
Forum discussion tagged with performance.
  1. joaogavioli

    Solved! RTX 3070 running very below average performance

    I ran some benchmarks (UserBenchmark and PassMark) and they both tell me that my pc is running below its capacity, compared to other similar PCs. More specifically, the problem seems to be with the graphics card. I have a Ryzen 5 5500 with a RTX 3070 (I know there is bottleneck in this...
  2. Psycho381

    Question Can RAM speed affect performance in terms of FPS

    4 years ago I bought 3 ram sticks when I knew nothing about PCs in general (each 16gb 2133Mhz). And now I know that I absolutely don't need 48 GB of ram memory, but at the time, I got 3 of them at the price of 2 which seemed like a good deal. However, I had no clue that 2133Mhz is very low. Will...
  3. FlameTail

    Question Which is better? More E-cores or more P-cores ?

    Apple is betting on it's Big cores. The M1 Pro doubles the number of firestorm cores but halves the number of icestorm cores compared to the M1. A future 'M1 Quadra' is rumoured to have 32 Big cores and just 8 small cores. So, yes, Apple is focusing on it's big cores. Intel on the other hand...
  4. FlameTail

    Question Performanc per Area and Performance per Watt of Apple Firestorm vs Zen 3 vs Intel Golden Cove ?

    Can someone calculate the [1] Performance per Area and [2] Performance per Watt of the following cores: 1) Apple Firestorm 2) AMD Zen 3 3) Intel Golden Cove Thanks in advance : ) Edit : I Wouldn't mind values of Sunny Cove if Golden Cove isn't available.
  5. BorisTheBlade82

    Discussion PES | Assessing Power and Performance Efficiency of x86 CPU architectures

    Dear Community, so this is my first thread here as a long-time lurker - but I felt the desire to share a small hobby-project of mine from the last couple of months with you... Performance Efficiency Suite - What is it about? Most Reviewers solely focus on what they consider to be the most...
  6. A

    Question Extremely low Random IOPS on two SSDs

    Hello, I have two Samsung SSDs in my computer, an 840 Pro and 860 Evo, both are connected via a SATA3 interface configured as AHCI. The motherboard is an Asus P8Z77-V Pro, with an i7-3770K CPU. TRIM is enabled, MB and drive firmware is the latest. Both drives report sequential performance...
  7. Cardyak

    Discussion Microarchitecture Comparison Chart

    I’ve been slowly compiling a Microarchitecture Comparison Chart over the past few months. The purpose of this to estimate the IPC of different architectures and allow people to at least make a comparison between different architecture designs. I understand there are inherent limitations with...
  8. A

    Question RTX 2060 low usage

    PC Specs: i7 4790k @stock 16GB RAM MSI Ventus RTX 2060 OC So I have been pleased with this card (RTX 2060) as it is a big upgrade in performance vs my old R9 380 despite not reaching 100% usage. My concern however is that when gaming, my GPU never seems to hit 99/100% usage. Often it is around...
  9. R

    Any way to go high end but fully passive?

    I know that you typically have to decide between price / space / noise and performance, but i never see anything about high performance/no noise at the expense of space & price. Is there anyway to make a fully passively cooled (no moving parts, no moving liquid) solution for high end components...
  10. MajinCry

    [Part 3] Measuring CPU Draw Call Performance in Fallout 4

    Previous Thread The most significant hit to framerates in large games, open world games especially, is caused by excessive draw call counts. And this isn't a new thing; as far back as 2006 with Oblivion, performance would utterly die during raining weather, as NPCs would take out their...
  11. S

    m.2 SSDs and CPU lanes vs Chipset Lanes

    I've seen many reviews of motherboards briefly point out, when motherboards have one or more m.2 slots, which slots utilize PCIe lanes from the CPU and which slots use lanes from the Chipset. I agree that having lanes that directly interface with the CPU as opposed to through the Chipset sounds...
  12. TurtleCrusher

    What kind of performance increases does Kaby Lake quads get from dual channel ram?

    Hello everyone, My system only has one 8GB stick of DDR4 in it. I was wondering if I'm not using it for 3d gaming does dual channel help out? Also, I'm thinking of adding in a 4GB DDR4 stick to stave me off until a 16GB stick becomes relatively affordable. It still runs in dual channel with...
  13. james1701

    How to Find if Your Spectre and Meltdown Proof and Disable the Fix if Needed Here is a really good program to see if you are vulnerable to Spectre or Meltdown. It also has the ability to turn off the fixes if you are having severe slowdowns. Also if you click on the ghost in the upper left corner you can get more tech information about...
  14. DaQuteness

    GPU Benchmarks for Rendering

    Hi all, Just came across this website that benchmarks a ridiculous amount of cards specifically for GPU renders, more precise for Blender, but it's a very good indicator of performance for those in the creative industry: Some of you might already know it...
  15. M

    Dual drives and nvme

    I have always set windows up (since Win3.1!) with dual drives. One for the OS and one for temp files, browser cache, swap, spool, etc. I have monitored it with tools and the two drives seem to be about equal with R/W. I even did this with SSDs and it seemed make my computer run faster. I am...
  16. U

    Games are suddenly slower after some time after boot up?

    When I boot up to Windows 10 and start gaming immediately, performance is as expected (480FPS in osu! for reference). But after some time, FPS drops and stays to 200 fps with medium CPU load! The CPU isn't trying to achieve maximum performance at all! System Specs: Intel i5 6200U 2.8 Ghz Turbo...
  17. K

    dwm.exe using up too much CPU.

    So i recently started having trouble with my PC dropping performance drastically after about 30 minutes of use. I can also trigger the bad performance by running a game which will instantly cause my PC to lag until restart. But recently the problem has been getting worse and it does it even on...
  18. Z

    FAT32 vs NTFS

    There was a thread earlier here about pros and cons of various file systems. I just wanted to make a note here that I did notice a significant performance increase when using FAT32 over NTFS. Everybody says FAT32 is bad, but it's not true. FAT32 may have some limitations, but being slow is not...
  19. MajinCry

    Draw Call Performance In Fallout 4

    Riding on the back of my previous thread, where users ran an old instancing demo to investigate AMD's draw call performance, I'm extremely curious as to where Ryzen falls in a "modern" game; lots of draw calls, lots of background processing, and huge draw distances. The reason why, is that all...
  20. MajinCry

    [Part 2] Measuring CPU Draw Call Performance

    (Part 1) In the previous draw call benchmark, the settings I supplied were suboptimal; having the application split between the two different objects caused the application to eat up most of the CPU time. If only one object type is used, however, the driver has much more room to throw it's...
  21. MajinCry

    [Part 1] Measuring CPU Draw Call Performance

    (Part 2 - Much more appropriate settings!) Before Intel released their Core 2 architecture, their CPUs had the same level of draw call performance as their AMD performance equivalents. Trouble is, Core 2 was several times (>3x) better at handling draw calls then it's predecessors, as well as...
  22. V

    tried ubuntu, never again.

    for necessity i tried ubuntu, had to make a bootable usb to install an OS on an usb was only 2gb so i had no other choice other then windows xp around 600mb or ubuntu around i choosed ubuntu... even installing it is so incredibly confusing, ended up deleting everything despite...
  23. R

    Perf. evaluating/comparing notebooks with sff and desktops

    Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this but I am wondering if/where I can find comparisons between different types of computers. When I see the review of the Gigabyte blah blah-950 all the performance comparisons are with other SFFs...Is there a site that could compare it with a laptop (yoga...