- Dec 21, 2005
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lol.. you are under the impression that we are fighting against a rational and reasonable people whose decisions are made using western-style logic.Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Israel will be gone, and the entire ME will become one gigantic Islamic caliphate. (Sunni's and Shi'ites will eventually unite to form this caliphate).
This is funny (and wrong) for two reasons. First you assume that the entire middle east together could take out Israel. This seems extremely unlikely. You realize that Iran is a pariah state in the middle east, right? Sunni and Shia uniting together seems very unlikely... you know with their whole centuries of mutual slaughter/denouncements as heretics thing.
So lemme get this right,
Then the armies of Islam, bolstered by the incredibly amazing infrastructure, education, and military equipment/training of the middle east and africa are going to launch an amphibious invasion of the Iberian peninsula, home of a collection of some of the most powerful nations on earth both economically and militarily. AHAHAHAHAHHAA.
If you look at what the world was like when the Moors conquered Spain, and compared it to the relative power situation in the world today... you would also burst out laughing.
You are also employing a common jingoist tactic, to demonize our enemies. Protraying our enemies as irrational warmongers bent on world domination with no compromise possible.... therefore they must be destroyed. Whatever man, since you're always going on about realists, then why don't you check out the 'reality' that we're not fighting cartoon supervillains.
we are not.
that's your first mistake.
Your second misstep is your assumption that they will need armies to accomplish their Islamic expansion. I never said that, and it isn't true. Initially, their only weapons will be unity and ideology - which will be more than enough to accomplish their expansionist goals.