DNC files lawsuit against Russia, Wiki Leaks and Trump Campaign

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Nov 11, 1999
I know! Republicans nominated Trump based entirely on their own natural gifts. But like my feeling that Sanders would have beaten trump, I can’t be anywhere near certain of that or that Clinton would have lost the nomination without the purported interference.

Please. The well propagandized twits can't point to any specific acts where Bernie was cheated but they just know that he was because crooked Hillary.

It's funny how people I can't imagine actually voting for Bernie seem to care so very much, isn't it? Had Bernie won the nomination they'd likely have been own with whatever bullshit Trump would have whipped onto that doddering out of touch old Commie, I'm sure.


Jan 6, 2005
I also believe the democrats, as a result of their brain defects, ran the worst candidate, but if you want a real example of retarded look at the alternate party. They had a whole shit pot of candidates to select from and settled on Donald Trump. I mean, are we not at risk of excessive haha here?
You cannot dismiss that the media drowned out those other candidates in favor of spectacle and Clinton’s own campaign normalized Trump because he was the nominee they wanted to run against...the easy speed bump easily vanquished on the road to inevitability. It all backfired spectacularly.
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No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
As a life-long Democrat, I think this is a VERY stupid move. They should have waited until Mueller was done with his investigation. This will likely cause evidence to get buried/destroyed that might have otherwise been discovered...and "people of interest" will disappear, get prepped for court/depositions, and otherwise have their stories carefully crafted.
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Oct 15, 1999
As a life-long Democrat, I think this is a VERY stupid move. They should have waited until Mueller was done with his investigation. This will likely cause evidence to get buried/destroyed that might have otherwise been discovered...and "people of interest" will disappear, get prepped for court/depositions, and otherwise have their stories carefully crafted.
It's actually becoming more bizarre the more I think about it. Perhaps the goal isn't to win but to create more of a shit storm around Trump?


Golden Member
Oct 1, 2003
LOL, their stupidity is astounding. By doing this, Trump can now release the evidence that Seth Rich leaked the data, and there was no Russian hack. William Binney and his colleagues already proved that the hack narrative was ridiculous: https://consortiumnews.com/2017/07/24/intel-vets-challenge-russia-hack-evidence/

It's rumored that Julian Assange is already out of England, and will be granted immunity in exchange for his testimony that Seth Rich was the leaker. I can't wait to watch this blow up in the Dems faces!
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Aug 4, 2000
You cannot dismiss that the media drowned out those other candidates in favor of spectacle and Clinton’s own campaign normalized Trump because he was the nominee they wanted to run against...the easy speed bump easily vanquished on the road to inevitability. It all backfired spectacularly.

This frivolous lawlsuit will be dismissed. Hillary lost because of Hillary. She was fat, lazy and corrupt with her dirty foundation taking billions in bribes, destroying evidence that would have had her doing time right now, and having no real ability to lead a good campaign much less a country.

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Nov 25, 2013
This frivolous lawlsuit will be dismissed. Hillary lost because of Hillary. She was fat, lazy and corrupt with her dirty foundation taking billions in bribes, destroying evidence that would have had her doing time right now, and having no real ability to lead a good campaign much less a country.



Yeah, ok, you're dismissed.


Dec 12, 2000
But the RNC didn't rig the primary's to assure Trumps victory.
That really isn't something to brag about.

16 candidates, and you picked the dumbest one to blow up the system. But that's the modern Republican Party for you. Took "the government that governs best is the government that governs least" mantra and went Al Qaeda with it.


Jan 6, 2005
As a life-long Democrat, I think this is a VERY stupid move. They should have waited until Mueller was done with his investigation. This will likely cause evidence to get buried/destroyed that might have otherwise been discovered...and "people of interest" will disappear, get prepped for court/depositions, and otherwise have their stories carefully crafted.
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
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Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2012
As a life-long Democrat, I think this is a VERY stupid move. They should have waited until Mueller was done with his investigation. This will likely cause evidence to get buried/destroyed that might have otherwise been discovered...and "people of interest" will disappear, get prepped for court/depositions, and otherwise have their stories carefully crafted.

