World exclusive: Iran will send 4,000 troops to aid Bashar al-Assad’s forces in Syria

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Angry Irishman

Golden Member
Jan 25, 2010
No, that's just you dismissing what sets him apart from Bush. When Obama starts something on the scale of Iraq then you;ll have something. I think it matters a lot that Obama wants to take care of business on the small scale instead of unilateral all-out invasions and occupations. I haven't heard any threats from him either, no ultimatums for other leaders to bounce from their country or the 82nd is bringing their mail. I do recall Obama taking the "tough shit," angle with Pakistan regarding OBL, but I'm not about to fault him for that.

You'll have to excuse me if I don't take your word on Obama's real motivations and thoughts...

Guess you missed the whole "last resort" part of the drone issue? How does one embrace a tactic when that tactic is what is used when all other avenues are exhausted? We kill Americans within our own borders without due process all the time, they just have to provide the appropriate threat to other Americans. Whether it's Obama giving the CIA the green light to drone somebody or Cheney having his hit squad snuff someone, in the end it's the same and going to happen regardless of if we like it or not so take some comfort in that at least with this guy there is some special court oversight involved.

When exactly did Ghaddafi have the rebels on the ropes? Are you referring to Abdel Younis getting assassinated? I like how you frame this like it is was some scheme by Obama, that NATO wasn't involved. He didn't crush anything, the most valuable thing Obama did for the rebels was give them data from round the clock surveillance of Libyan assets. Drones did fire a few times on Libyan targets as I understand it, but engaging wasn't their primary function. I don't see how that is more noteworthy than real air strikes conducted by NATO. Or Britain, France and Italy putting SF on the ground.

Jury is still out on the chem attacks. It's no yellow cake from Niger, at least not yet - we'll see. I do happen to think the window has closed for Western intervention, and while I do appreciate the shitty choices Obama is left with regarding Syria, that doesn't mean I approve of the ones he's been making lately.

I'm going to stifle my laughter for the moment and instead just ask if you could give me some examples of Obama following the Bush Doctrine principles of unilateral action and preemptive attack (Abbottabad doesn't count). Forget that we've been listening and watching Obama and his admin resist the hawks, build a political coalition to stop the fighting, and basically tread cautiously. You know, classic examples.

I wish you had started with that gem, could have saved me posting those other replies. If you really believe that then I think we're done here. Go parrot inconsequencatroll to someone else.

He's just a man...really. No need for the idol worship I'm reading here.


Jul 7, 2003
Stopped reading the article after that biased remark made an appearance. This article was written either by a moron or an al Jazeera associate and I question any of the "facts" contained within.

While the comment stings, I wonder why exactly it is supposed to be false.

We won in Iraq in terms of defeating Saddam Hussein but it's hard to argue we brought any kind of replacement government there. More of a chaos organized as best we could, to last long enough where we could not exactly be blamed for its eventual failure.

In Afghanistan, please. Obama's surge has been a 2-year face saving maneuver. Nobody knows what will happen when we are gone but most indications seem to be the Afghan army and local police are not up to the task of maintaining what we had in mind--a democratic government with rights for all people (men+women).

Anyway your comment seems to indicate you are offended, and because you are offended you refuse to listen to facts (or should I say, "facts"). Without presenting anything to refute them. The fact is neither Iraq nor Afghanistan could be labeled "victories," hard to find anyone to disagree with that, so why is it so hard to hear them labeled "failures"?

edit: al Jazeera bashing is worn out... that's something people did right after 9/11 when any Arabic sounding name scared everyone. Fact is they are a legit news organization with good coverage, albeit with a perspective some Fox News viewers aren't used to. This casual bashing of them is old, very old..
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Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
I'm not sure why the rebels should worry about 4,000 Iranians.

The US military has been mowing down Iranian soldiers for the last decade now in Iraq. Considering the US causality count (and I don't speak about this lightly, please don't misunderstand) they don't seem all that effective at their job.

Before that Saddam's Iraqi army was similarly mowing them down. The Iranians aren't the best fighters. Against Saddam they mostly adopted Russian WW2 tactics, numbers.

It matters where you're coming from. Facing off against a trained army on an open field or having to sneak into a country to fight because you don't have popular support is not the same thing as having an internal government's blessing to go in and systematically slaughter its civilians. Remember, they're going to be conservatards, so don't expect them to be able to maintain enlightened restraint.


Jul 17, 2003
He's just a man...really. No need for the idol worship I'm reading here.

Of course he's just a man, one with flaws just like the rest of us.

You really think people consider him an idol? You really think viewing his decisions without a black or white mentality constitutes worship? Really? I actually feel sorry for the guy half the time, last I checked pity was very different than adulation.

