Glaring example of Trumptard total denial of reality and why it is impossible to reason with them.


Feb 6, 2002
I read someone who watched Mayor Pete's Sunday show interviews this weekend complain with the following...

"Watching Buttigieg lecture us on Trump's morals. What a joke."

Meaning "I ain't gonna let no queer tell us anythin bout moralitae" (my translation)

So I responded with the following...
"So ____ you prefer the thrice married guy who grabs strange women by the pussy without permission, attacks 15 year old girls, fanaticizes banging his own daughter, bangs porn stars while his wife is expecting and likes bursting into dressing rooms when underage girls are partially naked? You prefer that over a leader who happens to be gay? You might want to check on your own morality. BTW - In case you were wondering everything I mentioned is true."

The response I got should not have been a surprise yet it still was.

"a bunch of BS"
"total BS and you can't not prove it"

I received at least 3 more responses denying everything I listed even though it has all been proven/corroborated. Also a few more Pete is a queer comments.

If all you are going to get from Trump's people is denial of reality then why should the rest of the country take into account anything they have to say??


Jul 11, 2001
I can't help but wonder why people go to his rallies, who those people are. I look at them when they show that stuff on TV, and wonder. I guess that they are by and large uneducated, formally and informally. I find these thoughts disquieting, but can't help thinking them. Guess it's fine to wonder.
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Jan 12, 2005
I can't help but wonder why people go to his rallies, who those people are. I look at them when they show that stuff on TV, and wonder. I guess that they are by and large uneducated, formally and informally. I find these thoughts disquieting, but can't help thinking them. Guess it's fine to wonder.
You are too polite.
They are gullible idiots. Not only that they are happy to wallow in their ignorance and anything that challenges that insulated bubble of bull crap that they wallow in is seen as a threat.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
This actually ties into a study I saw not long ago: Fake Claims of Fake News: Political Misinformation, Warnings, and the Tainted Truth Effect.

Basically, a study shows that those who are subjected to false claims of fake news (i.e. Trump supporters) are more likely to distrust authentic news. In the OP's case, they refuse to believe confirmed facts about Trump's behavior because Trump claims that anything that challenges him is "fake news."
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Jan 6, 2005
I read someone who watched Mayor Pete's Sunday show interviews this weekend complain with the following...

"Watching Buttigieg lecture us on Trump's morals. What a joke."

Meaning "I ain't gonna let no queer tell us anythin bout moralitae" (my translation)

So I responded with the following...
"So ____ you prefer the thrice married guy who grabs strange women by the pussy without permission, attacks 15 year old girls, fanaticizes banging his own daughter, bangs porn stars while his wife is expecting and likes bursting into dressing rooms when underage girls are partially naked? You prefer that over a leader who happens to be gay? You might want to check on your own morality. BTW - In case you were wondering everything I mentioned is true."

The response I got should not have been a surprise yet it still was.

"a bunch of BS"
"total BS and you can't not prove it"

I received at least 3 more responses denying everything I listed even though it has all been proven/corroborated. Also a few more Pete is a queer comments.

If all you are going to get from Trump's people is denial of reality then why should the rest of the country take into account anything they have to say??
You still don’t get it. The electorate is polarized and inelastic. Conservatives don’t care about Trump’s ethics because he is delivering on their political objectives.

Democrats have been so fixated on the persona of Trump, that they’ve completely lost focus on the dynamics that allowed him to win in the first place.
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Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
You still don’t get it. The electorate is polarized and inelastic. Conservatives don’t care about Trump’s ethics because he is delivering on their political objectives.

Democrats have been so fixated on the persona of Trump, that they’ve completely lost focus on the dynamics that allowed him to win in the first place.

- Just spitballin' here:

I think it's an unfortunate consequence of the ole' correlation does not equal causation trap so many of us fall into.

Economy = Fire (even if many middle and lower class folks who support Trump only indirectly benefit from thinks like a roaring stock market). I, a left coast liberal, am reaping rewards from the Trump economy in the form of index funds and 401K + labor market + stratospheric housing prices on a house I've mostly paid off. Likely more than many Trump supporters.

Trump = Roll backs on Immigrants & Trans, trade wars with everyone, fightin' the press, etc etc

Therefore Trump's actions = awesome economy, and at the end of the day, "it's the economy stupid".


Jan 6, 2005
- Just spitballin' here:

I think it's an unfortunate consequence of the ole' correlation does not equal causation trap so many of us fall into.

Economy = Fire (even if many middle and lower class folks who support Trump only indirectly benefit from thinks like a roaring stock market). I, a left coast liberal, am reaping rewards from the Trump economy in the form of index funds and 401K + labor market + stratospheric housing prices on a house I've mostly paid off. Likely more than many Trump supporters.

