Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
Originally posted by: newParadime
Sometimes its fun, if you have a car that'll do it good enough.
I dunno what the dangers are though.
You dumb F. Freeways are not designed for those speeds. Reading about the German AUdibon will make the short comings obvious.
And that's also why they make race tracks you dip sh!t.
When's the last time you drove on the German "audibon" to make a qualified statement?
I saw a special on it's construction and maintenence on Modern Marvels. So go educate yourself. US highways are not intended for hi speed use. Six quick examples of Audibon:
1) curves are more gentle.
2) road surface much more level and less bumpy.
3) They don't do patch jobs, they replace large strips
4) peaks and valleys transition more slowly than in the US.
5) illegal to be in the left lane when not passing
6) illegal to pass in the right lane.
I think they even mentioned that hte maximum incline or decline is 7 degrees.