My setup is pretty humble compared to what i have seen here. I like my pc to be part of my audio and video equipment. It is not too fancy but works very well.
Did some modifications of my own to eliminate any panel rumble caused by cooling fans by stiffening the panels with U profile aluminum bars (8mmx8mm) that are held in place by blind rivets.
The case fans i use are 120mm artic fans with their own temperature sensors that are located right above the videocard.
When the videocard heats up, the fans start spinning faster to provide more cool air inside the case.
The exhaust is my power supply. The back of my pc case is located outside the pc cabinet because the pc has to dump the hot air outside the cabinet.
I drilled 60x 10mm holes in the backside of the cabinet to draw cool air inside the cabinet when gaming.
My case used to have a floppy disk entry but i ordered online an stainless steel look aluminum name tag with a custom text in script font: "ZEN device".
And placed that name tag over the floppy drive entry. It seems almost like it always was like that.
The text is fitting because my pc gives me so much joy.
And the next upgrade will be a ryzen 2600.
I am going to remove the new millennium computer system bay door with another one where i have mounted an oled display with white characters that i can program from my pc.
It is just a small pcb with sam7s256 connected to the display and also connected to the pc through an FTDI usb to uart chip (CDC device). That way, i can write a program that requests for example the cpu core frequency and display it on the oled display. I hope to order the pcb over two weeks when i am done designing it. I will add some ntc inputs to display some temperature spots in the pc.
Old floppy drive entry.
Nice name tag.