Comments from within, May 1st rallies/boycott


Mar 24, 2005
I've been browsing AT for the last half hour and reading opinions and observations about the boycott and rallies that occurred today. Most people on this forum, or at least the people who post often, seem to share similar opinions about today?s happenings and the people involved. I just thought it would be prudent to share my thoughts and experiences today as I attended and marched in the rally in Seattle, am the child of a former illegal immigrant, and I am a proud Latino-American. Don't worry, there will be cliffs, but I, unfortunately, do not have any pics. This is not in P&N because it's not about the debate, but about the actual rally. I also introduce myself formally.

About me
Please allow me to formally introduce myself. My name is Adrian. I am 19 and currently attend the University of Washington in Seattle. I was born in Seattle, and attended public school there all my life. Just to indulge your curiosities, I'm 6'3" 180lbs, I do have a girlfriend, and I am a closet geek.

My mother is of Mexican descent, born in Yakima, Washington, not sure how far back her relatives crossed the border, it may have crossed them. She is currently a principal at a local elementary school. My father was born in Purranque, Chile, in '65. He emigrated from Chile at the age of 12 because his father, a former government worker under Socialist Salvador Allende, escaped internment and torture after the military coup of 1973 that allowed General Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship. My grandfather worked as a fisherman to support his wife and 4 children while they were taken in and given shelter by a local church. All of his children went to school and learned to speak English. My father became a legal Citizen about 12 years ago. He is currently an administrator at the University of Washington.

The rally
I didn't go to school, didn't go to work even though I was scheduled to. I'll probably post tomorrow whether or not I was fired, it's company policy that if you don't show up on a scheduled day without notice it qualifies as a voluntary quit. It wouldn't really bother me though, as I need to start looking for a higher paying job or some internships in my desired major. My father took the day off, used a vacation day. My mother decided it was justified for her to go to work as our belief in the value of education surpasses our desire to make a statement.

We met up at my place; my father brought my 17yo brother and my 16yo sister who, believe it or not, is the most outspoken political activist out of all of us. My dad broke the rules and stopped at McDonalds because he was hungry, I didn't see any minorities working there.

We arrived at the starting place at 3pm. Almost everyone was wearing black, I was wearing a white UW Huskies T-Shirt. At the last rally everyone was wearing white, I wore black. We were gathered on a large field, with a baseball diamond in one corner and a bunch of sound equipment out in foul territory in left field. The speakers were yammering on, in English and Spanish, about how this was a peaceful, silent protest and that we shouldn't fight or resist arrest if the problem arises. They also said that if we notice anyone being arrested we should call a number or report it to some guys in green hats who were "peacekeepers". Not once did they mention specifically why we were there.

At this rally, economics came up a lot more than the last. The speakers mentioned that it cost a lot of money to organize and that people with fluorescent hats were coming around with buckets to collect contributions. I don't think they got very much money. Someone said we were supposed to be boycotting stuff the whole week; nobody told me it was supposed to be a week. Someone was speaking about solidarity and riling up the crowd when a plane flew by, right above center stage, with a banner behind it that said Ads I chuckled, bastards.

The part that I thought was most appropriate was when religious leaders were asked to come to the front. They spoke about how in the Bible it states that you should treat foreigners in your land as you would want to be treated, and that we were once all foreigners in the land of Egypt or something like that. Sorry if I misheard, I'm no Theological scholar. It was mostly Ministers who spoke, I couldn't tell what types of religious leaders were up there, but there were a few. The final two speakers mentioned people who we should be thankful to and told us to yell "PRESENTE" after they spoke their names. The first guy mentioned people who died in recent demonstrations, and the second guy, a white minister, mentioned civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr. and a few Biblical references.

We began marching at about 3:45. We got jammed when going into the little street from the big field and we waited about 30 minutes before we were moving again. At the last rally we waited an hour because everyone went through the side streets and blocked the main street entrance. Luckily, we were slightly more organized this time so we kept to the main street and stayed off the sidewalk. There weren't as many people trapped in their cars waiting for us to go by this time because more people new about what was happening today. This also made for fewer onlookers from the sidewalk because most people were avoiding this area.

