Conservatives love serial sexual harassers

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Nov 28, 2004
Folks: whatever your political tendencies may encourage, the fact is that Fox News has a problem with top staff preying on women, and its policy seems to largely amount to "unless there's rape, it's okay by us." About the only thing that might get it to change its ways is by forcing advertisers to leave, which is thankfully happening.

it's much bigger than that, it's a cultural problem within Fox News that is reflected in their viewership. it's part of the reason Trump became President.


Aug 5, 2000
The Party of Family Values, Patriotism and The Bastion of American Christian Fundamentalism, having chosen Trump as their Role Model in Chief, this while anointing and staunchly defending Bill O'Reilly, their spokesperson par excellence for all things conservative, is a running joke being fueled on high octane hypocrisy and vapid vapors, all while careening around that harrowing ten yard long circle track aptly known as the Trump Yellow Brick Road Course.

It just don't get better than this folks.


May 19, 2011
The Party of Family Values, Patriotism and The Bastion of American Christian Fundamentalism, having chosen Trump as their Role Model in Chief, this while anointing and staunchly defending Bill O'Reilly, their spokesperson par excellence for all things conservative, is a running joke being fueled on high octane hypocrisy and vapid vapors, all while careening around that harrowing ten yard long circle track aptly known as the Trump Yellow Brick Road Course.

It just don't get better than this folks.

Remember the pussy-grabbing "locker room talk", and how the standard defending line for Trump's comments was that this is the sort of thing guys joke about behind closed doors. So let's run with the assumption for the moment that Trump is entirely innocent of any non-consensual sexual contact, and of course he wouldn't ever seriously advocate such behaviour to anyone. Isn't it rather odd that a person such as this, without knowing all the facts, would defend someone who has had at least five complaints of sexual harassment levelled against him?

Or perhaps we should just employ Occam's Razor to cut through the probable BS and consider it to be somewhat more likely that someone who makes pussy-grabbing comments and who has been accused multiple times of sexual harassment, and who defends another alleged harasser, is someone who has done things as bad or worse and doesn't really see a problem with it.


Platinum Member
Jan 14, 2001
Provide proof that conservatives are more likely to be serial sexual abusers. Otherwise you have an anecdotal and cherry picked thesis that is meaningless.
This it his MO. He will pick out a thing and run with it until it's proven otherwise and then he will move the bar so far to either side that it makes it impossible to follow him. He has started out a saying one thing and when someone he does not like agrees with him he will modify his stand so as to exclude the sentiment that they are in agreement over. If he feels that that might be too much of a risk and that it's to transparent, he will just ridicule the poster by using some form of; yes but you're too stupid to understand why. He has made a joke of himself and reduces every thread he enters into a school yard battle of insults and bullying. I had him on ignore for a while but I missed the drool and contortions he uses to prop himself up. He is sort of a case study for me.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2011
This it his MO. He will pick out a thing and run with it until it's proven otherwise and then he will move the bar so far to either side that it makes it impossible to follow him. He has started out a saying one thing and when someone he does not like agrees with him he will modify his stand so as to exclude the sentiment that they are in agreement over. If he feels that that might be too much of a risk and that it's to transparent, he will just ridicule the poster by using some form of; yes but you're too stupid to understand why. He has made a joke of himself and reduces every thread he enters into a school yard battle of insults and bullying. I had him on ignore for a while but I missed the drool and contortions he uses to prop himself up. He is sort of a case study for me.

Pretty good synopsis. Thankfully though it's not like there aren't intelligent posters to have conversations with here on this forum, he just isn't one of them. Well, he might be intelligent, but he's dull and boring.


Aug 5, 2000
Remember the pussy-grabbing "locker room talk", and how the standard defending line for Trump's comments was that this is the sort of thing guys joke about behind closed doors. So let's run with the assumption for the moment that Trump is entirely innocent of any non-consensual sexual contact, and of course he wouldn't ever seriously advocate such behaviour to anyone. Isn't it rather odd that a person such as this, without knowing all the facts, would defend someone who has had at least five complaints of sexual harassment levelled against him?