Trump = Roll backs on Immigrants & Trans, trade wars with everyone, fightin' the press, etc etc

Therefore Trump's actions = awesome economy, and at the end of the day, "it's the economy stupid".
You were most likely benefitting from those things before Trump, assuming you were fortunate enough to be a part of the largely coastal driven global services tech economy. The cost of admission and barriers of entry into that world is high.

Listen to any Trump supporters who work in highly unionized trade and factory jobs, and you will better understand his appeal.


Sep 5, 2000
- Just spitballin' here:

I think it's an unfortunate consequence of the ole' correlation does not equal causation trap so many of us fall into.

Economy = Fire (even if many middle and lower class folks who support Trump only indirectly benefit from thinks like a roaring stock market). I, a left coast liberal, am reaping rewards from the Trump economy in the form of index funds and 401K + labor market + stratospheric housing prices on a house I've mostly paid off. Likely more than many Trump supporters.

Trump = Roll backs on Immigrants & Trans, trade wars with everyone, fightin' the press, etc etc

Therefore Trump's actions = awesome economy, and at the end of the day, "it's the economy stupid".

The trump economy is reckless though. When it crashes we wont have anywhere to go.
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Sep 5, 2000
You were most likely benefitting from those things before Trump, assuming you were fortunate enough to be a part of the largely coastal driven global services tech economy. The cost of admission and barriers of entry into that world is high.

Listen to any Trump supporters who work in highly unionized trade and factory jobs, and you will better understand his appeal.

trump isnt going to make your life better.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
It is unclear to me as to why anyone thinks economics had to do with Trump’s election. It was the racism, stupid.

It’s not like people haven’t studied this, there’s lots of research out there. Economic anxiety predicted between little and none of someone’s propensity to switch to Trump. What did? Racial anxiety and fears of a loss of social status.

That’s what you focus on, not this economic anxiety nonsense.


Sep 5, 2000
It is unclear to me as to why anyone thinks economics had to do with Trump’s election. It was the racism, stupid.

It’s not like people haven’t studied this, there’s lots of research out there. Economic anxiety predicted between little and none of someone’s propensity to switch to Trump. What did? Racial anxiety and fears of a loss of social status.

That’s what you focus on, not this economic anxiety nonsense.

The chuds dont care about studies.


Feb 6, 2002
You still don’t get it. The electorate is polarized and inelastic. Conservatives don’t care about Trump’s ethics because he is delivering on their political objectives.

Democrats have been so fixated on the persona of Trump, that they’ve completely lost focus on the dynamics that allowed him to win in the first place.
This was not a policy dispute. A Trump supporter complained about morality seemingly as a reason not to vote for Mayor Pete. I pointed out the irony in his statement. He didn't say "I don't care because Trump get judges and want to keep out Mexicans". He went into total denial of facts.

Assuming I'm part of the polarization who leans center left I have no problem acknowledging when someone on my "side" is wrong or I disagree on policy. I would also say that applies to almost everyone on this forum who leans left.

However the right will just go into denial of actual facts or they completely deflect. They don't seem capable of an actual debate on actually policy. This guy wanted to talk about morals but when I called him on Trump he didn't have the guts to say "I don't care". He went into complete denial.

You seem to understand them better then me. How to you deal with someone when there isn't even an agreement on basic fact? It's its Monday and he says it's Saturday how can any discussion move forward? Maybe you can explain it to me. Not trolling an actual question.


Feb 6, 2002
You were most likely benefitting from those things before Trump, assuming you were fortunate enough to be a part of the largely coastal driven global services tech economy. The cost of admission and barriers of entry into that world is high.

Listen to any Trump supporters who work in highly unionized trade and factory jobs, and you will better understand his appeal.
Similar question to my other post. Trump and Republicans are anti-union and Trump has done nothing to being back factory jobs. Would they listen to that fact or just say "fuck you feelings, vote Trump"?
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Platinum Member
Aug 17, 2004
It's fear that drives them. Fear of dying for example, hence they think he supports their religion. And he talks about it just enough that they think he is one of them. They hate fags and people of color, and he does just enough wink wink nod nod stuff for them that think he is one of them. They want their supreme court picks to keep their white christian superiority, and he delivers. They want to keep their guns, and he takes money from the NRA and does nothing about gun violence when faced with mass killings. They hate immigrants, especially ones that would steal the crappy jobs they don't want anyway.

Above all they will die or suffer through low wages and crappy work conditions with fewer restrictions on the environment everyday just to say FU to the Libs. These people are fucking nuts.


Nov 11, 1999
You still don’t get it. The electorate is polarized and inelastic. Conservatives don’t care about Trump’s ethics because he is delivering on their political objectives.

Democrats have been so fixated on the persona of Trump, that they’ve completely lost focus on the dynamics that allowed him to win in the first place.

