Guildwars 2 Beta Thread

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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
My understanding is for Structured PvP (5v5) you're auto leveled to 80, granted all skills and unlocks for your class, Given a standardized set of gear everyone will be required to wear in PvP.

In WvW you're only auto leveled to 80. You don't get all your skills and utilities unlocked or a set of gear.

I put PvE focused for my interests. I figured if I put balanced they may skip over them for the more specific events or something. I don't see any group getting an exorbitant amount more testing than any other. has stated that by the end of April or so when they're hoping to end the mass beta period everyone who wants to test GW2 will get a chance.

hmm, maybe I'll reply to my second request clicking that I prefer PvE only, and not give details about guild and such--as if I'm a totally new player.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Did those who signed up receive any sort of confirmation email? I thought the site mentioned you should get one but I could be imagining it.


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2005
I got a confirmation email too. But it doesn't mean I'll be accepted.

They clearly state that system specs will determine eligibility, but it's interesting to know how the selection will go. Will they only take people with supercomputers? Will they be interested to see how the game runs on crappy old PCs? Will they go 50/50?

Honestly after what has become of GW1 I am not all that interested in GW2 unless they make items matter again, stop alienating solo players from PvP, and put more emphasis on PVE. And PLEASE... NO MORE MINIPETS!!! ARRRRgggghhhh... Whoever thought of this should be shot.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
It took a while (like 6-7 hours) for me to get the confirmation e-mail. I tried signing up twice just in case since it just tells you our email is already in use if you try.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2010
I've been working on my HOM and man, Gate of Madness in the Nightfall Campaign is PISSING ME OFF. Not only does it take a frickin half hour just to get to Shiro, but then he just kicks your ass with Impossible Odds once you get him down low enough. I even enabled all of the towers. Time to read up on some guides for him I guess...


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I've been working on my HOM and man, Gate of Madness in the Nightfall Campaign is PISSING ME OFF. Not only does it take a frickin half hour just to get to Shiro, but then he just kicks your ass with Impossible Odds once you get him down low enough. I even enabled all of the towers. Time to read up on some guides for him I guess...

that is one of the most painful missions in the entire game. I remember doing it way back when with a PUG, and we basically had a few tanks kiting him in a circle while casters sat back and pummeled him with Meteor Shower and archers hit up some interrupts. We weren't really set up for it, but we figured out how to make it work, after most of us had accumulated so much DP. i think it took about an hour of kiting him, lol.

I recently went through it again with just my henchies on Hard Mode and it was pretty damn easy, haha. The 2 Mes, 2 Rit hero build (with Spirit Lord, I think) is pretty damn OP.

You can actually sit outside that gate, and try to flag your heroes down to take over a few of the altars. I think you can do it for all of them, but it's a bit difficult to see on the minimap. As long as you get a few without aggroing Shiro, you can get the others pretty quickly, then pull back up and out of the gate.

But Shiro has always been a pain in the ass. You can take a team of warriors and assassins in to him at the end of Factions, and using the celestial skills, kill him in about 6 seconds, or you can go in with what you think you would need--lots of interrupts, lots of spike damage, and he can wipe you pretty quickly.

One thing that really helps, if you're a tank warrior--Grenth's balance nec skill. As soon as spikes you with whatever that nasty skill is--I think Impossible Odds, or maybe the other one--you hit up Grenth's to reverse your health bar on him, then pound him as quickly as you can. Not sure if that works as well on his Nightfall version, though. I seem to remember Impossible Odds acting somewhat differently, or at least his frequency of use.


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2008
I've been working on my HOM and man, Gate of Madness in the Nightfall Campaign is PISSING ME OFF. Not only does it take a frickin half hour just to get to Shiro, but then he just kicks your ass with Impossible Odds once you get him down low enough. I even enabled all of the towers. Time to read up on some guides for him I guess...

Bring Earthbind and knocking skills, preferably great dwarf weapon,

Some stance removal skills should help as well.

Generally killing the lich first and getting all the shrines bonus while ignoring shiro is best. By the way shiro loses aggro if you flag your heroes and move to the back of the first 2 right shrines, so you can have some moment to heal

The I generally pull him outside the gate to avoid his random jumps.

If you need help you can always pm and we can arrange something.
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Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2010
that is one of the most painful missions in the entire game. I remember doing it way back when with a PUG, and we basically had a few tanks kiting him in a circle while casters sat back and pummeled him with Meteor Shower and archers hit up some interrupts. We weren't really set up for it, but we figured out how to make it work, after most of us had accumulated so much DP. i think it took about an hour of kiting him, lol.

