House Speaker election/circus/all ages carnival - ongoing coverage

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Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
The defense contractors who stand to make bank on weapons for Ukraine have to be leaning pretty hard on Johnson.

Nah they'll lean on persuadable house Rs. Johnson doesn't want to act to put it on the floor but he's in no position to lean on anybody not to sign on to the petition. If it passes its embarrassing momentarily but the issue goes away. Bonus those Rs can get Israeli aid through which the progs hate.
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Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
- Have we entered the "governing by discharge petition" phase of congress? Maybe that's how Pub Speakers will have to opperate from now on, block everything to appease the MAGAts, quietly allow discharge petitions through so the donors don't pull their funding because everything is in a deep state of neglect.
Oh but it's sooo much worse than that [giggle].

First, at this point, donors know that any money going to the RNC is just going to be funneled to OJ (Orange Jesus), in theory, for legal bills.

Second, that means that any down ballot Rs will get nada, zip, zilch in terms of RNC support.

Third, Dark Brandon has got, IIRC, over 100M that he's already spending on ads

Fourth, an R group against OJ has 50M that they're using to run ads featuring testimonials from former Trump voters 'splainin' why they will never vote for him again. And I have to say, they're pretty vicious.

Finally, my personal belief is that even estimates of OJ's net worth at a paltry 2B are grossly overestimated. I don't think he even has the half B he needs for the fraud judgment.

I'm sure I'm overlooking stuff.


Apr 5, 2005
Nah they'll lean on persuadable house Rs. Johnson doesn't want to act to put it on the floor but he's in no position to lean on anybody not to sign on to the petition. If it passes its embarrassing momentarily but the issue goes away. Bonus those Rs can get Israeli aid through which the progs hate.
Did anyone propose they use the discharge petition to ram through the full bill which includes the border spending? or is it currently just limited to ukraine israel right now? I've seen many articles with people motioning for different versions but it's not clear.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Did anyone propose they use the discharge petition to ram through the full bill which includes the border spending? or is it currently just limited to ukraine israel right now? I've seen many articles with people motioning for different versions but it's not clear.

There are two petitions right now AFAIK. One from the Dems that has the Senate passed supplemental with no border stuff. Another from a bipartisan group that has military aid and border stuff but no humanitarian aid or budget support for Ukraine. Democrats are pretty cold on the 2nd one.


Oct 6, 2009
Lol doh. Ken Buck says he’s leaving next week on the 22nd. The majority just shrinking even more
LOL 4D chess by Buck:



Diamond Member
Dec 4, 1999
Lol MAGAtards badmouthing Buck for leaving. “Well he caused turmoil with the vote to vacate.” And of course he blames the Dems for going along with it. Compliments at all the bills the house passed but senate never took up. “Both parties need to compromise to govern!!! “

Well twit, if your bills weren’t so bloody partisan, then maybe it would have been taken up by the senate.
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Feb 15, 2002
I doubt she'll resign to run in the special.

So she's left running against the appointed incumbent (probably one of her primary challengers) in the primary. Likely that her congressional career is now over.

edit: corrected the election she has to run in
Like she really needed it, but the real kiss of death for her was trump’s endorsement and the stupid move to jump districts.
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Jun 2, 2000
LOL 4D chess by Buck:

I agree with Buck on only one thing I can think of (he voted against the impeachment of the Homeland Security Secretary) and apparently he is a diehard tea party guy, but damn he's got some political smarts-I'm 100% sure wrecking Boebert's scheme to stay in the House was at least part of the reason he's quitting now. Well done, Mr. Buck.

His stated reason to quit now is that he is disgusted with the selection process of both parties for their candidates and wants to publically work on that issue this election cycle.
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Diamond Member
Dec 4, 1999
Lol it looks like MTG maybe filing motion to remove because Johnson is allowing this budget bill. But nothing official yet.

Edit Doh too slow to post

Edit 2 wait how is this motion to vacate going to help? The actually vote to accept the motion has to be after 2 days. So this budget bill going to get passed. But budget done for rest of the year. With no chances to get foreign aid passed, will Dems let Repugnican clown show continue until elections?
Last edited:


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 1999
Hmm house scheduled to take 2 week break after this budget vote. So vote to vacate won’t happen until they come back.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
Johnson looks like he's more willing to... i dunno... function or whatever passes the absurdly low bar for speaker of the house now.

Might make sense for Dems to work with non-nutter Republicans to gets stuff done.

The Freedom Caucus feels more like a tool that can be used by Dems to control the Pub speaker with the current house make-up than a part of the actual Pub party.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Didn't they just get back from another two week break?

Look they just finished the very hard work that they were supposed to get done back in October but couldn't because conservative Rs thought they could force the Senate and WH into things they'd never agree to.

As Congresses go this one is stunningly unproductive and it's almost entirely the House R's fault. Even Senate Rs are vocally pissed they can't get their voted on bills and priorities even onto the floor over there.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
The easiest and least politically damaging way to accomplish this is probably for him to quietly encourage some house Rs to sign the discharge petition. He can publicly shrug his shoulders that its out of his hands and keep his perch.

This woman is so monumentally stupid. Good job giving your political enemies leverage over you.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
This woman is so monumentally stupid. Good job giving your political enemies leverage over you.

I mean that pretty much goes for her whole wing of the party. Which is why R members are quitting and some before their terms are even up because they are sick of dealing with this shit.
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