I'm gonna do price prediction for end of December 2018. It's completely pulled out of my ass and based on nothing.
BTC = $25,000 (yes this means btc isn't even top5 or top 10 in market cap. I just don't see use case of BTC. Replacing fiat via some kind of a revolution and bypassing establishment banks just seem like a pipe dream, even after 3 -5 yrs)
ETH = $3K
VET = $50
XRP = $12
ICX = $70
XRB = $120
DBC = crashed and burned or hover as same as today
Lots of alt coins die out.. if you look at 2017 january coinmarketcap snapshot, you don't see 80% if those coins today.
I also think several new alt coins that don't exist now flourish...similar to how FB and Google didn't come into dominance well after yahoo, aol, myspace, etc
Hopefully I'm at least right and we make some good money. Or everything crashed. Or it even mooned 100x.