I recently went through it again with just my henchies on Hard Mode and it was pretty damn easy, haha. The 2 Mes, 2 Rit hero build (with Spirit Lord, I think) is pretty damn OP.

You can actually sit outside that gate, and try to flag your heroes down to take over a few of the altars. I think you can do it for all of them, but it's a bit difficult to see on the minimap. As long as you get a few without aggroing Shiro, you can get the others pretty quickly, then pull back up and out of the gate.

But Shiro has always been a pain in the ass. You can take a team of warriors and assassins in to him at the end of Factions, and using the celestial skills, kill him in about 6 seconds, or you can go in with what you think you would need--lots of interrupts, lots of spike damage, and he can wipe you pretty quickly.

One thing that really helps, if you're a tank warrior--Grenth's balance nec skill. As soon as spikes you with whatever that nasty skill is--I think Impossible Odds, or maybe the other one--you hit up Grenth's to reverse your health bar on him, then pound him as quickly as you can. Not sure if that works as well on his Nightfall version, though. I seem to remember Impossible Odds acting somewhat differently, or at least his frequency of use.

I'm a ranger/elementalist build. I've seen a few things on how you can body block him on a corner, do something else where he only attacks your tank or a 55monk, things like's just that I'm not really setup for all of that and it will require a lot of re-working to get it working right. I'm fine until he freaking Impossible Odds me, and then I'm done for. I read up on what it is, so I'll have to plan for that now.

The shrines you can do before you even enter - open the mission map and direct them that way.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I'm a ranger/elementalist build. I've seen a few things on how you can body block him on a corner, do something else where he only attacks your tank or a 55monk, things like's just that I'm not really setup for all of that and it will require a lot of re-working to get it working right. I'm fine until he freaking Impossible Odds me, and then I'm done for. I read up on what it is, so I'll have to plan for that now.

The shrines you can do before you even enter - open the mission map and direct them that way.

the beauty of some of those hero builds is that you let them do all the work. There is some tweaking for the standard build in regards to this mission--I forget the details right now, but there is something you definitely don't want to bring with casters, that you usually bring. Sorry I'm being vague and no help right now, I'm at work.


Golden Member
Dec 25, 2000
Spoil Victor + Shiro + Impossible Odds = Dead Shiro. :) Spoil Victor will absolutely OWN Shiro in Factions and should do do a great job in NF too.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I have no elite skills....I is noob. Can I capture it on my ranger for my Necro NPC?

yes, you can capture any skill on any character--just bring the proper secondary prof for whatever skill you want to capture.

wait a tic--you're at Gates of Madness and don't have a single elite skill?


I'm not sure is Spoil Victor can be found in Nightfall, though. I know it is a Canthan skill and found deep in Kurzick territory (also Luxon territory, but no one likes those water-walking bastards. :p)


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2010
yes, you can capture any skill on any character--just bring the proper secondary prof for whatever skill you want to capture.

wait a tic--you're at Gates of Madness and don't have a single elite skill?


I'm not sure is Spoil Victor can be found in Nightfall, though. I know it is a Canthan skill and found deep in Kurzick territory (also Luxon territory, but no one likes those water-walking bastards. :p) elite skill lol. I've only gone through Nightfall right now. I think Spoil Victor is in Factions. Should I go play through Factions and come back and finish Nightfall then? lol


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
146 elite skill lol. I've only gone through Nightfall right now. I think Spoil Victor is in Factions. Should I go play through Factions and come back and finish Nightfall then? lol

nah, there's other ways to do it, but having so few things unlocked, it really limits your capability for missions like this.

Like I said, I'm at the point where my heroes just go on autopilot.

shit--you on right now? I could log in and maybe help you out there.

You need hard mode or normal mode?


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2010
nah, there's other ways to do it, but having so few things unlocked, it really limits your capability for missions like this.

Like I said, I'm at the point where my heroes just go on autopilot.

shit--you on right now? I could log in and maybe help you out there.

You need hard mode or normal mode?



Golden Member
Dec 25, 2000
My bad....I didn't realize that you hadn't finished Factions. :( And yes, Spoil Victor is WAAAAAYYY down there in Kurzick Territory. It's a great skill but you'll put a lot of time in Factions just to get it.

You can actually "unlock" elite skills and then use an elite tome to get them but you have to have I think it's 3k or 6k Balthazar Faction to do so. But yes, you can change your secondary profession and capture elites that you want your heroes to use. That also will give any heroes on your WHOLE ACCOUNT access to those skills as well. So if you make a new character, the heroes will already have access to the skills and elite skills that you've bought or captured.

I'm sure that if you let some of us know when you'll be on, we can try to recommend some skills and help you to capture a few to help your heroes some. :)