The world is not black and white, scale matters, history matters, and if you are too emotionally invested in hating Obama to comprehend that, we'll, that's not my problem.

I'll level all the scorn and outrage at him concerning the NSA I want, but I'll leave the hyperbole and histrionics regarding Syria to the likes of you and genx.

Angry Irishman

Golden Member
Jan 25, 2010
Of course he's just a man, one with flaws just like the rest of us.

You really think people consider him an idol? You really think viewing his decisions without a black or white mentality constitutes worship? Really? I actually feel sorry for the guy half the time, last I checked pity was very different than adulation.

The world is not black and white, scale matters, history matters, and if you are too emotionally invested in hating Obama to comprehend that, we'll, that's not my problem.

I'll level all the scorn and outrage at him concerning the NSA I want, but I'll leave the hyperbole and histrionics regarding Syria to the likes of you and genx.

Agree with the man having flaws. The biggest being his lack of effective leadership and that he is in way over his head.
Sep 12, 2004
While the comment stings, I wonder why exactly it is supposed to be false.

We won in Iraq in terms of defeating Saddam Hussein but it's hard to argue we brought any kind of replacement government there. More of a chaos organized as best we could, to last long enough where we could not exactly be blamed for its eventual failure.

In Afghanistan, please. Obama's surge has been a 2-year face saving maneuver. Nobody knows what will happen when we are gone but most indications seem to be the Afghan army and local police are not up to the task of maintaining what we had in mind--a democratic government with rights for all people (men+women).

Anyway your comment seems to indicate you are offended, and because you are offended you refuse to listen to facts (or should I say, "facts"). Without presenting anything to refute them. The fact is neither Iraq nor Afghanistan could be labeled "victories," hard to find anyone to disagree with that, so why is it so hard to hear them labeled "failures"?

edit: al Jazeera bashing is worn out... that's something people did right after 9/11 when any Arabic sounding name scared everyone. Fact is they are a legit news organization with good coverage, albeit with a perspective some Fox News viewers aren't used to. This casual bashing of them is old, very old..
Like so many who are so tremendously eager to tag Iraq and Afghanistan as failures, you seem to expect that the end result would be the formation of perfectly functioning governments with an outpouring of peace, love, and brotherhood from the populace that was embraced by all. You artificially set the benchmark of victory to something unachievable and then proceed to exclaim that because that benchmark wasn't reached it was an obvious failure. Our own government in the US doesn't meet the type of benchmarks people like you set and we supposedly have one of the best examples of Democracy in the entire world.

When you deal with the situation with a modicum of reality you might have a point. Of course, if you were dealing with reality you reply wouldn't have had any point in the first place.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
Like so many who are so tremendously eager to tag Iraq and Afghanistan as failures, you seem to expect that the end result would be the formation of perfectly functioning governments with an outpouring of peace, love, and brotherhood from the populace that was embraced by all

Perhaps we should have a ticker tape parade to celebrate our victories in those two countries. Does victory in those countries mean that we have won the war on terror? I sure the hell hope so. Perhaps we can get some of our civil rights back.


Senior member
Jun 14, 2013
Perhaps we should have a ticker tape parade to celebrate our victories in those two countries. Does victory in those countries mean that we have won the war on terror? I sure the hell hope so. Perhaps we can get some of our civil rights back.
This is where I insert the humorous picture I currently can't find of Obama on the left side saying the war on terror is over, and Obama on the right side saying we need to spy on you and read your emails to fight the war on terror.
Sep 12, 2004
Perhaps we should have a ticker tape parade to celebrate our victories in those two countries. Does victory in those countries mean that we have won the war on terror? I sure the hell hope so. Perhaps we can get some of our civil rights back.
I like it when someone engages me with hyperbole. It means they have utterly failed to come up with any reasoned response and have to resort to footstomping mode instead. That's its own sort of victory.


Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2004
While the nation debates the irrelevant Zimmerman case, your president has quietly decided to support al qaeda in syria with arms and possibly troops.
This has the potential of pulling Iran and Russia into it and starting WW3. This won't end well.
Do we ever learn?


Dec 9, 1999
Our president? Dude, show some respect. That's 'our nobel peace prize winning president', get it right! :biggrin:


Apr 8, 2002
Oh look a billion a month to enforce a no-fly zone over a sovergn nation. Why not? We have plenyt of money laying around for another retarded mission in the ME.

The idiot in chief along with McDouche have spoken. Time for us to foot the bill. Just wait until the first Aircraft is lost and the body is displayed on internation TV. I am sure McCain will use the image as proof we need to send in ground troops.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2011
I like it when someone engages me with hyperbole. It means they have utterly failed to come up with any reasoned response and have to resort to footstomping mode instead. That's its own sort of victory.

