Alien: Covenant (Prometheus sequel)

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Senior member
Oct 22, 2001
I'm hoping that the times haven't been updated at some of the theaters, as it's showing in IMAX at only one location here in San Diego. The other theater that has IMAX and where I usually go doesn't list the movie times yet for anything really starting Friday.
I'm kinda shocked it wasn't filmed in 3D, as Prometheus was (awesome visuals). Not even 3D post production.

RT scores actually went UP today, from 75% to 77%. Consensus seems to be the best Alien since Aliens.


Jun 4, 2004
Oh god I couldn't stop laughing at this article:
Could A Facehugger Implant an Alien in Your Butt

Yes the deadly Butthugger :D

How would this even work?

Maybe Kane eats a bad Chipotle burrito before exploring the Space Jockey ship, can't hold it, finds a toilet sized egg opening up just in time and he drops trough.

You know I'm not even sure a butt burster would would kill you. Again chipotle causes more problems than that.

Ok I'm done being juvenile now. ;)


Jan 8, 2001
Bought a ticket at $5.00 for the early bird (10 am) showing this Friday. Surprised that it's only in 2D, no 3D version. o_O

Dang, with Ridley Scott visuals, I was thinking 3D might make the best of this film. Bummer :(


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
It was OK.
Of course, I'm difficult to impress.

I'd like to talk about the film but theres literally nothing I can say without spoiling it.


Jan 8, 2010
Oh god I couldn't stop laughing at this article:
Could A Facehugger Implant an Alien in Your Butt

Yes the deadly Butthugger :D

How would this even work?

Maybe Kane eats a bad Chipotle burrito before exploring the Space Jockey ship, can't hold it, finds a toilet sized egg opening up just in time and he drops trough.

You know I'm not even sure a butt burster would would kill you. Again chipotle causes more problems than that.

Ok I'm done being juvenile now. ;)

Dreamcatcher butt weasles?


Aug 3, 2016
Very disappointing film, the plot twists and surprises were pretty transparent and the characters made dumb choices (i.e. Captain Chris).


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
Note to future space explorers; do not remove your protective gear in the presence of exo-biological organisms, looking dead does not mean dead, do not place body parts in line with the possible projectile trajectory of an unknown alien structure, it is not a pet and even pets kill.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
I actually like Prometheus. It didn't really catch me the first time I saw it, I was actually disappointed, but I watched the deleted scenes, and rewatched the whole movie again, and gained new appreciation for it. The movie was supposed to touch upon more philosophical questions of where we come from, what/who is god, what is the purpose of human race, can humanity become gods just like the Engineers that created it. The movie still does pose those questions, but a lot of that is only apparent after you watch deleted scenes. I'll definitely watch the new one on my home projector once it's out on BR. Also wish they didn't name it Alien, it's supposed to be a Prometheus movie.
All I got is (from Prometheus) highly evolved or alien engineered acid drooling monsters eat everyone's ass. Besides old man with money wants to live forever, screw anyone else who gets in his way.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008
Visually it's great.

they retconned the Alien origin from what was hinted at in Prometheus

I found a video that pretty much sums up my opinion of the movie on about 8 or 9 out of 10 points

It's an interesting watch visually (not so much on story points) but don't expect it to mesh up with what Prometheus suggests...

And Sir Ridley Scott the video narrator was correct as much as indulging in booze can be fun "the answers to life's mysteries... are not in that bottle"



Jan 18, 2000
It was a nice movie. Some WTF/idiotic moments as expected, but overall better than Prometheus IMHO. 7/10

Spores, Genocide, Creation, Cyrostorage.
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Apr 17, 2002
it was decent
no more chestburster, i guess it would have slowed the story

davids got 2000 colonists to experiment with to get to the version we see in alien

why did daniels husband get roasted in the cryotube?

did they detail when david put the mini facehuggers down his throat or you just assume thats what he planned?
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Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
I saw it last night.. I liked it well enough, though there are some parts of it that just feel off. It'll probably sit worse with me over time.. I can say without any doubt it's the best James Franco role I've ever seen him do. That guy was on fire in this movie!!

Visually it's great.

they retconned the Alien origin from what was hinted at in Prometheus

I found a video that pretty much sums up my opinion of the movie on about 8 or 9 out of 10 points

It's an interesting watch visually (not so much on story points) but don't expect it to mesh up with what Prometheus suggests...

And Sir Ridley Scott the video narrator was correct as much as indulging in booze can be fun "the answers to life's mysteries... are not in that bottle"


That is one of the most painful YouTube videos I've seen.

I'm still not sure how I feel about the retcon. It def muddies the waters on the whole concept. It also makes LV-426 stranger as that ship had a ton of eggs in it's hold. While I get the Engineers were advanced enough to have space travel and bio-engineering (though the city felt like a throwback to medieval town, not an advance civilization which just felt odd.) I'm not sure why they'd be carting around a ship of them. I'm sure that's where they're going to connect the films, but it just feels odd.

it was decent
no more chestburster, i guess it would have slowed the story

davids got 2000 colonists to experiment with to get to the version we see in alien

why did daniels husband get roasted in the cryotube?

did they detail when david put the mini facehuggers down his throat or you just assume thats what he planned?

When the storm/surge hit it fried random systems. His pod seemed to be one of them, or it just malfunctioned. My guess is the oxygen met some spark and boom. We also didn't see any scenes with David doing anything with the Alien embryos except when he put them in the cooler.

One thing I just thought of, don't ask me why I didn't think of it before.. but man this movie really goatfucks the AvP movies.. there's just no way they could happen without some kind of time travel.
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Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2006
Loved it. Scariest monsters ever, nice plot twist, better in every way than all the others.


