Jesse Helms dead

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Sep 3, 2004
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: ChrisFromNJ
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
You go from to Eric Rudolph to Helm's trying to pass a bill to prevent federal funds being used to promote the homosexual life style.

Don't you think that is a bit of a leap?

And again, this isn't about Helm's being a wonderful guy, it is about you left leaning members celebrating the death of someone. When Ted Kennedy dies do you think a lot of us on the right are going to be wishing he burns in hell?

Why would we have to assume? The right was celebrating and throwing a party when America learned that Ted Kennedy had a brain tumor.
Really now?
Perhaps you should head to the thread about Ted's cancer and see how many of us on the left were celebrating. :roll:

I'll give you cliffs, only two people made really negative comments about Ted while the rest of us actually found something nice to say about the guy. Including myself.

that ted kennedy thread was one of the most hate filled threads i've seen, even worse than the arafat one.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
I just think it is pathetic that people react to someone's death by wishing they burn in hell.

So you don't feel happy if a terrorist dies? Based on the absolute nature of your statement, it seems pretty clear that you think it's wrong to celebrate the passing of ANYONE. Can I assume that when Osama bites the big one, you'll be running around yelling at posters who are happy about it? I'm not comparing Jesse Helms to Osama bin Laden, of course...but your position doesn't seem to leave much wiggle room for anyone to differentiate their passing.

But let me propose a saner alternative. Let the actions of the person when they are living guide how you react to their death. Don't worry about their political views and the like, but try to judge them on more objective things. If someone is a complete asshole, even if they are from your political party, I see no reason to mourn their passing. Similarly, if someone tries to do good and you just don't happen to agree with all their views, suck it up and give them credit when they die.

I have no problem bashing Jesse Helms, and see nothing hypocritical about not supporting the same when other political figures die. As much as some people would like this to be kindergarten, where everyone is exactly "equal", the fact is that's obviously not the case. Jesse Helms was an asshole who did nothing redeeming at all in his entire life. I'm not sorry he's gone, and I think it's small minded of people like you to insist he be treated as someone he was not simple because he was a member of your political party.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: GroundedSailor
Originally posted by: Corn
Originally posted by: GroundedSailor
Kennedy has not expressed hate towards other groups the way Helms has. Big difference.

Whats worse, bigotry or murder?

A car accident is murder? At best it is involuntary manslaughter which does not usually carry a long sentence. Even the judge called it negligent driving and did not order Kennedy's arrest.

The thing Ted Kennedy did wrong was not report it or call the emergency services right away, instead choosing to cover it up. I felt he should have done some time for that itself, if not for the death of his passenger.

I still stand by my point of big difference.

Ask yourself why he tried to cover it up. He was at a party, most likely he was drunk. Killing someone while driving drunk often is prosecuted as 2nd degree murder, as is the case of Thomas Wellenger.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
This thread is about Jesse Helms. Nothing Ted Kennedy did will make Helms any less of a turd in the punchbowl of American history.


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2005
Originally posted by: nick1985
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: nick1985
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: CPA
What's good for the goose (Helms) apparently is not good for the gander (Kennedy). I guess it's okay to be heartless if the dead person is a republican.
Kennedy's not dead yet.

And when he does you wont see conservatives on here behaving the way the liberals are towards Helms.
LOl, that's right, you're a sensitive and compassionate little flower.:roll: There won't be one mention of Chappaquiddick.

BTW we've seen the results of Compassionate Conservatism and it's from from compassionate.

Scroll through this thread and tell me these comments arnt absurd. Doesnt matter if you agree or disagree with the man, but wishing someone to burn in hell is just stupid.

Especially since there is no such place.

I haven't given much thought to Helms since he retired and he hasn't been relevant since civil rights were ratified.