Maybe those ends aren't ethical in the first place.


Jan 6, 2005
Similar question to my other post. Trump and Republicans are anti-union and Trump has done nothing to being back factory jobs. Would they listen to that fact or just say "fuck you feelings, vote Trump"?
You will often see Trump stickers right next to union stickers. Republicans have consistently been anti-union. The Democrats largely abandoned the more socially conservative trade and manufacturing populations. Trump simply filled a void.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
You still don’t get it. The electorate is polarized and inelastic. Conservatives don’t care about Trump’s ethics because he is delivering on their political objectives.

Democrats have been so fixated on the persona of Trump, that they’ve completely lost focus on the dynamics that allowed him to win in the first place.

Which was what? Their butthurt over having their continuously self-serving hypocrisy exposed? Unfaithful husbands and wives on their 3rd and 4th marriages who blame LGBT for their own lack of sexual mores? People who shared memes of Michelle Obama depicted as a chimpanzee and got upset because someone called them a racist? Prosperity Christians who don't want anyone to see how they lie, cheat, and steal from the poor? Or the alt-right shitheads who falsely portray any criticism of themselves as an attack of their right to free speech so that they can suppress the free speech of their critics?
Because that's the shit that got Trump elected. He is their god. And you, their waterboy.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
It’s not like people haven’t studied this, there’s lots of research out there. Economic anxiety predicted between little and none of someone’s propensity to switch to Trump. What did? Racial anxiety and fears of a loss of social status.

I believe this is correct.

Trump is a brand name, a worthless pig who commands high status and the appearance of success and wealth. It is the least among us to whom he appeals, the same folk that Jesus came to save. The least among us are the those who have been made to feel the most worthless and suffer deep unconscious emotional pain as a result. But the heaven that Trump offers them is not the heaven that comes via emotional release, the ego death that first suffering and then self forgiveness brings, but the promise that one can be great just by believing you make America great again. Trump promises not that the pig within you is an illusion but deserves God like status. He is in every way what is meant by the anti-Christ. We have elected the most worthless lover of ego to be our President and by worshiping him you can be just as great.

What worthless self loathing person wouldn't jump at the chance to worship a God who by all evidence is an even worse person than you are? At last one can be free of ones own shame. In the land of the shamed the most shamed among us is King.
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Jun 2, 2000
How to you deal with someone when there isn't even an agreement on basic fact? It's its Monday and he says it's Saturday how can any discussion move forward? Maybe you can explain it to me. Not trolling an actual question.

You can't. In the current "Post-Truth" world, people like this are hopeless. Objectivity and facts are lost on them, and they rely solely on emotions and personal beliefs. Trump is a mirror image of such individuals.

It's fucking depressing.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
You still don’t get it. The electorate is polarized and inelastic. Conservatives don’t care about Trump’s ethics because he is delivering on their political objectives.

Democrats have been so fixated on the persona of Trump, that they’ve completely lost focus on the dynamics that allowed him to win in the first place.

Is he, though? He's delivered federal judges (only possible because Mitch trapped those seats for more than 5 years), but everything else has been smoke that is only vaporized (and are going to be) through the court system because they are weak executive orders that fundamentally do nothing more than "undo Obama."

Oh, I guess he did deliver the majority of their wealth to the already-disgustingly wealthy oligarchs of the I guess that's supposed to be something they like? I guess they are fine that their individual burden of ~$1.3k/year to pay for Trump's tariff war wipes out the meager "savings" they experienced over 2+ years of the signature GOP wealth-redistribution plan that they called Tax reform.

It's really just more of "we believe he's delivering," because he told them that he has. It's the same fucking thing. And it's no different from all the other bullshit they believe: they fundamentally do not care if what they believe is true or not. They aren't going to bother following up. Trump knows it, too.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Is he, though? He's delivered federal judges (only possible because Mitch trapped those seats for more than 5 years), but everything else has been smoke that is only vaporized (and are going to be) through the court system because they are weak executive orders that fundamentally do nothing more than "undo Obama."

Oh, I guess he did deliver the majority of their wealth to the already-disgustingly wealthy oligarchs of the I guess that's supposed to be something they like? I guess they are fine that their individual burden of ~$1.3k/year to pay for Trump's tariff war wipes out the meager "savings" they experienced over 2+ years of the signature GOP wealth-redistribution plan that they called Tax reform.

It's really just more of "we believe he's delivering," because he told them that he has. It's the same fucking thing. And it's no different from all the other bullshit they believe: they fundamentally do not care if what they believe is true or not. They aren't going to bother following up. Trump knows it, too.

People, including his supporters, know his tax policies were a scam designed to give money to rich people. What they like is the racism, and that’s why they support him - he’s putting the darkies where they belong. Trying to invent non-horrible reasons why they support him is an exercise in futility because there aren’t any.