#Gamergate, the war on nerds, and the corruption of the left and the free press


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
A good write up on the situation which has been festering for years now. People noticed how they portrayed Mark Zuckerberg as a sexual malcontent in that movie when in real life he had a girl friend during the time portrayed in the movie, and not some floozy either but a woman who became a doctor. But the left needed the narrative they felt more comfortable with to justify their envy and spite at a nerd getting ahead. And this under current of nerd bashing has festered for a long time now.

Gamergate exposed the authoritarian left. These are people who are so unamerican, they go around unashamedly censoring peoples speech. Twitter gave moderation power to a radical feminist group named "wam" a few days ago, and the first thing they did was suspend accounts of prominent gamergaters and probably whatever other ideological enemies they had. But its long been a pattern. Zoe Quinn tried to silence Mundane Matt by filing a false DMCA against his account. Anita Sarkeesian did the same to Thunderf00t based on the most laughable evidence as well, getting his twitter suspended for 2 weeks. Their abuses are never covered in the media narrative because the idea that women resort to making false allegations to inflict harm on others is a very "inconvenient" story.

This matters, its a war for the soul of the progressive left, we've seen them behave in the most hypocritical ways and without shame because they label their enemies as evil, and thus anything is justified. They talk big about diversity, but as you've seen with the way they've hounded a scientist who helped land a probe on a freakin comet over a printed shirt, they only feel you have the right to be like them.

Adam Baldwin

If you've not been following this story, you have to realize there is a credibility gap which exists within the press which is about the biggest I've ever seen.

Just look at this
Oliver Campbell stream #gamergate Threedog's news radio
Threedog's #Gamergate News Radio Ep 4 mp3 version!
And compare it to what the press is saying.

And really this should matter on a tech forum like this. You all know very well 90+% of this sites readership is male. To a sjw, this disparity implies sexism by default. The only reason they haven't been screaming at the top of their lungs about your latent misogyny is because they haven't got around to it yet, or they don't see the money in it at this point.

These are the same people who destroyed previous movements like Occupy Wallstreet.
and thunderf00t provides some footage on it as well.
has some footage of that as well.

And of course Atheism and Skeptics conferences.

These people infect and destroy anything they set in their sights.

And here is an example of the most extreme we've ever found.

Video Game Journalism (YTheAlien) Geordie Tait, The Poster Boy For SJW #GamerGatePart Part 1

Video Game Journalism (YTheAlien) Geordie Tait, The Poster Boy For SJW #GamerGatePart Part 2



And finally some up to date postcast material

Threedog's #Gamergate News Radio Ep. 8
Oliver Campbell

The Game Review Aristocracy: Who Critiques the Critics? | CCS After Hours Podcast
Cheshire Cat Studios

Honestly there is so much more out there that its mind boggling, especially in the way its not been covered in the press for 3 months now.

http://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/ for more information and the email campaign against the advertisers of such sites like gawker.

There are a vast amount of links and backstory in the PC Gaming forum thread
Which was locked for reasons I disagree with.

Just remember

" First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

The very fact that women don't seem to care about x99 chipset motherboard reviews implies a vast amount of "misogyny" on this website....that is their reasoning...and its been successful at attacking target after target until now...
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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I knew I was a bad person when I used vanishing dye on girl monk's clothes and gave her a big diabo to hold.
Feb 6, 2007
Just remember

" First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

The reason that a lot of people don't take this movement seriously is because you're using the language of holocaust victims to discuss people having a different opinion about videogames than you do. It's an almost comedic level of hyperbole. Feminists are demanding equality in videogames, and that's exactly like the Nazis because ethics in gaming journalism. You need to pull your head out of the echo chamber, take a break, play some videogames and realize that you are taking this WAY too seriously.


May 15, 2000
Lol! Gamergate has now turned into a political movement? I guess people really are pretty fucking stupid!


May 24, 2004
A good write up on the situation which has been festering for years now. People noticed how they portrayed Mark Zuckerberg as a sexual malcontent in that movie when in real life he had a girl friend during the time portrayed in the movie, and not some floozy either but a woman who became a doctor. But the left needed the narrative they felt more comfortable with to justify their envy and spite at a nerd getting ahead. And this under current of nerd bashing has festered for a long time now.
Adam Baldwin

I was recently introduced to the tv show Chuck, about a nerd turned super-spy. As I was watching through I couldn't help but be very annoyed at how shallow and stereotyped the show was. Chuck & Morgan were as fake of nerds as you can get in a show. They didn't even bother to have a nerd consultant to say, that line you just delivered about computer repair was complete gibberish.

Show went on to insult pretty much everything about a nerd's stereotypical life, but it was the relationship aspect that was especially sad to watch. Not just nerds, the main statement about women was that a woman should be judged completely by her looks. She can be as boring of a person, no interests, no hobbies, no friends, no personality, no skills, nothing. But if she looks hotter than hell, she is therefore the greatest target of everyone's dreams and affectionate desires. And this was reinforced many times throughout the show.