The banners and signs and flags were numerous. Most of the signs said stuff about immigrants being humans too, the border crossing us, and that we're all immigrants except Native Americans. One interesting but stupid sign said "Roses are red, violets are blue, if there were no immigrants, what would white people do?" American and Mexican flags made up about 90% of the total amount of flags, with more American flags than Mexican. I noticed at least 20 different countries' flags including some African, European, and a few Asian countries. There weren't too many Asians in attendance, though there were many among the onlookers, as we did stroll through Chinatown, or the International District by its PC name. The Chilean flag, which looks like the Texas state flag, was there too. Most of the Chilenos know each other, so I had to shake hands with and hug at least 20 people who I barely knew or hadn't seen in a while.

Every once in a while we stop for apparently no reason. Sometimes someone or something would try to pass through us. A UPS guy was making deliveries downtown and we let him through and gave him some hoots and hollers, he looked a little nervous, but he had a smile on his face. I remember seeing an ambulance pass through as well, I was surprised that we could clear that much space in that little amount of time, there were at least 25,000 of us packed in that stretch of road.

Sometimes onlookers from the sidewalk would cheer; they seemed to be amazed at our numbers. We were pretty quiet the whole time, only cheering or chanting when passing under bridges or when the people on the sidewalk cheered. The chants weren't interesting at all. Last time there were at least 6 or 7 that were repeated constantly. This time, we only said "Si se puede" every once in a while, we were mostly silent the whole time. "Si se puede" means "Yes you can." The other rally we chanted "Bush, escucha, estamos en la lucha!" Bush, listen, we're in the fight. "Que queremos? Justicia. Cuando queremos? Ahora. What do we want? Justice. When do we want it? Now." and others. I have no idea why we were supposed to be silent this time.

We ended at the federal building, where there was another sound system set up and more speakers attempting to rally the crowd. We left early and didn't really listen to what anyone was saying. We walked another 20 blocks just to get back where we started. Traffic was crazy.

Final Comment
Man, that took forever to write. I started at 10:30 and it's almost 1:30, I hope I didn't waste my time. The reasons behind this aren't as clear as we'd like them to be, and I don't speak for everyone when I say these things. What we were protesting is HR 4437, Border Protection, Antiterrorism and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005. We do not agree that it should be a felony to be caught in the US without proper documents, we do not agree that 700 miles of fencing is necessary nor cost-effective, especially since it will only be on the Mexican border while the only slightly more than half of all illegal immigrants are Mexican. We don't want to see the elimination of the Diversity Immigrant Visa, which allows green cards to be granted to workers from low emigration nations because it would marginalize diversity in the US. We do not want families to be split up because their children were born here while they weren't citizens, like my family would have been. We simply want due process for all people within the US. We do support some changes that are being made to the bill in the Senate. Illegal immigrants and legal immigrants alike do agree that our borders should be safer, but we believe it should be safe for both sides of the border.

Please feel free to ask any questions. I didn't post this in PN because it's more about giving an insiders perspective and observation of the rally than about the debate. I will also update and say whether or not I'm fired, I decided not to communicate with work on May 1st.

1.I am a Mexican-Chilean-American citizen, my father was an illegal immigrant.
2.Father and Grandfather escaped dictatorship in Chile and came here.
3.We went to rally in Seattle, Washington.
4.Religious leaders spoke at rally, mentioned statement in Bible about treating foreigners on your land as you would want to be treated.
5.Odd banner behind plane from Ads, rofl. Like we use teh intarnetz and need to advertise.
6.General craziness during rally, people working trying to get through us, ambulance goes through us.
7.Many different flags, most US flag.
8.Protesting HR 4437, boycotting to show power and solidarity.
9.Am I fired? Will update later.
Update: I was not fired, our contract states that they can't fire me for not showing up, but they did enforce the voluntary quit rule, so I am out of a job.

There will be only one thread allowed on this subject over the next few days.

This one is stickied for that purpose.

Violaters take the chance of being on vacation for failure to read.

AnandTech Mod

Fullmetal Chocobo

Moderator<br>Distributed Computing
May 13, 2003
Thanks for typing that up. I had no idea about it, other than the fact that my wife said that it made them late in getting to a wedding in Las Vegas, NV. But she didn't know much about it either, or was too tired to tell me about it (she's out of town for the wedding).

