Originally posted by: RyanSengara
I don't think alot of people can appreciate how difficult it is to become a legal citizen of the states. My best friend moved to Phoenix, AZ from Canada due to financial reasons when he was about 9 years old. He still hasn't got his green card yet and he just turned 20.
His family has incurred SIGNIFICANT expense to keep their application going, each year they have to return to Vancouver to visit the American Consulate to check in with them, that flight alone costs them $2000 dollars, and they moved down there because they were financially strained, though that is not the case now.
He did not qualify for any scholarships because he was not an american citizen when his college applications were reviewed, and he cannot legally get a job there as the VISA that his parents came in on only allows them to work. So my friend has to return to Vancouver to work each summer.
The system itself is broken, and that just doesn't include the United States, but Canada as well. We have boatloads of poor assed Chinese, who we have to feed, and shelter A few years ago a public audit was done and it said that it was costing the province $100 dollars a day to keep these people in lockup. These people are scum, but there is no way that the average person could manage to live in the states for 12 years without a good job and be expected to survive long enough to get a green card.
Thankfully enough my friends grandmother and step grandfather are quite wealthy down there.
The system is broken, the people are scum for coming here illegally, but there is no chance to come here legally. It's just like the health system, so damaged we can't possible concieve how to properly fix it.