And, of course, nerds are worth less than other people, no woman should ever date a nerd, and those who do are only doing so to manipulate and take unfair advantage of their nerd abilities, etc.

You can take the show as a comedy making jokes. But when it starts to sink in just how fake the show is to what nerd life is, I don't know, it is an insult, whether intentional or not. Morgan's role in the final season was to stop being that man-child and grow up.

Anyways, I bring it up because Adam Baldwin played the role of the man's man, the tough emotionless strong manly role. I'd be interested to know his thoughts on the show he was a main part of.


May 24, 2004
Yep, just a bunch of poor misunderstood nerds

It's the internet. The bigger question is who hasn't received a death threat?

Doesn't make someone special. Does the fact that Anita still gives her talks not prove that they are not actual threats? She attends without any worry. Nothing happens. And she plays the victim card to twitter followers. And she gains more followers.
Nov 25, 2013
It's the internet. The bigger question is who hasn't received a death threat?

Doesn't make someone special. Does the fact that Anita still gives her talks not prove that they are not actual threats? She attends without any worry. Nothing happens. And she plays the victim card to twitter followers. And she gains more followers.

Ok, I see that you're, at the very least, one of the enablers. Hope that's as far as it goes.

Hope all the women in your life appreciate your support of these sad little boys and their shit flinging.
Feb 6, 2007
Does the fact that Anita still gives her talks not prove that they are not actual threats? She attends without any worry. Nothing happens. And she plays the victim card to twitter followers. And she gains more followers.

First off, rationalizing death threats as "not actual threats" because someone chooses to carry on with their life in spite of them is really stupid. Do we only count the threat as credible after someone has actually been killed? That's ludicrous. But why does that even matter? Why bother rationalizing a death threat when we should just agree that no one should ever make a death threat? Ever. "Well it wasn't a real threat..." Then why bother saying it? Why defend the actions of an asshole who thinks that posting someone's address online and saying "I'm coming to your house to kill you" is an acceptable form of dialogue? I can't fathom the mindset behind your comment. Don't make death threats, don't defend death threats, and don't trivialize death threats.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2014
Adam Baldwin? Breitbart? Daily Caller? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Give it up and grow the fuck up kids. The only similarity to a real movement you idiots have is a bowel movement. You shit and groan and shit some more.

Your movement needs an enema, stat.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
The poor gamergate people. All they want to do is be allowed to stalk and threaten to rape people in peace.

If you guys haven't watched Stephen Colbert destroy these maladjusted clowns I highly recommend it.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008
FFS this is the same subject in the PC gaming section that got locked....


Do you really think rehashing the same subject that no one is saying anything new about merits another thread?



about this...


For the record off of the top of my head three examples.

Some of the Duke Nukem games

Various MMO female armor models compared to the male versions of the same piece of gear.

Some of the GTA games.
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Jun 24, 2003
I figured we'd just let this die when it was finally, blessedly shut out of the PC Gaming forum.

This is a bunch of nonsense fueled by attention. The gaming industry is going to change because some loudmouth cunts think it's unfair to women. The gaming industry is going to continue following the dollars.

The worst thing you can do when faced with a feminist is try to argue with them. Just give them a smile, and a thumbs up and say you absolutely agree with whatever they're saying. Then go on doing what you need to do in the real world while they continue on in fantasy land, where their opinions matter. What they want is controversy, because that brings them attention. While I do find the skilfully, carefully prepared doxxing and harassment a hilarious bit of turnabout when used against them, it ultimately just lets them paint themselves as bigger victims.

I find the entire topic tedious, and I can't believe so many people devote so much time to it.


Jun 24, 2003
FFS this is the same subject in the PC gaming section that got locked....


Do you really think rehashing the same subject that no one is saying anything new about merits another thread?



about this...


For the record off of the top of my head three examples.

Some of the Duke Nukem games

Various MMO female armor models compared to the male versions of the same piece of gear.

Some of the GTA games.

This guy is on (I think) the opposite side of the gamergate than me, but he still gets it. No one's changing anyone's mind. The gamergaters are going to continue to play video games, the feminists are going to continue to be victims, the media is going to continue to be corrupt, and everyone outside the game-o-sphere is going to continue thinking all of the above are a bunch of maladjusted weirdos.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008
This guy is on (I think) the opposite side of the gamergate than me, but he still gets it.

This is what I think. Journalistic integrity is an issue but not just for gaming journalism you can find it more broadly in other niche areas as well journalism in general.

However, when an instance of questionable journalism became a lightning rod for people to rally around... a small group of those people carried it too far.

I wasn't paying attention to it much but I've heard that some accusations of sexism were thrown around.

When Fecility Day was doxxed that caught my attention.
She expressed her feelings of discomfort about some of the happenings related to #gamergate and why she was reluctant to talk about it.
Then soon after some dick-wad makes her fears a reality.