And the "Final Comment" was definitely the most helpful...


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Did I read all that?


Did it change my mind?


Don't come here illegally and you wont be treated like a criminal.

It really is that simple.
Dec 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Amused
Did I read all that?


Did it change my mind?


Don't come here illegally and you wont be treated like a criminal.

It really is that simple.

It's really not that simple, just b/c you commit a crime, doesn't mean you should be treated like a criminal. It's not that black & white.


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2002
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Did I read all that?


Did it change my mind?


Don't come here illegally and you wont be treated like a criminal.

It really is that simple.

It's really not that simple, just b/c you commit a crime, doesn't mean you should be treated like a criminal. It's not that black & white.

Yes it is that black and white. There are immigration laws for a reason.

Both sides of my families are immigrants to Canada.

Fortunately my dad is of Indian descent which was a part of the British Empire and it was no problem for his family to come to Canada as my great grandfather was stationed in Canada as a part of the military.

My grandmother came from England, again.. no problem.

I believe that all people that use government resources while not contributing to them should be considered a felon. That simple.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Did I read all that?


Did it change my mind?


Don't come here illegally and you wont be treated like a criminal.

It really is that simple.

It's really not that simple, just b/c you commit a crime, doesn't mean you should be treated like a criminal. It's not that black & white.

Actually, yes, it is. Immigration laws exist for a reason. Illegal immigration is NOT a victimless crime.


Platinum Member
Dec 31, 2005
Wow.....I have to sleep but I'll respond to the BS tomorrow.............

I'll start with this crap though:

We do not agree that it should be a felony to be caught in the US without proper documents, we do not agree that 700 miles of fencing is necessary nor cost-effective, especially since it will only be on the Mexican border while the only slightly more than half of all illegal immigrants are Mexican

No they are not all Mexican. I'll give you that........... but where do the largest portion of illegals enter from besides those who overstay visas?
Dec 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Did I read all that?


Did it change my mind?


Don't come here illegally and you wont be treated like a criminal.

It really is that simple.

It's really not that simple, just b/c you commit a crime, doesn't mean you should be treated like a criminal. It's not that black & white.

Actually, yes, it is. Immigration laws exist for a reason. Illegal immigration is NOT a victimless crime.

No one pretends it is, but neither is speeding.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Did I read all that?


Did it change my mind?


Don't come here illegally and you wont be treated like a criminal.

It really is that simple.

It's really not that simple, just b/c you commit a crime, doesn't mean you should be treated like a criminal. It's not that black & white.

Actually, yes, it is. Immigration laws exist for a reason. Illegal immigration is NOT a victimless crime.

No one pretends it is, but neither is speeding.

And excessive speeders should be faced with stiff fines and increased insurance rates, i.e., treated like criminals. Habitual speeders should lose their license, i.e., treated like criminals. People who drive without a license should be fined and jailed, i.e., treated like criminals.
Dec 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Did I read all that?


Did it change my mind?


Don't come here illegally and you wont be treated like a criminal.

It really is that simple.

It's really not that simple, just b/c you commit a crime, doesn't mean you should be treated like a criminal. It's not that black & white.

Actually, yes, it is. Immigration laws exist for a reason. Illegal immigration is NOT a victimless crime.

No one pretends it is, but neither is speeding.

And excessive speeders should be faced with stiff fines and increased insurance rates, i.e., treated like criminals. Habitual speeders should lose their license, i.e., treated like criminals. People who drive without a license should be fined and jailed, i.e., treated like criminals.

Exactly, the very low % of lawbreakers who make it an extreme crime should be treated like criminals. So why do you auctomatically want to make every illegal immigrant a felon. Again, it isn't so black & white.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Did I read all that?


Did it change my mind?


Don't come here illegally and you wont be treated like a criminal.

It really is that simple.

It's really not that simple, just b/c you commit a crime, doesn't mean you should be treated like a criminal. It's not that black & white.

Actually, yes, it is. Immigration laws exist for a reason. Illegal immigration is NOT a victimless crime.

No one pretends it is, but neither is speeding.

And excessive speeders should be faced with stiff fines and increased insurance rates, i.e., treated like criminals. Habitual speeders should lose their license, i.e., treated like criminals. People who drive without a license should be fined and jailed, i.e., treated like criminals.