Jan 8, 2010
All the others? Disagree. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great by any means. Definitely better than Prometheus, but I didn't find it scary.
One thing I just thought of, don't ask me why I didn't think of it before.. but man this movie really goatfucks the AvP movies.. there's just no way they could happen without some kind of time travel.

Scott has more or less (if not come right out) and said those are not canon. I noticed it as well.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008
That is one of the most painful YouTube videos I've seen.

Unfortunately its painfulness to you is how I feel after mulling over Alien Covenant for a couple of days...

It basically invalidates parts of Prometheus... requires a couple of characters to act like they were channelling the dumber characters from Crystal Lake for a bit until they meet their bloody end so the plot could move forward.

It looks great. The acting is great at times especially Michael Fassbender... Danny McBride did well... and James Franco man was he on fire for his part in the movie.

The part of the story dealing with origins is a big let down while the horror elements (aside from characters becoming temporary idiots at time to advance the plot) were actually decent.

Get a better scriptwriter for Alien Awakening though...

"Why yes I will stick my face closer to that odd object in this secluded area that I foolishly followed you to after I caught you talking to a monster that decapitated one of my crewmembers. Oh yeah tell me again why I warn anyone else about the decapitated body?" WTF?!



Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
Unfortunately its painfulness to you is how I feel after mulling over Alien Covenant for a couple of days...

It basically invalidates parts of Prometheus... requires a couple of characters to act like they were channelling the dumber characters from Crystal Lake for a bit until they meet their bloody end so the plot could move forward.

It looks great. The acting is great at times especially Michael Fassbender... Danny McBride did well... and James Franco man was he on fire for his part in the movie.

The part of the story dealing with origins is a big let down while the horror elements (aside from characters becoming temporary idiots at time to advance the plot) were actually decent.

Get a better scriptwriter for Alien Awakening though...

"Why yes I will stick my face closer to that odd object in this secluded area that I foolishly followed you to after I caught you talking to a monster that decapitated one of my crewmembers. Oh yeah tell me again why I warn anyone else about the decapitated body?" WTF?!


I don't disagree.. the more time after the movie the less I like it. I freely admit I have a bad habit of taking movies apart so I'm not the best person in these cases. As for the crew, they weren't as bad as I expected.
The captain was odd.. but all I could think of was he never met a "David" so he didn't know his flaws I guess you'd call them. David did tell him right before that he was perfectly safe. Walther couldn't lie so I guess (and yes I'm reaching a bit) that the Captain thought David was speaking the truth.. though he should have had doubts as he did just scream at him over killing the other hybrid. I did groan at the horror cliche of everyone suddenly running around solo. It's even stupider after people started dying.


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2004
How did David win the fight?
Are there going to be more movies that bridge the gap between this and the first Alien?


Jan 8, 2010
How did David win the fight?
Are there going to be more movies that bridge the gap between this and the first Alien?

That is the plan. Scott has said 2 more, but with some major plot holes between Covenant and Alien, it will be interesting to see how he bridges them. I think the whole plan to tie it to the original was a mistake. Should have stuck to the engineer story and built from there into a different perspective unrelated to Alien.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2012
I saw it yesterday, thought it was good.

Really interesting story for sure.

But I will say this, these newer movies don't build the same sense of suspense and horror as Alien and Aliens (1 and 2)

Those older movies were much more terrifying... even after multiple viewings. They just build the suspense better. THey build it slowly. These new movies with their fancy effects and editing, I'm sorry but CGI (especially bad CGI whcih was apparent in a few scenes here) is not scary.

It's funny because the original Alien from the late 70's completely holds up today.... all practical fx.
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Senior member
Oct 22, 2001
But I will say this, these newer movies don't build the same sense of suspense and horror as Alien and Aliens (1 and 2)

Those older movies were much more terrifying... even after multiple viewings. They just build the suspense better. THey build it slowly. These new movies with their fancy effects and editing, I'm sorry but CGI (especially bad CGI whcih was apparent in a few scenes here) is not scary.

Totally agree. 7/10. I liked it, but I was a little let down by the lack of suspense. I think it was the music, in Aliens it was just so tense.

The rumor is that the next movie is named Alien: Awakening. Supposedly on a 2 year cycle.


Apr 17, 2002
One thing I thought they didn't screw up - the soundtrack
Tons of themes from Alien and Prometheus, I thought I heard some cuts from the Alien bootleg soundtrack ( portions cut from the original and Freud )


Wagner - Das Rhinegold - Entry of the Gods into Valhalla (instrumental)

Richard Wagner - DAS RHEINGOLD - Entrance of the Gods into Valhalla (Solti, 1958)


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
I think it was Hitchcock that once said terror is not in the act, but in the suspense. The first Alien had suspense. The second did as well. Those are still the only two where the movies were suspenseful, action-filled, and interesting. 6/10 for covenant. I probably won't watch it again. This was far more of a slasher movie than a suspenseful movie.

Do we need to see the black DNA float into the ear and nose? We're really that stupid that it has to be spoon fed to us? Then we need to have him shove a finger in his ear just to really hammer the point home? We couldn't have just an outside shot where he waves at the black flakes and coughs? A shot from inside an ear canal? Color me just.... terrified.

Can someone give these idiots lessons with guns? And is there any intelligent reason that we furnish these folks with huge rifles ONLY, and not give them a couple hand guns?

And why the fuck would you stick your face over that thing? Perhaps I'm just a pussy, but everything in my body screamed "this is not f'n right!" when that thing opened and he stuck his head in. It was like the cobra moment from Prometheus.

The movie wasn't horrible. But frankly Predators was better.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2012
Most of the bog standard slashers of the 80's build more suspense than Alien: Covenant or Prometheus or most other modern thrillers.

Also I laughed out loud when the little baby alien was looking up at David like he was daddy.