Or perhaps we should just employ Occam's Razor to cut through the probable BS and consider it to be somewhat more likely that someone who makes pussy-grabbing comments and who has been accused multiple times of sexual harassment, and who defends another alleged harasser, is someone who has done things as bad or worse and doesn't really see a problem with it.

Catch all-wise, both you and I know it as the "Privileges of Royalty". Remember those days of yore when, among a host of other benefits and perks, male Royals bequeathed unto themselves their God-given right to have sex with their subject's betrothed on their day of marriage in order to more firmly establish the natural pecking order of things? Well, it seems that "sense of privilege" that somehow acceptably breaches the bounds of common decency and ethical behavior is alive and well over at FOX among the ruling class in their Kingdom. And what a coincidence it is that similar "privileges" is a common feature among most of the lower primate societies and even among the lowliest class of mammalia.

And we need not remind ourselves that if you're very wealthy, being above the law is also a self-anointed right and our courts seem to agree.


Jun 9, 2016
This it his MO. He will pick out a thing and run with it until it's proven otherwise and then he will move the bar so far to either side that it makes it impossible to follow him. He has started out a saying one thing and when someone he does not like agrees with him he will modify his stand so as to exclude the sentiment that they are in agreement over. If he feels that that might be too much of a risk and that it's to transparent, he will just ridicule the poster by using some form of; yes but you're too stupid to understand why. He has made a joke of himself and reduces every thread he enters into a school yard battle of insults and bullying. I had him on ignore for a while but I missed the drool and contortions he uses to prop himself up. He is sort of a case study for me.
Pretty good synopsis. Thankfully though it's not like there aren't intelligent posters to have conversations with here on this forum, he just isn't one of them. Well, he might be intelligent, but he's dull and boring.

Understandable those perpetually stuck on the side of their degenerate peers get upset when this is pointed out, which is why they predictable never have anything bad to say about their own whether the klan or workplace predators, but plenty to mouth off about their critics. It's similarly a matter of course their degenerate-in-chief Trump also took to defending O'Reilly same as for Ailes:

Same as his sycophants cut from the same cloth, "did nothing wrong" despite some of these women recorded the abuse hence the massive settlements.

Recall that Trump also said women who face this can just choose to leave their job/career, also similar to some of these degenerate sycophants from last time. Curious if that's the ultimatum he gave Ivanka; guess it works given she still works for him. Sage advice by the way for O'Reilly's children's book, his apparent attempt to give the catholic church a run for their money. The only other curiosity is how many similar conservative media degenerates took advantage of this culture of protection for predators.
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Nov 10, 2003
Provide proof that conservatives are more likely to be serial sexual abusers. Otherwise you have an anecdotal and cherry picked thesis that is meaningless.

You want to ask agent fail troll to provide factual evidence(s)? Good luck with that. I am still wating for his replies per my requests and it has been over several months. So far, not a damn thing from the troll.

Don't waste your time with that pathetic troll. Look how the moron will quote my post and start his stupid pathetic ranting and insulting. Showing everyone how "smart" he is. :D
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Jun 9, 2016
You want to ask agent fail troll to provide factual evidence(s)? Good luck with that. I am still wating for his replies per my requests and it has been over several months. So far, not a damn thing from the troll.

Don't waste your time with that pathetic troll. Look how the moron will quote my post and start his stupid pathetic ranting and insulting. Showing everyone how "smart" he is. :D

Good job illustrating how degenerates always coalesce together on the conservative/workplace-predator side for reasons mentioned. Their predictable collective idiocy makes categorization so easy yet accurate.
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Platinum Member
Jan 14, 2001
Understandable those perpetually stuck on the side of their degenerate peers get upset when this is pointed out, which is why they predictable never have anything bad to say about their own whether the klan or workplace predators, but plenty to mouth off about their critics. It's similarly a matter of course their degenerate-in-chief Trump also took to defending O'Reilly same as for Ailes:

Same as his sycophants cut from the same cloth, "did nothing wrong" despite some of these women recorded the abuse hence the massive settlements.

Recall that Trump also said women who face this can just choose to leave their job/career, also similar to some of these degenerate sycophants from last time. Curious if that's the ultimatum he gave Ivanka; guess it works given she still works for him. Sage advice by the way for O'Reilly's children's book, his apparent attempt to give the catholic church a run for their money. The only other curiosity is how many similar conservative media degenerates took advantage of this culture of protection for predators.