Exactly, the very low % of lawbreakers who make it an extreme crime should be treated like criminals. So why do you auctomatically want to make every illegal immigrant a felon. Again, it isn't so black & white.

Again, yes, it is. They are breaking the law, hence the "Illegal" part of the phrase "illegal immigrant." Obviously our current laws and justice system in this area do nothing to discourage people from breaking them.


Platinum Member
Jul 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Mike

Exactly, the very low % of lawbreakers who make it an extreme crime should be treated like criminals. So why do you auctomatically want to make every illegal immigrant a felon. Again, it isn't so black & white.

I think we should make them all felons.

What part of illegal don't you understand? They are taking resources away from legal citizens and legal immigrants. If they do not have the respect for our country to immigrate legally then I see no reason to give them any respect in return.

Dec 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Did I read all that?


Did it change my mind?


Don't come here illegally and you wont be treated like a criminal.

It really is that simple.

It's really not that simple, just b/c you commit a crime, doesn't mean you should be treated like a criminal. It's not that black & white.

Actually, yes, it is. Immigration laws exist for a reason. Illegal immigration is NOT a victimless crime.

No one pretends it is, but neither is speeding.

And excessive speeders should be faced with stiff fines and increased insurance rates, i.e., treated like criminals. Habitual speeders should lose their license, i.e., treated like criminals. People who drive without a license should be fined and jailed, i.e., treated like criminals.

Exactly, the very low % of lawbreakers who make it an extreme crime should be treated like criminals. So why do you auctomatically want to make every illegal immigrant a felon. Again, it isn't so black & white.

Again, yes, it is. They are breaking the law, hence the "Illegal" part of the phrase "illegal immigrant." Obviously our current laws and justice system in this area do nothing to discourage people from breaking them.

So, if you go 60 in a 55 you are illegally driving too fast. What is your point? No one that can vote is saying that the current laws are fine, but making it a felony? Come on, that is just ridiculous.
Dec 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Shivetya
Originally posted by: Mike

Exactly, the very low % of lawbreakers who make it an extreme crime should be treated like criminals. So why do you auctomatically want to make every illegal immigrant a felon. Again, it isn't so black & white.

I think we should make them all felons.

What part of illegal don't you understand? They are taking resources away from legal citizens and legal immigrants. If they do not have the respect for our country to immigrate legally then I see no reason to give them any respect in return.

It doesn't make any sense, should you be a felon for speeding? According to your own post, you do. What part of illegal don't you understand?

Seems like the OP and his family have plenty of respect for this country, even more so than some of the retarded punk teenagers growing up today. Those 3 fvckups in Florida have a ton of respect after burning 17 houses and thousands of acres.


Aug 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Did I read all that?


Did it change my mind?


Don't come here illegally and you wont be treated like a criminal.

It really is that simple.

It's really not that simple, just b/c you commit a crime, doesn't mean you should be treated like a criminal. It's not that black & white.

hahaha, it's just like jason williams trial here in NJ, on trial for shooting his bodyguard, jurors quoted saying "but he just doesn't LOOK like a criminal".

hey, if the guy commited a crime he IS a criminal no matter what he looks like.

Dec 4, 2002
Originally posted by: PlatinumGold
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Did I read all that?


Did it change my mind?


Don't come here illegally and you wont be treated like a criminal.

It really is that simple.

It's really not that simple, just b/c you commit a crime, doesn't mean you should be treated like a criminal. It's not that black & white.

hahaha, it's just like jason williams trial here in NJ, on trial for shooting his bodyguard, jurors quoted saying "but he just doesn't LOOK like a criminal".

hey, if the guy commited a crime he IS a criminal no matter what he looks like.

you missed my point


Aug 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: PlatinumGold
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Did I read all that?


Did it change my mind?


Don't come here illegally and you wont be treated like a criminal.

It really is that simple.

