I think that you've mixed up me with yourself, perhaps it's the result of a mental problem. You're the one who supports genocide of racial minorities in Europe.
Where's your passport?
nope, no mixup, most of this forum think that you and Canoworms are seriously screwed up. Both of you post more hate driven garbage then anyone else. I have always asked for proof for being a racist but you never delivered (probably the same problem you have with your pre-arranged wife, not "delivering"). I have never been banned for being a racist and last time I checked this forum is owned by an Indian-American or American-Indian (I want to stay PC before you start blasting again). Apparantly the mods dont think I'm a Euro-fascist but by reading the comments from the mods on some of your and Canoworms posts, they certainly think that both of you are seriously screwed up.
Both of you are the laughing stock of this forum, keep the rage coming so I can laugh some more