#Gamergate, the war on nerds, and the corruption of the left and the free press

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Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
And I haven't seen a single one of these advocates actually suggest that the government enforce their ideas in gaming. Can we just agree that they're making recommendation and not actually calling for mandatory change?
lol Who do you think is going to make sure that those "hate videos" don't get to be seen? Who do you think is going to punish those people who say that which must not be heard?

You know, we heard the same type of rhetoric when the Civil Rights Act of '64 and the Voting Rights Act of '65 passed, and most notably when George Wallace attempted to block, both legislatively and physically, court-ordered integration at the University of Alabama in 1963.
Agreed, completely. Which is why it's so distressing that the left, which used to fight for individual freedom and liberty and free speech, is now fighting against individual freedom and liberty and free speech.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
lol Who do you think is going to make sure that those "hate videos" don't get to be seen? Who do you think is going to punish those people who say that which must not be heard?

Google and other video hosts (at least, so long as they're found to be violating site policy). The beauty of video services like YouTube or Vimeo is that they're not obligated to host hate speech; it's their ship to run.

As I pointed out earlier, neither Sarkeesian nor Quinn called for government intervention. They specifically asked social sites (i.e. private companies) to rethink how they handle abuse.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Google and other video hosts (at least, so long as they're found to be violating site policy). The beauty of video services like YouTube or Vimeo is that they're not obligated to host hate speech; it's their ship to run.

As I pointed out earlier, neither Sarkeesian nor Quinn called for government intervention. They specifically asked social sites (i.e. private companies) to rethink how they handle abuse.
A new report released today by the United Nations Broadband Commission reveals that almost three quarters of women online have been exposed to some form of cyber violence, and urges governments and industry to work harder and more effectively together to better protect the growing number of women and girls who are victims of online threats and harassment.

The paper notes that despite the rapidly growing number of women experiencing online violence, only 26 percent of law enforcement agencies in the 86 countries surveyed are taking appropriate action.

Entitled ‘Combatting Online Violence Against Women & Girls: A Worldwide Wake-Up Call’, the paper was released earlier today at an event at United Nations Headquarters in New York by the Commission’s Working Group on Gender, which is co-Chaired by UNDP Administrator, Helen Clark, and UN Under-Secretary-General and UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka. Working Group members, which also include representatives from the tech sector and civil society, hope the paper will mobilize the public and private sectors to establish concrete strategies aimed at stemming the rising tide of online violence against women.

Without concerted global action to curb the various escalating forms of online violence, an unprecedented surge of ‘cyber violence against women and girls (cyber VAWG)’ could run rampant and significantly impede the uptake of broadband by women everywhere. The paper notes that cyber VAWG already exists in many forms, including online harassment, public shaming, the desire to inflict physical harm, sexual assaults, murders and induced suicides.


Anita Sarkeesian, a survivor of cyber violence, speaks at the launch of the new UN report titled Cyber Violence Against Women and Girls: A Worldwide Wake-Up Call. Photo: UN Women/Ryan Brown
The rapid spread of the Internet means that effective legal and social controls of online anti-social and criminal behaviours continue to be an immense challenge. And in the age of the social Internet and ‘anywhere, anytime’ mobile access, cyber violence can strike at any time, and can relentlessly follow its targets everywhere they go.

“In this paper we’re arguing that complacency and failure to address and solve cyber violence could significantly impede the uptake of broadband services by girls and women worldwide,” said ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao, who serves as co-Vice Chair of the Broadband Commission, alongside UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova. “The Net is an amazing resource for personal empowerment, and we need to ensure that as many girls and women as possible benefit from the amazing possibilities it offers.”

Key findings of the paper include:

  • Women in the age range of 18 to 24 are uniquely likely to experience stalking and sexual harassment in addition to physical threats.
  • One in five female Internet users live in countries where harassment and abuse of women online is extremely unlikely to be punished.
  • In many countries women are reluctant to report their victimization for fear of social repercussions.
  • Cyber VAWG puts a premium on emotional bandwidth, personal and workplace time, financial resources and missed wages.
“Violence against women and girls is never acceptable anywhere, no matter whether it is committed on the streets, in the home, or on the information highway,” said UNDP Administrator Helen Clark. “To achieve sustainable development for all, we must build a world where women and girls can live their lives free of violence and fulfil their potential as valued and equal members of society.”

“Online violence has subverted the original positive promise of the internet’s freedoms and in too many circumstances has made it a chilling space that permits anonymous cruelty and facilitates harmful acts towards women and girls,” said UN Women’s Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka. We want to reclaim and expand the opportunities it offers. That means recognizing the scale and depth of the damage being done – and taking strong, concerted steps to call it – and stop it. Abuse online is still abuse, with potency and very real consequences.”