There is no reasoned or reasonable response to your apologetic worship of the actions of this corrupt regime. You make excuses and jokes about injustices so large that you and everyone you've ever known could find their head on a stake and it still wouldnt pay for such injustices. Watch you have the nerve to pretend not to understand what I mean. I bet you deny the death toll in Iraq. I bet you deny the $4+ trillion from the poppy trade since the illegal invasion of Afghanistan. I bet you deny that this corrupt regime founded Al Qaeda and I bet you deny that it actively support that same terrorist organization right now in Syria.


Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2004
Oh look a billion a month to enforce a no-fly zone over a sovergn nation. Why not? We have plenyt of money laying around for another retarded mission in the ME.

The idiot in chief along with McDouche have spoken. Time for us to foot the bill. Just wait until the first Aircraft is lost and the body is displayed on internation TV. I am sure McCain will use the image as proof we need to send in ground troops.

fire up the old money printer! don't have money for air traffic controllers or fireworks for troops but we can support another civil war we don't belong near.


Dec 9, 1999
snip I bet you deny the death toll in Iraq.

You'd have to be specific on which death toll, but regardless which one you pick, almost all the lives lost were muslim on muslim violence, so really, that's on them not us. They're supposed to be free peace loving adults that we murder, right up until they kill their neighbor and behead 50 of them.

I bet you deny the $4+ trillion from the poppy trade since the illegal invasion of Afghanistan.

Is any invasion legal? Or are they only legal when it's a Dem POTUS? As far as the poppy trade, they're freely practicing their trade. Should not you be happy?

I bet you deny that this corrupt regime founded Al Qaeda and I bet you deny that it actively support that same terrorist organization right now in Syria.

Who knows. Details are always muddy and twisted, and played to the public. We're certainly supporting in some way AQ, but since he wasn't saying we weren't I'm not sure why you'd list that.

Anything else?


Dec 9, 1999
fire up the old money printer! don't have money for air traffic controllers or fireworks for troops but we can support another civil war we don't belong near.

We're actually OK there. The Spenders have assured us that we're no where close to having too much debt, so we're just fine. We can spend basically to infinity and there's no problems.


Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
Agree with the man having flaws. The biggest being his lack of effective leadership and that he is in way over his head.

/reads post about not thinking in black and white
/ next response is in black and white

Try to think outside of the box.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2006
Apparently the Israeli attacks (which are never mentioned in the news) have been ineffective, so time to bring in their big brother, the mighty USA...

That is the only reason we care about Syria. It's because Israel runs our government. And the previous government in Syria was unfriendly to Israel. So we arm terrorists to take over.

And Israel expects these new guys to be friendly? I suppose there is a chance. If Israel keeps supporting them. And when I mention Israel, I mean the USA.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Apparently the Israeli attacks (which are never mentioned in the news) have been ineffective, so time to bring in their big brother, the mighty USA...

That is the only reason we care about Syria. It's because Israel runs our government. And the previous government in Syria was unfriendly to Israel. So we arm terrorists to take over.

And Israel expects these new guys to be friendly? I suppose there is a chance. If Israel keeps supporting them. And when I mention Israel, I mean the USA.


Syria has been unfriendly since day 0; so this is nothing new.

where do you get the idea that Israel expects the Syrian opposition to be friendly to them.
Over there; it is not my enemy's enemy is my friend.
it is my enemy's enemy is my friend (as long as you are not Israeli).

If Israel jumped directly into the fray; all the infighting would cease against a common enemy
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Nov 12, 2012
Fuck Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan .... and the entire middle east. I am sick of hearing about that whole area.

We should pull everything esp. all the millions of US $ in aid to these shit holes and let them sort out their own problems. If they all gassed and nuked themselves out of existence I could not give a shit less than I already do.

Couldnt agree more. Sure our oil prices would shoot up by a huge margin but after a few years the dust will settle and with any luck maybe every person there is just wiped out and the land is barren and can be populated with decent people. If not then surely someone will come into power after erradicating the others and atleast the region will be stable.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Apparently the Israeli attacks (which are never mentioned in the news) have been ineffective, so time to bring in their big brother, the mighty USA...

That is the only reason we care about Syria. It's because Israel runs our government. And the previous government in Syria was unfriendly to Israel. So we arm terrorists to take over.

And Israel expects these new guys to be friendly? I suppose there is a chance. If Israel keeps supporting them. And when I mention Israel, I mean the USA.

Within the original post of your (bolded) you claim that Israeli attacks are ineffective.
Why are you stating such and with what background to justify it.

Your links indicate Israeli attacks that destroy munitions bound for Hezbollah from Syria or Russian munitions delivered to Syria
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