It's really not that simple, just b/c you commit a crime, doesn't mean you should be treated like a criminal. It's not that black & white.

hahaha, it's just like jason williams trial here in NJ, on trial for shooting his bodyguard, jurors quoted saying "but he just doesn't LOOK like a criminal".

hey, if the guy commited a crime he IS a criminal no matter what he looks like.

you missed my point

no, you didn't state your point.

btw, felon is a legal definition. it tells us the severity of the crime.

is speeding a felony? no, is entering the country illegally a felony? according to the law, yes it is.
Dec 4, 2002
Originally posted by: PlatinumGold
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: PlatinumGold
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Did I read all that?


Did it change my mind?


Don't come here illegally and you wont be treated like a criminal.

It really is that simple.

It's really not that simple, just b/c you commit a crime, doesn't mean you should be treated like a criminal. It's not that black & white.

hahaha, it's just like jason williams trial here in NJ, on trial for shooting his bodyguard, jurors quoted saying "but he just doesn't LOOK like a criminal".

hey, if the guy commited a crime he IS a criminal no matter what he looks like.

you missed my point

no, you didn't state your point.

btw, felon is a legal definition. it tells us the severity of the crime.

is speeding a felony? no, is entering the country illegally a felony? according to the law, yes it is.

I did state my point and you just went over it here. There are different levels of severity within "criminals".

Only as of Dec of 2005. Maybe it should be though? Think of all the money that is lost becuase of it. Medical insurance, medical bills, lawsuits, lawyers, car insurance. Think of all the people that die every year. Everyone is worried about their non-skilled jobs being lost to illegal immigrants. We should be worried about our lives that are at stake when illegal speeders take the roads.

Let me guess though, as soon as that bill passed, you'd be one of the first bitching here on AT crying a fvcking river.


Jul 3, 2001
Your father was more of a refugee than an illegal immigrants. Most illegal immigrants are not in danger of being tortured or killed in their homelands. Refugees are not illegal immigrants.

It's interesting how you're talking about diversity when the vast majority of illegal immigrants are Hispanic. Illegal immigration greatly favors Hispanics over Asians, Africans, etc. It's a lot easier to illegally come to the US from Mexico than Nepal. Controlled legal immigration is the only solution for real diversity.


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Did I read all that?


Did it change my mind?


Don't come here illegally and you wont be treated like a criminal.

It really is that simple.

It's really not that simple, just b/c you commit a crime, doesn't mean you should be treated like a criminal. It's not that black & white.

Actually, yes, it is. Immigration laws exist for a reason. Illegal immigration is NOT a victimless crime.

No one pretends it is, but neither is speeding.

And excessive speeders should be faced with stiff fines and increased insurance rates, i.e., treated like criminals. Habitual speeders should lose their license, i.e., treated like criminals. People who drive without a license should be fined and jailed, i.e., treated like criminals.

Exactly, the very low % of lawbreakers who make it an extreme crime should be treated like criminals. So why do you auctomatically want to make every illegal immigrant a felon. Again, it isn't so black & white.

Again, yes, it is. They are breaking the law, hence the "Illegal" part of the phrase "illegal immigrant." Obviously our current laws and justice system in this area do nothing to discourage people from breaking them.

Silly argument. Our current laws on legal immigration and the broken "system" are contributing factors to this mess. The current system encourages ILLEGAL immigration, and makes legal immigration a very tough thing to do. No one cares about fixing a broke system, they just want to make it about "enforcing the law." Much like the law that made 1 gram of crack equal to 100 grams of Cocaine? Gee, how much crack can you make with 100 grams of Cocaine? :roll:

Acting as if our system doesn't encourage certain types of malfeasance is silly, and equally silly is suggesting that the letter of the law be "followed" in a broken system. Saying this is a black & white issue is just simply scandalous on your part. I've always found it funny that you are a libertarian, but that you always are big on government and the law when it comes to certain conservative issues. Smoking ordinances elicit more mistrust of the government by you than the Iraq War or immigration policy. I find that sad. Not because you don't mistrust the government, but because it shows where your heart lies. Firmly entrenched in the neo-con hegemony and masquerading as a Libertarian. Where's your liberty and freedom spiel when it comes to these immigrants?

Everyone wants to act as if they are against all illegal immigrants, but that is simply NOT the case. You can argue that Mexicans are discussing the most because they are high in number, but I never EVER EVER EVER see anything about Eastern Europeans or Asians when it comes to discussing immigration policy. Or even Canadians...

