-history of doing so. Or we can site the example of Apartheid South Africa and Nelson Mendella, renouncing revenge when the jig was up for South African Apartheid.

Why can't the USA recognize that the best possible compromise is a two State solution and grow the balls to say our support of Bozo Netanyuhu unreality is conditional. When even all of our allies have already told us they will refuse to follow our stupid foreign policy.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Thanks LL for again providing an argument for the death of Hamas, who's founding principle is based not only on the extermination of Israel, but every Jew. Oh but they are so kind as to offer a ten year grace on execution if they get everything else they want.

You are the best argument for Israeli military action against Hamas, which you make into Palestinians, as if they are all Hamas.


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2002
now they see they can win..

of course this is just talk to rally the fighters, of course palestine will recognize the israeli people, of course nobody will recognize the current israeli regime (because they are about to fall) the new state will not be based on a jewish vs israeli status quo, they aren't stupid, that is what caused the downfall of the current israeli regime...

they did it right, they went to UN,

here's what's about to happen.

iran will use chemicals in allepo via proxy of "assad."

the world will be scared.

egyptian puppet dictator will dissappear (either assasinated, or made to look like one) (israel will probably look like they did it)

hamas will rise to power in egypt

sudanese cival war will erupt

hamas will take control, at this point israel will be on it's last leg, it will crumble from the inside, the new government will rise to power, with hamas elements.. and be backed by the usa/un

things may be quiet for a while.

oh also, any day now it will come out that yasser arafat was assasinated with a nuclear/bio weapon...
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Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
now they see they can win..

of course this is just talk to rally the fighters, of course palestine will recognize the israeli people, of course nobody will recognize the current israeli regime (because they are about to fall) the new state will not be based on a jewish vs israeli status quo, they aren't stupid, that is what caused the downfall of the current israeli regime...

they did it right, they went to UN,

here's what's about to happen.

iran will use chemicals in allepo via proxy of "assad."

the world will be scared.

egyptian puppet dictator will dissappear (either assasinated, or made to look like one) (israel will probably look like they did it)

hamas will rise to power in egypt

sudanese cival war will erupt

hamas will take control, at this point israel will be on it's last leg, it will crumble from the inside, the new government will rise to power, with hamas elements.. and be backed by the usa/un

things may be quiet for a while.

oh also, any day now it will come out that yasser arafat was assasinated with a nuclear/bio weapon...

You forgot to mention Israel slagging Hamas and Islamic Fundamentalists taking over everything like in Egypt. You will bow to Mecca. Isn't that special?
Apr 27, 2012
Hamas wants to kill all the Jews yet there not criticized for this, its nice to see who are the anti-semites


Dec 11, 2006
Its a two way street here

If it is indeed a "two way street" than Israel would be well within its rights to say the exact same thing, right?

In all seriousness, how do you negotiate with a group like that? The leader has stated that the only thing they will accept is the complete and total destruction of Israel, what in the world do you expect Israel to do? Why would they make any concessions when they were just told that it won't be even close to good enough?


Dec 11, 2006
now they see they can win..

of course this is just talk to rally the fighters, of course palestine will recognize the israeli people, of course nobody will recognize the current israeli regime (because they are about to fall) the new state will not be based on a jewish vs israeli status quo, they aren't stupid, that is what caused the downfall of the current israeli regime...

they did it right, they went to UN,

here's what's about to happen.

iran will use chemicals in allepo via proxy of "assad."

the world will be scared.

egyptian puppet dictator will dissappear (either assasinated, or made to look like one) (israel will probably look like they did it)

hamas will rise to power in egypt

sudanese cival war will erupt

hamas will take control, at this point israel will be on it's last leg, it will crumble from the inside, the new government will rise to power, with hamas elements.. and be backed by the usa/un

things may be quiet for a while.

oh also, any day now it will come out that yasser arafat was assasinated with a nuclear/bio weapon...

Damn, how much did you take this time?

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Thanks LL for again providing an argument for the death of Hamas, who's founding principle is based not only on the extermination of Israel, but every Jew. Oh but they are so kind as to offer a ten year grace on execution if they get everything else they want.

You are the best argument for Israeli military action against Hamas, which you make into Palestinians, as if they are all Hamas.

Totally false Haybasusa on three basic fronts.

(1) Hamas leaders do not call for the destruction of all Jews, even if they refuse to recognize the legitimacy of the State of Israel. As the Palestinian right to return to their former 1948 Israeli homes and land will always be an issue until a deal is inked. And no future Palestinian leader will make the Arifat mistake of recognizing Israel before a deal is inked. AS ANY FUTURE DEAL BEING INKED WILL AND MUST DEPEND ON ISRAEL RECOGNIZING THE PALESTINIAN RIGHTS TO EXIST WHILE THE PALESTINIANS MUST AGREE TO ISRAEL RIGHT TO EXIST. Meanwhile Israel is the only nation in the world who thinks it can pick its opponents. In the Korean War the US held peace talks with the North Koreans and other parties, In the Vietnamese war we held peace talks with the North Vietnamese. And the USA is even willing to hold talks with the Taliban but the Taliban basically says no. So why does Israel have any legitimacy in saying we refuse to talk with anyone that does not like us.