The paper presents a set of Key Recommendations, proposing a global framework based around three ‘S’s – Sensitization, Safeguards and Sanctions.

  • Sensitization – Preventing cyber VAWG through training, learning, campaigning and community development to promote changes in in social attitudes and behavior.
  • Safeguards – Implementing oversight and maintaining a responsible internet infrastructure through technical solutions and more informed customer care practices
  • Sanctions – Develop and uphold laws, regulations and governance mechanisms to deter perpetrators from committing these acts.

A new report, launched by the United Nations Broadband Commission on 24 September, reveals that nearly three quarters of women online have been exposed to some form of cyber violence. Photo: UN Women/Ryan Brown
The paper argues that rigorous oversight and enforcement of rules banning cyber VAWG on the Internet will be an essential foundation stone if the Internet is to become a safe, respectful and empowering space for women and girls, and, by extension, for boys and men.

- See more at: http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stor...nce-report-press-release#sthash.3DKwRD1d.dpuf
Note who is speaking here. Note also the number of times that governments and the "public sector" are referenced. Things like "Develop and uphold laws, regulations and governance mechanisms to deter perpetrators from committing these acts." Enforce the Social Justice Warriors' vision, or the government will shut you down.

Once the UN gets its paws on the Internet, freedom is over, traded for nebulous protections against the dreaded "cyber touch" and protections for one's "emotional bandwidth". Laws that allow governments to do anything they wish to suppress free speech. And these laws will be presided over by nations such as Saudi Arabia and Iran who, having certainly solved their own issues with violence against women, are now taking aim at the West's freedoms. Stone her to death, sure, but don't you dare say she's an idiot.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004

Note who is speaking here. Note also the number of times that governments and the "public sector" are referenced. Things like "Develop and uphold laws, regulations and governance mechanisms to deter perpetrators from committing these acts." Enforce the Social Justice Warriors' vision, or the government will shut you down.

Once the UN gets its paws on the Internet, freedom is over, traded for nebulous protections against the dreaded "cyber touch" and protections for one's "emotional bandwidth". Laws that allow governments to do anything they wish to suppress free speech. And these laws will be presided over by nations such as Saudi Arabia and Iran who, having certainly solved their own issues with violence against women, are now taking aim at the West's freedoms. Stone her to death, sure, but don't you dare say she's an idiot.

Did you miss the part of this thread where I watched the presentation and listened to what Sarkeesian and Quinn actually said? Or that report was not calling for UN-level laws, but was instead talking about a multi-faceted solution that encouraged both the private sector and local governments to do more about abuse and harassment specifically? They aren't asking for bans on thought; they are asking for more action against people who make women's lives a living hell through online acts like rallying mobs, sending death threats or doxxing.

It honestly sounds like you didn't actually read or listen to anything beyond the most superficial glance, and rushed to paint a nightmare scenario based on your preconceptions.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
Google and other video hosts (at least, so long as they're found to be violating site policy). The beauty of video services like YouTube or Vimeo is that they're not obligated to host hate speech; it's their ship to run.

Lefties LOVE the circular logic of this one. "It's a private company, they/we can do what they want with it... so we'll pressure them into doing what WE want."

...and anyone else notice that somehow it's only the lefties that get to decide what is and isn't "hate speech"? And how they're allowed to use the same language as much as they want?
So what makes it "hate speech"? When a leftie hates it. Period.

[/QUOTE]As I pointed out earlier, neither Sarkeesian nor Quinn called for government intervention. They specifically asked social sites (i.e. private companies) to rethink how they handle abuse.[/QUOTE]
Simple question... why would one go the the UN to have social media sites change their policies to protect their delicate feelings?


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
If you hate feminism as a whole, then yeah, you hate women.
[usual false accusations and false equivalencies snipped.]

Considering that less than 17% of women in North America and less than 9% of women in the UK identify as "feminists", I'd say you come from a weak starting position to begin with.
The rest of your logic has been debunked so many times it's amazing you still believe them, but hey... keep believing in the tooth fairy too.
Keep going with your identity politics as you are, you may finally see the rape culture you claim to be fighting. Even more laughable, every country you've nearly destroyed with your self-destructive policies have become rape cultures... and then you abandon those women instead of fighting for them!!


Golden Member
Oct 5, 2015
Google and other video hosts (at least, so long as they're found to be violating site policy). The beauty of video services like YouTube or Vimeo is that they're not obligated to host hate speech; it's their ship to run.

As I pointed out earlier, neither Sarkeesian nor Quinn called for government intervention. They specifically asked social sites (i.e. private companies) to rethink how they handle abuse.

Both spoke at the UN because people send them mean messages on twitter. Better luck lying next time.


Golden Member
Oct 5, 2015
Here's an important point that you seem to overlook:

Games can be whatever they damn well want to be.

Who is GG or anyone else to say what a game "should" have as a platform?