Let's get real on this issue. Maybe 10% of people are really opposed to "illegal immigration" and the other 90% are just plain opposed to Hispanics. If the opposite were true, then the Minutemen would be checking ships on the LA Coast, tracking down student visa holders, and be doing something other than sitting by the Mexican border. It also doesn't help when the average "anti-illegal" protester is Jed, and Jed's white sheet just happens to be in the wash...


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
Your father was more of a refugee than an illegal immigrants. Most illegal immigrants are not in danger of being tortured or killed in their homelands. Refugees are not illegal immigrants.

It's interesting how you're talking about diversity when the vast majority of illegal immigrants are Hispanic. Illegal immigration greatly favors Hispanics over Asians, Africans, etc. It's a lot easier to illegally come to the US from Mexico than Nepal. Controlled legal immigration is the only solution for real diversity.

I couldn't agree more, but the current system of controlled legal immigration is broke. Demand plays a role in immigration, and we've been ignoring that for too long. There are some countries with high quotas and low demand and other countries that are vice-versa. It isn't fair to legal immigrants to get shunned, but it isn't fair to countries with high demand to get shunned in favor of more "acceptable" immigrants. And it certainly isn't fair to use immigrants as workers in our system, profit from them, and then kick them out. It certainly isn't logistically possible TO kick them out at any rate.

I'm starting to like the Hagel/Martinez Senate Bill, but I still like certain aspects of the McCain/Kennedy Bill. If someone wants to fix the system, then they have to rationally realize that compromise is necessary. Neither blanket amnesty nor blanket deportation is going to work. And not a damn thing will work without first reforming the legal immigration system. Whether that be from assuaging demand with temporary work visas or by increasing quotas and decreasing redundant paperwork.

No one has a "right" to just become a citizen of any country they like, but a country shouldn't be able to abuse the labor pool and not expect the workers they hired to not want to stay.


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: PlatinumGold
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: PlatinumGold
Originally posted by: Mike
Originally posted by: Amused
Did I read all that?


Did it change my mind?


Don't come here illegally and you wont be treated like a criminal.

It really is that simple.

It's really not that simple, just b/c you commit a crime, doesn't mean you should be treated like a criminal. It's not that black & white.

hahaha, it's just like jason williams trial here in NJ, on trial for shooting his bodyguard, jurors quoted saying "but he just doesn't LOOK like a criminal".

hey, if the guy commited a crime he IS a criminal no matter what he looks like.

you missed my point

no, you didn't state your point.

btw, felon is a legal definition. it tells us the severity of the crime.

is speeding a felony? no, is entering the country illegally a felony? according to the law, yes it is.

Entering the country illegally is not a felony. The Sensenbrenner Bill, however, *would* make it a felony.


Mar 24, 2005
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
Your father was more of a refugee than an illegal immigrants. Most illegal immigrants are not in danger of being tortured or killed in their homelands. Refugees are not illegal immigrants.

It's interesting how you're talking about diversity when the vast majority of illegal immigrants are Hispanic. Illegal immigration greatly favors Hispanics over Asians, Africans, etc. It's a lot easier to illegally come to the US from Mexico than Nepal. Controlled legal immigration is the only solution for real diversity.

I agree with you. I guess I just wanted to point out that, like what Amused, Mike, and PlatinumGold were arguing about, it's not black and white. I remember seeing on the news about a week ago that a group of Asians were hiding in some big loading crates and were shipped into our ports. They were caught, but it had to have happened before where they weren't caught. A professor that I know mentioned that only 54% of illegal immigrants are Mexican, which is not a vast majority. Hispanic is not Mexican, nor do most Mexicans wish to be called Hispanic, as Hispanic is a blanket term for a Spanish speaking country. Also, with this bill it would be harder to give refuge to refugees because federal law would make it a crime to aid anyone who is in the country illegally. I think Mill has it right on the money.


Apr 17, 2004
If you work hard, speak English, abide by our laws, and seek citizenship, I don't really have a problem.

But its kind of maddening when you hear about 1-2 drunk driving fatalities per week (Maybe one week per month there isn't one), and damn near every week 1 of those is caused by an illegal Mexican. No, I'm not kidding or blowing it out of proportion.