mine also shows the 3day delivery for the mp3 player.
something to think about: the rebate for the mp3 player says only vaild for JamP3 purchases at participating retailers or etailers.
the retail stores are: Best Buy,Circuit City,CompUSA,Frys,Gateway,Microcenter,Office Depot,Target,Toys R Us
the etailer stores are: Amazon.com,Fingerhut.com,Outpost.com,Toys R,Us.com,Zainybrainy.com
now heres the thing................. Take for instance the JAM-CAM. Target is listed under retail as Target and under webstores as Target.com Office Depot is only listed as retail for the mp3 player. The question is whether the webmaster was lazy and didnt want to type out all the stores in both categories or if they are only valid in one. Granted the price in the stores is the same as their website, and I would gladly pick one up in the store if I had to, this just seems as if it might be an excuse for Rebate Center (where the rebate goes to) to not honor the rebate.