Looks like it’s happening. Trump wants a grand military parade.

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Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
You folks don't understand what Trump is doing here.
He is doing this to help internet forums identify the retards in the group.
Only a retard would think the a military parade in the United States is cool thing to do.


Nov 4, 1999
Jul 9, 2009
You folks don't understand what Trump is doing here.
He is doing this to help internet forums identify the retards in the group.
Only a retard would think the a military parade in the United States is cool thing to do.
Absolutely. We should be using the military to perform it's intended duty, such as protecting the borders of the country.


Aug 2, 2001
The man is a fucking child.

I bet he waved at Santa on the fire truck from the Whitehouse balcony... Then demanded he got to drive and blow the sirens.


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2011
I would say Canada and Mexico should be afraid if this does happen. I don't see the United States going all dictator without pinching the land touched foreign entities. Conquer-consolidate closest, attack-subvert farthest is standard take over the world empire strategy.


Platinum Member
Jan 14, 2001
Conservatives will love this. They'll just eat it right up.

Will they salute him while goose stepping down Pennsylvania avenue?

Trump can fund this out of his own pocket, not with my tax dollars please.
Not all of us will.


Jun 30, 2004
No. As a retired veteran I can tell you why. Because Tyrants use large shows of military force at home to intimidate the population.

It is counter to everything the USA stands for.

I remember one occasion, around late January 1973. Nixon was President, and LBJ had died.

With other people in my office, we walked out on Constitution Avenue and stood on the curb in the cold. It was really cold.

There was no military hardware, but it looked as though the entire Marine Corps was marching in front of the presidential limo. They were all dressed in gray camo fatigues and carrying black M-16s. They were so numerous that you could feel the vibrations coming from their boots on the pavement in your own feet. Then, the Blue Angels flew overhead and the roar was deafening. The entire affair made your knees shake.

It didn't give glory to Nixon. It was a fitting tribute to his predecessor, who had expanded the Vietnam War, which -- in turn -- was his undoing, and such an undoing probably accelerated his own passing.

That was a time when America could seem Great despite its serious mistakes, despite its flawed leadership. It was a time when successor presidents treated their predecessors with decorum and respect.

All the military hardware in the world will fail to make President Asshole look Great. All the king's horses and all the king's men, can't make an Asshole look great again.

And why the use of tanks, when they will tear up the streets? Remember President Asshole's rant about the high expense of Air Force One? Suddenly, he's not only President Asshole, but President Spendthrift.

President Asshole does, indeed, want to intimidate the entire population. It is to let the "dark" population know that the "American people" are exclusive to the Base, and that he -- the Leader of the Base -- is all-powerful. He wants to do this under guise of honoring the military on Veteran's Day -- the plan, if I'm not mistaken. The dark population, analog to dark matter, are the unseen consisting of everyone else.

Should our knees shake?
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Feb 1, 2008
A military parade is a bit much, but if I must play devils advocate here I don't see the harm in such a parade minus Donald Trump's personal vision of such parade.
Our yearly state fair sets aside one day to honor the vets, and that parade is usually quite a moving site.
Serving in the military is something one does at the time for whatever reason, then pretty much we forget about it as a nation.
Typically the only time we hear about our vets is when the VA is exposed for failing to take care of their needs. Long waiting periods for care, poor medical service, hardship with expenses.
So, a military parade in more of the theme with honoring our vets might just do some good.

No doubt a parade only to honor our vets is NOT what Donald Trump would want, but at this point who the hell even cares what Donald Trump wants.
We as a people as a nation should be far beyond caring what Donald Trump wants by now....
Trump would like to see ICBM missiles mounted on trucks, military jets pulled along by tractors, rows and rows of marching men and women all wearing red MAKE AMERICA GREAT hats.
THAT would be Donald Trump's vision of a parade.
But the military with orchestrating such a parade would most likely have it be an honor the vets occasion.
Much to the dismay of Donald Trump.

And still with playing devils advocate, I have to hand it to Donald.
He, so far, doesn't seem to be the war hawk president that past presidents have turned out to be.
GW was certainly a war hawk president. Obama morphed into a war hawk president despite trying hard not to be, but Donald Trump appears to have no interest in the actual act of starting any war.
He prefer to tweet insults at our enemies, call them names, but so far has drawn the line at being a war hawk president.
Why, who only knows.
Maybe its simply because Trump sees no personal gain from engaging in war.

I would be ok with a military parade focused on honoring our veterans.
And that is most likely how the military would plan such a so called military parade.

But I swear.... This president acts more and more like a soviet operative every single day.
Donad Trump is no doubt the most red commie loving president in American history.
If Trump was in charge of any military parade, no doubt Trump would have banners praising Vladimir Putin start off the march down main street.
Hell, Putin could be on the very first float riding Donald like a love sick hound dog.


Jun 30, 2004
A military parade is a bit much, but if I must play devils advocate here I don't see the harm in such a parade minus Donald Trump's personal vision of such parade.
Our yearly state fair sets aside one day to honor the vets, and that parade is usually quite a moving site.
Serving in the military is something one does at the time for whatever reason, then pretty much we forget about it as a nation.
Typically the only time we hear about our vets is when the VA is exposed for failing to take care of their needs. Long waiting periods for care, poor medical service, hardship with expenses.
So, a military parade in more of the theme with honoring our vets might just do some good.