How will evidence be buried/destoyed? Trump and co. have to produce the same evidence they did for all the criminal probes they have going on. In fact the stories would have already been crafted because of Mueller's criminal investigation by now. In fact I think the criminal probe insures they get the documents they are looking for and will keep people more honest.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
LOL, their stupidity is astounding. By doing this, Trump can now release the evidence that Seth Rich leaked the data, and there was no Russian hack. William Binney and his colleagues already proved that the hack narrative was ridiculous: https://consortiumnews.com/2017/07/24/intel-vets-challenge-russia-hack-evidence/

It's rumored that Julian Assange is already out of England, and will be granted immunity in exchange for his testimony that Seth Rich was the leaker. I can't wait to watch this blow up in the Dems faces!

Ahh yes, those ever so credible Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. Lol.

It’s obvious from that article that he has no idea what he’s talking about. This has been discussed before but his argument that a 23MB/sec upload speed is impossible is... incredibly stupid. There are plenty of other dumb or unsupported claims in that article but I’m not going to go into it again.

As for if Trump could magically release the Seth Rich evidence, if he had such evidence he could have always released it. There’s nothing that could stop him.


Aug 5, 2000
Suffice to say that this lawsuit raised my eyebrows past my receding hairline, I think it follows along the line of "no risk, no reward".

It's a gamble for sure, I just hope the risk assessment was well thought out and hashed over before it was launched.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
LOL, their stupidity is astounding. By doing this, Trump can now release the evidence that Seth Rich leaked the data, and there was no Russian hack. William Binney and his colleagues already proved that the hack narrative was ridiculous: https://consortiumnews.com/2017/07/24/intel-vets-challenge-russia-hack-evidence/

It's rumored that Julian Assange is already out of England, and will be granted immunity in exchange for his testimony that Seth Rich was the leaker. I can't wait to watch this blow up in the Dems faces!

So you pull up a long debunked conspiracy memo from last summer???

Dude, this was totally debunked a long time ago. It is extreme cherry picking, texas sharp shooting, and based on fabricated facts (like the upload speed) not to mention it's basically gibberish.




But hey, anything to fit your narrative, right? This is the same tactics anti-vaxxers and any other conspiratard uses. It's called cherry picking. And this is an extreme case, because you used one single old debunked claim.
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Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Seriously, Mueller is on it. Why, but maybe something to GenX's assessment.

Probably mentioned but this is exactly what the Democrats did during the Watergate investigation too. FYI, The DNC collected $750,000 from the Nixon campaign. On the day he left office.

This truly is Stupid Watergate.
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Mar 9, 2005
Probably mentioned but this is exactly what the Democrats did during the Watergate investigation too. FYI, The DNC collected $750,000 from the Nixon campaign. On the day he left office.

This truly is Stupid Watergate.
Only one thing to do then.:p

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Probably mentioned but this is exactly what the Democrats did during the Watergate investigation too. FYI, The DNC collected $750,000 from the Nixon campaign. On the day he left office.

This truly is Stupid Watergate.

Yeah, Watergate by Clown Car.
The monetary considerations are minor, but what the first lawsuit led to was discovery and revelation of wrongdoings and the power of discovery is very great indeed. With it the DNC may worm its way into finding criminal acts that lie outside of Mueller's authority to investigate.

Hypothetically, if there were an intermediary buffer between Russia and Trump, Mueller could not breach that unless there's some evidence to investigate. It might, however, be possible for outside entity to discover a tie and Mueller use that.

I am not saying that it will nor that it's even likely but the DNC lawsuit was one of the first motivators to investigate Watergate even though most laughed at the DNC for trying to pull some crazy stunt.

It wasn't so crazy after all.