(2) Then we can ask, who are the Israeli people, or the people of the USA, or the Palestinians. Take the United States, do we agree 100% with Obama and the democrats, or do we agree 100% with Boehner and the republicans? Or with Ron or Rand Paul who claim to be the real republican party. Similarly Israel is politically fragmented. And so are the Palestinians also fragmented into the political party of Fatah who have renounced the Use of violence against Israeli and the political party of Hamas who have not renounced violence as a tactic. But still the Palestinian people are neither Hamas or Fatah, and instead will be how they vote in any prospective future deal. And assuming we can get a future agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, then it can be voted upon by the Palestinians and the Israelis. And if the Palestinians in Gaza, vote to renounce violence in the deal, the present leaders of Hamas will simply have been voted out of power. As the same hazard exists for Netanyuhu and the crazed Israeli settler parties.

(3) The pro-Israeli fan clubber on this thread can call me an idiot in the small minority to their hearts content, but they still can't deny the rest of the wold just dope slapped Israel, first by a 15 to one margin, and next by almost a 30 to 1 margin. As many in the US Government are becoming aware that Israel is a growing US huge liability.


Golden Member
Nov 3, 2009
(3) The pro-Israeli fan clubber on this thread can call me an idiot in the small minority to their hearts content, but they still can't deny the rest of the wold just dope slapped Israel, first by a 15 to one margin, and next by almost a 30 to 1 margin. As many in the US Government are becoming aware that Israel is a growing US huge liability.

You seriously overrate the importance of the UN resolution.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000

Totally false Haybasusa on three basic fronts.

(1) Hamas leaders do not call for the destruction of all Jews, even if they refuse to recognize the legitimacy of the State of Israel. As the Palestinian right to return to their former 1948 Israeli homes and land will always be an issue until a deal is inked. And no future Palestinian leader will make the Arifat mistake of recognizing Israel before a deal is inked. AS ANY FUTURE DEAL BEING INKED WILL AND MUST DEPEND ON ISRAEL RECOGNIZING THE PALESTINIAN RIGHTS TO EXIST WHILE THE PALESTINIANS MUST AGREE TO ISRAEL RIGHT TO EXIST. Meanwhile Israel is the only nation in the world who thinks it can pick its opponents. In the Korean War the US held peace talks with the North Koreans and other parties, In the Vietnamese war we held peace talks with the North Vietnamese. And the USA is even willing to hold talks with the Taliban but the Taliban basically says no. So why does Israel have any legitimacy in saying we refuse to talk with anyone that does not like us.

(2) Then we can ask, who are the Israeli people, or the people of the USA, or the Palestinians. Take the United States, do we agree 100% with Obama and the democrats, or do we agree 100% with Boehner and the republicans? Or with Ron or Rand Paul who claim to be the real republican party. Similarly Israel is politically fragmented. And so are the Palestinians also fragmented into the political party of Fatah who have renounced the Use of violence against Israeli and the political party of Hamas who have not renounced violence as a tactic. But still the Palestinian people are neither Hamas or Fatah, and instead will be how they vote in any prospective future deal. And assuming we can get a future agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, then it can be voted upon by the Palestinians and the Israelis. And if the Palestinians in Gaza, vote to renounce violence in the deal, the present leaders of Hamas will simply have been voted out of power. As the same hazard exists for Netanyuhu and the crazed Israeli settler parties.

(3) The pro-Israeli fan clubber on this thread can call me an idiot in the small minority to their hearts content, but they still can't deny the rest of the wold just dope slapped Israel, first by a 15 to one margin, and next by almost a 30 to 1 margin. As many in the US Government are becoming aware that Israel is a growing US huge liability.

You seem to have missed the word "never" in Hamas speech, cited in the OP.

As far as Hamas killing Jews? Do I really need to post the Charter? The Jews must die.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Hamas wants to kill all the Jews yet there not criticized for this, its nice to see who are the anti-semites
The problem with that assertion lies in the fact that the government of Israel has been denying the Palestinian people of all their human rights for well over 65 years.

Why should the current government of Israel ask that their human rights be respected when they don't respect the human rights of others? Which is, IMHO, why the UN has voted so strongly against Israel. As its in the interests of everyone in the world to have a win win peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians. And no one in the world recognizes the clear Bozo Netanyuhu Israeli attempt to pig all of Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. Which would leave the Palestinians with nothing. And merely kick the can down the road until the only remaining option is binding third party arbitration.