Some of his career "highlights":

In domestic politics he denounced the 1964 Civil Rights Act as ?the single most dangerous piece of legislation ever introduced in the Congress?, voted against a supreme court justice because she was ?likely to uphold the homosexual agenda?, acted for years as spokesman for the large tobacco companies, was reprimanded by the justice department and the federal election commission for electoral malpractice, and compiled a dismal personal record as a slum landlord.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Jesse Helms was an asshole who did nothing redeeming at all in his entire life. .

Funny how you state that as the unequivocal truth when you don't really have a single clue about what he has done throughout his "entire life".


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: Corn
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Jesse Helms was an asshole who did nothing redeeming at all in his entire life. .

Funny how you state that as the unequivocal truth when you don't really have a single clue about what he has done throughout his "entire life".

If you look up his history, it's pretty tough going to find something redeeming. I'm sure it's there somewhere, but the fact that you have to look so hard is pretty telling.


Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: bthorny
The world is most likely a better place without him.......As Christopher Hitchens said about the death of Jerry Falwell "I think it's a pity there isn't a hell for him to go too"

Hitch's better quote was "If you gave Falwell an enema, you could bury him in a matchbox."

Oh, and PJ, check the Buckley RIP thread for how people treat the death of a conservative who wasn't a hate monger:

When Falwell died his thread was filled with the same type of comments as those which were leveled against him when he was alive. You don't earn respect just for dying.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Corn
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Jesse Helms was an asshole who did nothing redeeming at all in his entire life. .

Funny how you state that as the unequivocal truth when you don't really have a single clue about what he has done throughout his "entire life".

If you really wanted to defend Helms, you could always go out and dig up something positive to say about him, instead of pissing and moaning about what others say. It would be interesting to know whether you could find anything. :p


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: Corn
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Jesse Helms was an asshole who did nothing redeeming at all in his entire life. .

Funny how you state that as the unequivocal truth when you don't really have a single clue about what he has done throughout his "entire life".

If you really wanted to defend Helms, you could always go out and dig up something positive to say about him, instead of pissing and moaning about what others say. It would be interesting to know whether you could find anything. :p

Only an idiot would believe I was defending Helms, especially given my earlier comments........

......still, that does not change the fact that Rainsford, much like yourself, is clueless.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Corn
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: Corn
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Jesse Helms was an asshole who did nothing redeeming at all in his entire life. .

Funny how you state that as the unequivocal truth when you don't really have a single clue about what he has done throughout his "entire life".

If you really wanted to defend Helms, you could always go out and dig up something positive to say about him, instead of pissing and moaning about what others say. It would be interesting to know whether you could find anything. :p

Only an idiot would believe I was defending Helms, especially given my earlier comments........

......still, that does not change the fact that Rainsford, much like yourself, is clueless.

:lips: my (_!_).


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000
Lets visit some of the great quotes by Helms:
"I've been portrayed as a caveman by some. That's not true.
I'm a conservative progressive, and that means I think all men
are equal, be they slants, beaners or *****.
Jesse Helms, North Carolina Progressive, February 6, 1985, "
"To rob the Negro of his reputation of thinking through a problem
in his own fashion is about the same as trying to pretend that he
doesn't have a natural instinct for rhythm and for
singing and dancing."

"The Negro cannot count forever on the kind of restraint
that's thus far left him free to clog the streets, disrupt traffic,
and interfere with other men's rights."

"The New York Times and The Washington Post are both infested
with homosexuals themselves."
The Post, he charged, "caters to homosexual groups.
Just about every person down there is homosexual or lesbian,"

University of North Carolina (UNC)
"University of Negroes and Communists".

What a wonderful person.


Mar 24, 2000
OK I'll say something positive...

He wasn't a flip flopper!

(unlike Byrd the other racist senator)
Byrd quote:
""I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

Watch Harvey et al come to defend Byrd now :)


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: alchemize
OK I'll say something positive...

He wasn't a flip flopper!

(unlike Byrd the other racist senator)
Byrd quote:
""I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

Watch Harvey et al come to defend Byrd now :)

I'm not going to defend Byrd but if that's all the good you (or anyone else) can say about Helms, it sure goes to show what legacy the man leaves behind. Pretty sad.