Mobile Me - Wireless Sync, Wireless Push, 20gb iDisk, and more


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
Info -

Video -

Do you guys think this has breathed new life into .Mac?

At $100, it still seems a bit expensive, but since its a free upgrade for .Mac users when it launches next month, Amazon sells it for $70 which is a bit easier to swallow. I'll admit, I am intrigued for its sheer simplicity and versatility that I can effectively do anything everywhere.

On a side note, if you buy the .Mac from Amazon - Can you use it to extend an existing account? I'm thinking of signing up for a trial now, then maybe grabbing the amazon one if i like it.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2006
You can, get it from Amazon now for 70 bucks and then you'll be able to update it to MobileMe.


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
Originally posted by: ChAoTiCpInOy
You can, get it from Amazon now for 70 bucks and then you'll be able to update it to MobileMe.

Well actually can you use the one from amazon to update from a trial to a full?


Platinum Member
Jun 3, 2004

Are any other .Mac features affected?
As part of this transition to MobileMe, some features are being discontinued: Web access to bookmarks (bookmark sync between your Macs and/or PCs is still supported), iCards, .Mac slides, and support for Mac OS X 10.3 Panther sync.

How do I get my bookmarks that I?ve stored on .Mac?
MobileMe will continue to sync bookmarks across computers as well as push them to your iPhone and iPod touch. However, after MobileMe goes live you will no longer be able to access the Bookmarks application on the web. If you have any bookmarks stored on .Mac, please be sure to sync your bookmarks with your Mac before this date to avoid losing them.

Apple link explains further:
"Sync .Mac Bookmarks with Safari before June 30, 2008"

As part of the transition from .Mac to MobileMe, Web access to .Mac Bookmarks ends on June 30, 2008 (06-30-2008). After this date, you will no longer be able to access or update your bookmarks at (

To avoid losing any existing .Mac Bookmarks, sync them with Safari on your Mac before June 30, 2008.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2000
As far as I know, you can use retail copies of .mac to pay for your account. So you can use a copy from Amazon to renew an existing account or pay for account after your trial. You might want to double-check to make sure it is the same for MobileMe.



Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
I hope they've upgraded their servers. My wife has .Mac and their websites are dog slow.

I was never a big fan of .Mac personally; I got it for my wife because it's simple and she got a spiffy email address (no more, I guess!). I have to say though, this new offering looks mighty good. OTA syncing from my iPhone to my Desktop to my Laptop sounds sweet!


Jan 6, 2002
it looks very nice, if the speed is good I will probably sign up, iPhone or not. I guess 99 a year isn't too bad.


Diamond Member
Feb 23, 2002
I think given that you can get this same functionality from Google for free makes it a tab pricey IMO. You do have to figure in the fact that you are getting all this connectivity between machines. Google is great if you have access to the Internet but this can all be done locally and then synced which is what makes MobileMe nice.

I'll keep my subscription and we'll see how this turns out.


Apr 15, 2001
Kmax82, yeah, but you don't get 20GB. Picasa only gives you 1GB for photos, for example.

You can buy 20GB for $25 a year, of course, but it isn't "free".


Jan 6, 2002
Originally posted by: Kmax82
I think given that you can get this same functionality from Google for free makes it a tab pricey IMO. You do have to figure in the fact that you are getting all this connectivity between machines. Google is great if you have access to the Internet but this can all be done locally and then synced which is what makes MobileMe nice.

I'll keep my subscription and we'll see how this turns out.

you can't compare the 2, even minus the connectivity you can get between devices. The interface looks like a real, power desktop app. Gmail looks like web mail. If Google comes with a Web 2.0 mail client that actually has power I would love it. I think the interface alone makes Mobile Me something worth looking into. The Calendar looks 10x better than Googles also.

I'm glad Apple is giving a 60 day trial on this, can't wait until the launch so I can jump right in and see what it's about.


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Kmax82
I think given that you can get this same functionality from Google for free makes it a tab pricey IMO. You do have to figure in the fact that you are getting all this connectivity between machines. Google is great if you have access to the Internet but this can all be done locally and then synced which is what makes MobileMe nice.

I'll keep my subscription and we'll see how this turns out.

Well google does this to an extent, but as you said I think the sheer simplicity, immediate sync, and integration into all the apps we use make this very attractive.

I signed up for the 60 day .Net trial to see if I like the current service as so far its not bad but the features of Mobile Me just sound great. The trial should take me though the change over and about a month in. Figured I might as well snag the e-mail I want incase Mobile Me is a big success.

I was kinda on the fence at first, but I like making my life as simple as possible and this seems to be an excellent way to do that. Add in the fact that I can drop my current web host as I only really use it for email, theres another $50/yr that can go to Mobile Me.

The more I look at it, the better it sounds.