You'll need to show where and when I EVER supported Trump or anything he has ever done.


Jun 9, 2016
You'll need to show where and when I EVER supported Trump or anything he has ever done.

The same could be said of Trump & the klan, and yet there stood the braggart who knows more about ISIS than the generals pretending to be ignorant of who david duke was (someone he's met and spoken about publicly before, btw). And here are your lot, spewing the same trump/gop talking points about libtards/browns/etc and doing your best to avoid spewing anything against the klan/sex-predators/etc, ie their own. Recall this is a thread about sex-predation at fox by its prime host, yet observe what you choose to mouth about. Let's not let us pretend this sort of simpleton game plan, all very convincing to their peers is similarly convincing to anyone with more brain cells.
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Platinum Member
Jan 14, 2001
The same could be said of Trump & the klan, and yet there stood the braggart who knows more about ISIS than the generals pretending to be ignorant of who david duke was (someone he's met and spoken about publicly before, btw). And here are your lot, spewing the same trump/gop talking points about libtards/browns/etc and doing your best to avoid spewing anything against the klan/sex-predators/etc, ie their own. Recall this is a thread about sex-predation at fox by its prime host, yet observe what you choose to mouth about. Let's not let us pretend this sort of simpleton game plan, all very convincing to their peers is similarly convincing to anyone with more brain cells.

Here you go again with your mental gymnastics, jumping from place to place. You intimated that am a supporter of Trump and his kind:

Understandable those perpetually stuck on the side of their degenerate peers get upset when this is pointed out

Unlike you, there are some people who can separate party from support of a member of that party, I'm not a party fanboy. I'll have to go and look up your last post where you went negative on anything your party or member therein did. I'm pretty sure it will be in vain, but I'll do it anyway.

I will award points for your ability to tie the klan into a topic about unwanted sexual advances, did you do the same in other sex abuse threads when a D was on the chopping block? I am sure you did as you're a consistent guy who does not favor one party over another, but is more concerned with the facts and truth. ( FUCK was that hard to type without LMFAO!)


Jun 9, 2016
Here you go again with your mental gymnastics, jumping from place to place. You intimated that am a supporter of Trump and his kind:

Unlike you, there are some people who can separate party from support of a member of that party, I'm not a party fanboy. I'll have to go and look up your last post where you went negative on anything your party or member therein did. I'm pretty sure it will be in vain, but I'll do it anyway.

I will award points for your ability to tie the klan into a topic about unwanted sexual advances, did you do the same in other sex abuse threads when a D was on the chopping block? I am sure you did as you're a consistent guy who does not favor one party over another, but is more concerned with the facts and truth. ( FUCK was that hard to type without LMFAO!)

Unlike many liberals I don't actually think your lot are too dumb to understand that post any more than their leader is too dumb to pander to them.
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Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
The dude has paid out 13 million dollars to women he harassed. I do not understand why he doesn't hire hookers. It would certainly be morally superior to threatening the careers and lives of women to get sex out of them. It is almost like he prefers having sex with women who loathe him..... it is a sick power trip thing.

This is an odd situation though. He has a legion of Christian fundamentalist fans who don't give a tinker's damn about his utter lack of morality..... BUT advertisers are leaving his show in droves. Who would want their product associated with a known serial sexual predator? He could end up with a huge fan base and absolutely no way to monetize it.
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Feb 15, 2002
The dude has paid out 13 million dollars to women he harassed. I do not understand why he doesn't hire hookers. It would certainly be morally superior to threatening the careers and lives of women to get sex out of them. It is almost like he prefers having sex with women who loathe him..... it is a sick power trip thing.

This is an odd situation though. He has a legion of Christian fundamentalist fans who don't give a tinker's damn about his utter lack of morality..... BUT advertisers are leaving his show in droves. Who would want their product associated with a known serial sexual predator? He could end up with a huge fan base and absolutely no way to monetize it.
His faithful will stick with him just like poor republicans vote against their needs.
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Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2011
The dude has paid out 13 million dollars to women he harassed. I do not understand why he doesn't hire hookers. It would certainly be morally superior to threatening the careers and lives of women to get sex out of them. It is almost like he prefers having sex with women who loathe him..... it is a sick power trip thing.