As I said journalism that covers gaming isn't the only place where one can find shady practices but if I were to start screaming about the mainstream media then also started calling female journalists or famous people covered by the mainstream media whores and sluts I've just entirely distracted from "ethics in journalism" as my cause.

As for objectification of female characters in video games. Let's not kid ourselves just because a person cannot name some examples off of the top of her head it doesn't gamers can't. Let's not kid ourselves.

For every Alyx Vance or Lara Croft there are a dozen female game characters or npcs who are examples objectification of the female form in video games.

Yes there is a problem in video game journalism. However, you've got a small group of people doing heinous things while saying "It's only about ethics in video game journalism"

Like it or not that small group of people have made it more than just "ethics in journalism"

It's a fucking mess now.

And while ethics in journalism is a broad issue for the profession, rather than just in this particular segment. Anyone who thinks we can have a discussion about it now without a cooling off period and an effort to stick to an issue without calling attention to someone's sexual attractiveness (or lack there of) is fooling themselves.

Having clarified my thoughts I'll take my own advice and "Up the Shut Fuck" about the subject.

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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I figured we'd just let this die when it was finally, blessedly shut out of the PC Gaming forum.

This is a bunch of nonsense fueled by attention. The gaming industry is going to change because some loudmouth cunts think it's unfair to women. The gaming industry is going to continue following the dollars.

The worst thing you can do when faced with a feminist is try to argue with them. Just give them a smile, and a thumbs up and say you absolutely agree with whatever they're saying. Then go on doing what you need to do in the real world while they continue on in fantasy land, where their opinions matter. What they want is controversy, because that brings them attention. While I do find the skilfully, carefully prepared doxxing and harassment a hilarious bit of turnabout when used against them, it ultimately just lets them paint themselves as bigger victims.

I find the entire topic tedious, and I can't believe so many people devote so much time to it.

I'm guessing feminists probably feel much the same about you, haha.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Not really how the status quo works. Feminists love to argue.

You must only know cartoon feminists then. I know plenty and there are tons of times, particularly in high end fields, where they constantly talk about how you just need to smile and nod at some of the retarded things people say. It probably happens to you more often than you think.


Jun 24, 2003
You must only know cartoon feminists then. I know plenty and there are tons of times, particularly in high end fields, where they constantly talk about how you just need to smile and nod at some of the retarded things people say. It probably happens to you more often than you think.

Yeah, I'm probably just too dumb and oblivious to notice. In fact, I've never even noticed any women working in my field. That's weird, right? I've gotta start paying more attention...


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Yeah, I'm probably just too dumb and oblivious to notice. In fact, I've never even noticed any women working in my field. That's weird, right? I've gotta start paying more attention...

If no women work in your field that would definitely explain your views on what feminism looks like, haha.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2014
Not really how the status quo works. Feminists love to argue.

And you don't? Does having a woman speak her mind make you angry? You seem to have no problem speaking your mind, that's for sure. Last time I checked, women are people too and they have the same rights that men do. So in the end your problem (and it is your problem) is that you don't like what they are saying.

This "controversy" that you talk about was whipped up by a guy who was seeking revenge for getting dumped. Ever since his bullshit was debunked the man-children have been making up stupid shit to make it look like this is some cause for them. Some of them did some pretty stupid shit in threatening the lives of some women and others who would even dare listen to them at an organized event. Wow, those are some bad-assed men! There's nothing more manly than threatening the lives of women, just for speaking their minds and expressing their opinions.

Feminists didn't ask for this, it was handed to them on a gold platter by the man-children who whipped it into a frenzy. Now you're not happy with all of the attention it is getting. It's the dumbfuck guys who I keep hearing the most from (and about in the news) than I am the women.

I'm a man and I'm embarrassed to see other guys acting like this towards women. You guys who support this are fucking idiots and will never get a drop of sympathy from me.

Give. It. Up.


Jun 24, 2003
And you don't? Does having a woman speak her mind make you angry? You seem to have no problem speaking your mind, that's for sure. Last time I checked, women are people too and they have the same rights that men do. So in the end your problem (and it is your problem) is that you don't like what they are saying.

This "controversy" that you talk about was whipped up by a guy who was seeking revenge for getting dumped. Ever since his bullshit was debunked the man-children have been making up stupid shit to make it look like this is some cause for them. Some of them did some pretty stupid shit in threatening the lives of some women and others who would even dare listen to them at an organized event. Wow, those are some bad-assed men! There's nothing more manly than threatening the lives of women, just for speaking their minds and expressing their opinions.

Feminists didn't ask for this, it was handed to them on a gold platter by the man-children who whipped it into a frenzy. Now you're not happy with all of the attention it is getting. It's the dumbfuck guys who I keep hearing the most from (and about in the news) than I am the women.

I'm a man and I'm embarrassed to see other guys acting like this towards women. You guys who support this are fucking idiots and will never get a drop of sympathy from me.

Give. It. Up.

Men have been getting threatened, tortured and murdered for voicing contrary opinions for centuries. Seems like women just aren't appreciating equality.