No doubt a parade only to honor our vets is NOT what Donald Trump would want, but at this point who the hell even cares what Donald Trump wants.
We as a people as a nation should be far beyond caring what Donald Trump wants by now....
Trump would like to see ICBM missiles mounted on trucks, military jets pulled along by tractors, rows and rows of marching men and women all wearing red MAKE AMERICA GREAT hats.
THAT would be Donald Trump's vision of a parade.
But the military with orchestrating such a parade would most likely have it be an honor the vets occasion.
Much to the dismay of Donald Trump.

And still with playing devils advocate, I have to hand it to Donald.
He, so far, doesn't seem to be the war hawk president that past presidents have turned out to be.
GW was certainly a war hawk president. Obama morphed into a war hawk president despite trying hard not to be, but Donald Trump appears to have no interest in the actual act of starting any war.
He prefer to tweet insults at our enemies, call them names, but so far has drawn the line at being a war hawk president.
Why, who only knows.
Maybe its simply because Trump sees no personal gain from engaging in war.

I would be ok with a military parade focused on honoring our veterans.
And that is most likely how the military would plan such a so called military parade.

But I swear.... This president acts more and more like a soviet operative every single day.
Donad Trump is no doubt the most red commie loving president in American history.
If Trump was in charge of any military parade, no doubt Trump would have banners praising Vladimir Putin start off the march down main street.
Hell, Putin could be on the very first float riding Donald like a love sick hound dog.

I think he only needs an opportunity to wage war. He's been gambling with the risk to at least a few Asian countries. He's been gambling with risk to America's "Left Coast," since any nuclear exchange with the DPRK is a greater threat to the west coast. All he needs is enough frustration and enough bad press, opposition, civil disorder -- to take advantage of an opportunity to wage war. Waging war would temper dissent among the public.

But he does indeed seem consistently like a Russian operative, without as much as a single appearance otherwise. Now, more information about the Steele dossier and Steele himself suggests a greater certainty of what we mostly just suspected last year: that Putin and the Kremlin had compromised Trump enough to keep him under their thumb.

For that, he needs a knee-shaking military parade even more -- just to convince himself that he has "the power."


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
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Aug 5, 2000
If Trump wants his parade I'm sure he could have those donors who own and operate the GOP finance it along with all of those Russian oligarchs and Putin of whom holds all of those personal/mortgage loans that Trump signed over to them.

They owe Trump big time for all of the things he's already done/will do for them so why not repay the favor and sponsor Trump's little parade that he can sparkle and gloat over.

Red MAGA hats for everyone and a Trump banner leading the parade.

That ought'a make the Orange One so happy that he'd promote all of his generals to six stars with fig leaf clusters.


Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2013
On the one hand, the pre-eminent superpower doesn't need that kind of a parade, especially not while they're actively engaged in conflicts throughout the world, in a sense permanently on parade.

On the other hand, a parade would be fun to watch. So let's have a parade.


Jun 12, 2005
Personally I think it is a stupid idea. I would be willing to bet that most people in the military would agree with me.


Feb 1, 2008
Currently TCM (Turner Classic Movies) has on demand a rather long documentary covering the Vietnam war era. Its called HEARTS & MINDS.
If your program provider has TCM on demand, WATCH THIS DOCUMENTARY.
This is the most A thru Z summary and coverage of not only the war itself but everything in-between.
The war from the military aspect, the American citizen aspect, the aspect of those opposed, and the Vietnamese both north and south.
Yes, its pretty gruesome as well.
Covers the politics, the POW's, the boots on the ground, the Vietnam and American families that lost so much.
And also interesting as well, a good chunk of commentary from then Daniel Ellsberg.
How this relates to Trump and Military parades?
Near the conclusion of this documentary is a military parade scene that took place in support of Americas Vietnam involvement back then. On the street with the protesters, the divisions within the crowd, the arrests, the yelling, the banners.
Right up Trump's alley.

I can already see this coming....
Donald Trump doing exactly what he does best, dividing Americans against one another.
If you don't LOVE his parade idea, they call you a commie, un-American, a disgrace.
THEY being Fox News, Donald Trump, and a hand full of republicans in congress.
Like I said, I can see only one purpose for this parade, a typical Donald Trump stunt to divide.
Donald Trump playing to glorify war right down the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue.

No, this is not patriotism Trump hopes to project, nor showing some support of our American veterans.
This is more of mean spirited Donald Trump in its purest form.
Something he can wave over our heads while texting YOUR EITHER WITH US, OR AGAINST US.

And another thing....
Could this be some Trump brainstorm to stir up patriotism with the military and the citizenry for the sake of what is to come?
A war against North Korea, AND KIDDIES something us older folks remember well.... THE DRAFT...?
Is this stunt only some harebrained scheme by Trump for warning of things to come?
A special Trump 5am wakeup tweet that war is coming AND your children better be ready when called?
Naturally, anyone with the last name of Trump need not worry. Trump's will be exempt.
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Golden Member
Aug 12, 2014
I'd be curious to know if this started with some off-hand comment," that was a cool parade, what would it take to do that here?" and it got out of control. Happens all the time, the boss makes a half serious, off-hand comment and some sycophant scuttles off to "make it happen". Saw it all the time in the .mil, less so in the civilian world.

I'd be very surprised if this happened. If it does, it wouldn't surprise me if Kelly and/or Mattis resigned.

If he really loved the .mil, he wouldn't make them do this. It's a monumental pain in the ass for everyone involved.