This is an odd situation though. He has a legion of Christian fundamentalist fans who don't give a tinker's damn about his utter lack of morality..... BUT advertisers are leaving his show in droves. Who would want their product associated with a known serial sexual predator? He could end up with a huge fan base and absolutely no way to monetize it.

It's all about power plus probably a feeling that they are "owed" it. Same goes with the casting couch scenario or basically any supervisor / underling relationship.
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Platinum Member
Jan 14, 2001
Unlike many liberals I don't actually think your lot are too dumb to understand that post any more than their leader is too dumb to pander to them.

So right to the name calling and skipping right past the mental obstacle course. You must be getting tired, that or you haven't had enough coffee yet today.


Platinum Member
Jan 14, 2001
It's all about power plus probably a feeling that they are "owed" it. Same goes with the casting couch scenario or basically any supervisor / underling relationship.
Agree, this is not about sex, it's about power and their holier than thou attitude. With all that money Bill O could have had any number of pros or aspiring pros. I bet Bill C could have even had Hillary score him some paid hooch, but he opted to piss in his own flower (pardon the pun) bed. Again NOT about sex, it's all about power.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
It's all about power plus probably a feeling that they are "owed" it. Same goes with the casting couch scenario or basically any supervisor / underling relationship.

What I can't wrap my mind around is that O'Reilly is a champion of traditional moral values, and that his fans claim to hold these values dear, and yet his fans aren't leaving him when he demonstrates that he is a sexual predator. What does this say about the morality of his fans?
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Platinum Member
Jan 14, 2001
What I can't wrap my mind around is that O'Reilly is a champion of traditional moral values, and that his fans claim to hold these values dear, and yet his fans aren't leaving him when he demonstrates that he is a sexual predator. What does this say about the morality of his fans?
It's like any fundi group. So long as it's the other guy they want justice, their guy, not so much. While I agreed with O on a number of things, if he is guilty he should be rotting in jail. OK rotting in jail might be a bit harsh, but there needs to be a punishment for those that abuse others - jail included. Having the ability to pay someone off should be treated the same as witness tampering ---- 'here's a cool mil if you don't testify against me' ---- Not seeing a difference between that and a "settlement".


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2011
What I can't wrap my mind around is that O'Reilly is a champion of traditional moral values, and that his fans claim to hold these values dear, and yet his fans aren't leaving him when he demonstrates that he is a sexual predator. What does this say about the morality of his fans?

Probably disbelief and some shoddy rationalization / victim blaming or something along those lines. If a large part of their identity rests with their viewership of his show and his opinions and ideas, then they will have a difficult time reconciling any new information that doesn't fit their previously held beliefs. Look at Joe Paterno and the Penn State child rape case, many even to this day hold that Joe didn't know and want his statue put back up.
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Jun 9, 2016
So right to the name calling and skipping right past the mental obstacle course. You must be getting tired, that or you haven't had enough coffee yet today.

It would've been easy enough to point out that there are typically consequences to degeneracy, while O'Reilly's numerous million dollar settlements for it started >decade ago. But my reply above better put all parties involved into clear perspective, particularly how degenerates enable each other. As I've remarked on many times, conservatives often aren't as dumb as they pretend.

The dude has paid out 13 million dollars to women he harassed. I do not understand why he doesn't hire hookers. It would certainly be morally superior to threatening the careers and lives of women to get sex out of them. It is almost like he prefers having sex with women who loathe him..... it is a sick power trip thing.

This is an odd situation though. He has a legion of Christian fundamentalist fans who don't give a tinker's damn about his utter lack of morality..... BUT advertisers are leaving his show in droves. Who would want their product associated with a known serial sexual predator? He could end up with a huge fan base and absolutely no way to monetize it.

If he manages to grab some more pussy there's a good chance he can be the next conservative president.
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Nov 10, 2003
You'll need to show where and when I EVER supported Trump or anything he has ever done.

LOL @ agent fail troll, folded like a lowlife lying bitch, again as usual.

Nothing for SNC, nothing for momeNt, nothing for glrider, nothing for my multiple requests previously.

Just a worthless piece of trolling shit that he is, fail troll.