Who are Sarkeesian and Quinn to say what a game "should" have as a platform? Whoops!


Golden Member
Oct 5, 2015
I can see a lot of spin and hyperbole from someone and its not Commodus.

A little tip. When you are arguing with people from outside your little bubble you might want to stop using memes, in jokes, and downright lies.

Those things only work on people that already agree with you. Commodus has (and I cant believe the guys patience) made arguments that dont rely on image macros or crappy youtube videos. Thats why hes kicking your arse.

Your desperate cheerleading is hilarious, but wholly unbelievable. Try again.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
I'm gob-smacked by the irony here.

...so much so that you can't actually explain your position or rebuff his?

Your bucket just doesn't hold water and few people believe anymore when SJW's scream their constant stream of baloney. They're tired of being called things they are not, or being held under the constant threat of accusations should they not join the feminist anti-gamer brigade and fight its foes with them.

I'm proud to say it's gamers like me that have dug in for over two years and fought you filthy liars since the beginning - and shown the world that you can be beaten.

Heck, you may have lost your precious election thanks to gamergate. ;) (Wouldn't that just stick in your craw!)


Nov 3, 2000
...so much so that you can't actually explain your position or rebuff his?

Your bucket just doesn't hold water and few people believe anymore when SJW's scream their constant stream of baloney. They're tired of being called things they are not, or being held under the constant threat of accusations should they not join the feminist anti-gamer brigade and fight its foes with them.

I'm proud to say it's gamers like me that have dug in for over two years and fought you filthy liars since the beginning - and shown the world that you can be beaten.

Heck, you may have lost your precious election thanks to gamergate. ;) (Wouldn't that just stick in your craw!)

I like how you circle this back to gaming. Not one other adult I know amongst my friends or coworkers seems to give a flying fuck about GG and most don't know what it is.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Did you miss the part of this thread where I watched the presentation and listened to what Sarkeesian and Quinn actually said? Or that report was not calling for UN-level laws, but was instead talking about a multi-faceted solution that encouraged both the private sector and local governments to do more about abuse and harassment specifically? They aren't asking for bans on thought; they are asking for more action against people who make women's lives a living hell through online acts like rallying mobs, sending death threats or doxxing.

It honestly sounds like you didn't actually read or listen to anything beyond the most superficial glance, and rushed to paint a nightmare scenario based on your preconceptions.
I would say that you cannot honestly be that stupid, but as I continually underestimate you, I'll refrain and simply point out that those goalposts must be getting heavy by now.

Don't get me wrong, it's still amusing. I just feel guilty laughing.


Oct 18, 2009
I like how you circle this back to gaming. Not one other adult I know amongst my friends or coworkers seems to give a flying fuck about GG and most don't know what it is.

The problem, it seems to me, is you're attributing the GG crowd adulthood. From their actions and words, adulthood is the last thing they've achieved/conquered.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
I would say that you cannot honestly be that stupid, but as I continually underestimate you, I'll refrain and simply point out that those goalposts must be getting heavy by now.

Don't get me wrong, it's still amusing. I just feel guilty laughing.

I listened to and read what was actually said, in the context in which it was said. Did you actually watch the relevant part of the presentation, and preferably some more of it to get a better sense of the discussion? Did you read something about what the report actually discussed?

It's pretty audacious for you to throw an insult when you're interpreting attempts to combat serious abuse (what they're actually arguing for) as a sinister feminist conspiracy to end free speech. You're extrapolating based on what you're worried might happen, not what the UN panel wants to do or even can do.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
The problem, it seems to me, is you're attributing the GG crowd adulthood. From their actions and words, adulthood is the last thing they've achieved/conquered.

Care to show us some examples? Should be easy, right? I mean, you're implying the vast majority were just "non-adults" so your claim should be easy to prove.

The GG side has already shown hundreds, hundreds of videos of you leftists making terrible and unfounded claims while proving themselves to be malicious, colluding, and constantly lying. The same anti-gg crowd are still stirring up "intersectional" BS today.


Jun 26, 2009
Care to show us some examples? Should be easy, right? I mean, you're implying the vast majority were just "non-adults" so your claim should be easy to prove.

The GG side has already shown hundreds, hundreds of videos of you leftists making terrible and unfounded claims while proving themselves to be malicious, colluding, and constantly lying. The same anti-gg crowd are still stirring up "intersectional" BS today.
Irony. So much.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2013
Thing about gamergate is that it introduced Social Justice Warrior into the lexicon, and it has been the launching point IMO for the counter-revolution we're seeing, so far culminating in Richard Spencer.

Like, gamergate is right and wrong to an extent. I have my problem with games too--that they're too focused on revenge scenarios, and that their stories are about justifying genocidal violence. The gamergate people don't really talk about that, they're just feminist bashing.