Maybe the people of Israel can take some comfort in the EU position that they will not engage in economic sanctions against Israeli at this point in time, but that can change very swiftly in even the near time future.
Apr 27, 2012
The problem with that assertion lies in the fact that the government of Israel has been denying the Palestinian people of all their human rights for well over 65 years.

Why should the current government of Israel ask that their human rights be respected when they don't respect the human rights of others? Which is, IMHO, why the UN has voted so strongly against Israel. As its in the interests of everyone in the world to have a win win peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians. And no one in the world recognizes the clear Bozo Netanyuhu Israeli attempt to pig all of Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. Which would leave the Palestinians with nothing. And merely kick the can down the road until the only remaining option is binding third party arbitration.

Maybe the people of Israel can take some comfort in the EU position that they will not engage in economic sanctions against Israeli at this point in time, but that can change very swiftly in even the near time future.

Will you condemn Hamas?

The UN has shown that it doesn't matter. They condemned Israel but not hamas. They are biased against Israel and look at the 60 member Arab voting bloc.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008
Even if Hamas doesn't recognize Israel they better recognize who has the better armed military force and who has nuclear weapons.

Presumably some of them in silos on those nice quiet diesel subs they have.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
The problem with that assertion lies in the fact that the government of Israel has been denying the Palestinian people of all their human rights for well over 65 years.

Why should the current government of Israel ask that their human rights be respected when they don't respect the human rights of others? Which is, IMHO, why the UN has voted so strongly against Israel. As its in the interests of everyone in the world to have a win win peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians. And no one in the world recognizes the clear Bozo Netanyuhu Israeli attempt to pig all of Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. Which would leave the Palestinians with nothing. And merely kick the can down the road until the only remaining option is binding third party arbitration.

Maybe the people of Israel can take some comfort in the EU position that they will not engage in economic sanctions against Israeli at this point in time, but that can change very swiftly in even the near time future.

Economic sanctions against Israel will seriously hurt the Palestinians much more than Israel.

Is that the pain you want inflicted on your chosen people :confused:

If the world is going to give Israel the finger, Israel will shoe the world that the reason for the finger is going to suffer as a result.

You think the 3000 settlements would have been announced if the UN had not voted as theft did.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Will you condemn Hamas?

The UN has shown that it doesn't matter. They condemned Israel but not hamas. They are biased against Israel and look at the 60 member Arab voting bloc.
As Incorruptable maybe asks a very good question.

(1) Until 11/29/2012, the government of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, was not even a recognized government, and as an occupied people, they play under different UN rules compared to Israel that is a recognized UN state. As Israel defies UN rules, the Geneva accords they signed, the Oslo accords they selectively enforce, as Israel is still under international war crimes charges for their actions in cast lead.

(2) Post 11/29/23012, when the Palestinian people won international recognition as a defacto state, Incorrutuptable muddies the question. As we can ask, who are the Palestinian people? Are they only the people governed by Hamas who have not renounced violence, or are they only the the people of Fatah in the West Bank who do not use violence against Israel? When Israel is somehow more democratic as Israel uses violence and terrorism against both Fatah and Hamas! Which also ignores the future question, whay future peace deals can Israel and the Palestinians now forge where both Israel and Palestinians recognize each others right to exist. ( The desired win win solution in MHO. )

(3) Then inconsolable cries a river that the 60 member Arab block voted against Israel. And ignores the fact the more populous and far more influential EU block voted against Israel with only one rather minor member.

(4) But for the final question, I will agree to condemn Hamas violence if you agree to condemn Israeli violence, after Israel agrees to a settlement freeze. so real peace negotiations can start. Meanwhile I will condemn both Israeli violence and Hamas violence.
But we both recognize something else, its beyond the feeble powers of anyone to control the terrorism from Stateless Terrorists who can only be discredited after a just Israeli Palestinian peace deal is signed.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Last settlement freeze requested by the Palestinians was approved by Israel and for 9 months the Palestinians never showed.

At present, the legit Palestinian elected government is in Gaza, not the West Bank.

That is the critical election that keeps getting postponed.

LL Israeli election concerns are a non issue again.

Should Hamas again win, will they authorize Abbas and company to represent them in negotiating with Israel.

Given that Oslo is dead, where will both sides move on to?
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Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Well how about this. Israel stops settlement building while working with Abbas. If Hamas decides to attack, Israel destroys them utterly no matter where they are. Since Hamas is interested in a peaceful resolution there will be no issues.


Nov 11, 1999
Well how about this. Israel stops settlement building while working with Abbas. If Hamas decides to attack, Israel destroys them utterly no matter where they are. Since Hamas is interested in a peaceful resolution there will be no issues.

Israel has been free to do that all along, at least the settlement issue. But they haven't. They could declare an end to it any time they choose.

Might want to evaluate their intentions in light of their actions...