Diamond Member
Feb 23, 2002
Yea.. I know about Google's limitations. I still think that $99/yr is a big much for what they're giving you. If they dropped the single user license to $50/yr, and then made the Family license $99... I'd be a lot happier. I have another 8 months left of my .Mac service, so I have plenty of time to check out the real deal. We'll see how it goes. :)


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Kmax82
Yea.. I know about Google's limitations. I still think that $99/yr is a big much for what they're giving you. If they dropped the single user license to $50/yr, and then made the Family license $99... I'd be a lot happier. I have another 8 months left of my .Mac service, so I have plenty of time to check out the real deal. We'll see how it goes. :)

I agree, $99 is more than I want to pay for it, but $70 at amazon ain't bad IMO.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: aphex
Originally posted by: Kmax82
Yea.. I know about Google's limitations. I still think that $99/yr is a big much for what they're giving you. If they dropped the single user license to $50/yr, and then made the Family license $99... I'd be a lot happier. I have another 8 months left of my .Mac service, so I have plenty of time to check out the real deal. We'll see how it goes. :)

I agree, $99 is more than I want to pay for it, but $70 at amazon ain't bad IMO.

But that's still for the first year isn't it? I'd be game if it were $50/yr... and would really rather have ftp access and php on there... then I could ditch my host (which I love, but having all that syncing across the board is nice)


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Just kinda curious about what you guys think. There's no wrong answer here, but I'd like to see everyone's opinion regarding Mobile Me. This will help me (and possibly others) understand the pros/cons of this service. Aside from the polls, I'm interested in what you guys have to say :)


Merging with the other thread on the same topic.

- Apple Mod Aphex


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
Added the poll from slugg's merged topic.


Jan 6, 2002
Originally posted by: slugg
Just kinda curious about what you guys think. There's no wrong answer here, but I'd like to see everyone's opinion regarding Mobile Me. This will help me (and possibly others) understand the pros/cons of this service. Aside from the polls, I'm interested in what you guys have to say :)


Merging with the other thread on the same topic.

- Apple Mod Aphex

I'm signing up because...

I like the name is easy for people to remember, and are too but everyone and their mother has an account. I can have my name if I get in right when it goes public and not have to be or something silly because of so many other people with the same name and emails on there

I like the interface, gmail sucks ass, yahoo is better but it's slow. I like the Web 2.0 idea where I can use web mail that feels like a standalone program and not some html crap.

I like the calendar especially, I use the Google one and it's nice, but I can't get it to sync with my Outlook one for the life of me. Google's sync app is crap.

Photo Gallery looks nice, clean and easy to use, and the fact it ties in with the other things is good.

Love the 60 day free trial, I might end up not liking it at all, but 60 days to test it out is sweet. if I don't like, no sweat of my back I just move on.

what I don't like...

I think the price is a bit too high, I'm use to my $35 a year web hosting so maybe I'm expecting too much for too little. But, I would have liked to have seen it at about $50'ish, that sounds reasonable. I will pay $99 though if it's worth it.

I wish it had FTP access, I don't know how well uploading a few hundred pics at a time will go.

this could go either way because I don't know anything for or against it, but I wonder how it will work mobily on phones that aren't iPhones, my WM POS the internet was a joke and I don't think would even work in the crippled mobile browser. I'm still not 100% sold on getting an iPhone, but I would like to function on my mobile device if I end up with a Blackberry or some sort of import.



Apr 10, 2001
Originally posted by: QueBert
Originally posted by: slugg
Just kinda curious about what you guys think. There's no wrong answer here, but I'd like to see everyone's opinion regarding Mobile Me. This will help me (and possibly others) understand the pros/cons of this service. Aside from the polls, I'm interested in what you guys have to say :)


Merging with the other thread on the same topic.

- Apple Mod Aphex

I'm signing up because...

I like the name is easy for people to remember, and are too but everyone and their mother has an account. I can have my name if I get in right when it goes public and not have to be or something silly because of so many other people with the same name and emails on there

I like the interface, gmail sucks ass, yahoo is better but it's slow. I like the Web 2.0 idea where I can use web mail that feels like a standalone program and not some html crap.

I like the calendar especially, I use the Google one and it's nice, but I can't get it to sync with my Outlook one for the life of me. Google's sync app is crap.

Photo Gallery looks nice, clean and easy to use, and the fact it ties in with the other things is good.

Love the 60 day free trial, I might end up not liking it at all, but 60 days to test it out is sweet. if I don't like, no sweat of my back I just move on.

what I don't like...

I think the price is a bit too high, I'm use to my $35 a year web hosting so maybe I'm expecting too much for too little. But, I would have liked to have seen it at about $50'ish, that sounds reasonable. I will pay $99 though if it's worth it.

I wish it had FTP access, I don't know how well uploading a few hundred pics at a time will go.

this could go either way because I don't know anything for or against it, but I wonder how it will work mobily on phones that aren't iPhones, my WM POS the internet was a joke and I don't think would even work in the crippled mobile browser. I'm still not 100% sold on getting an iPhone, but I would like to function on my mobile device if I end up with a Blackberry or some sort of import.

I've use the whole exchange + gmail setup where I use the exchange portion for my contacts and use gmail via imap. While it works well on my WM5 phone, this looks like it will be a good contender in terms of simplification. The lack of correlation between my email and phone buddies is getting annoying (<---getting iphone)


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
So where does one actually sign up for the 60 day trial? I can't find it :(


Platinum Member
Jun 3, 2004
I have a .mac 5.0 to sell for less than Amazon's price. I can put it in my FS ad if someone is interested.


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
Sweet! MobileMe launches tomorrow night, between 6pm-Midnight PST (the site will be down while they make the upgrade - including ALL .Mac services)