Will you get a swine flu vaccination this Fall?

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Nov 18, 2005
maybe. probably not.

Never gotten a flu shot before. But I do tend to get the flu, or a sinus infection, at least once every school year.
And I'm a student at the largest university by student population in the country. And we had a couple confirmed cases last year. If it spreads like they are expecting this flu season, I'll probably end up with it.
I guess it's time to see if it's as bad as I've said it might be in terms of overcrowding the hospitals with need for mechanical ventilators.
If I survive, cool, I got natural immunity. What doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger right? :p :laugh:

Capt Caveman

Jan 30, 2005
Swine flu hits hard, early -- claims 11 more kids

Gov't: Swine flu linked to 11 more child deaths

By Lauran Neergaard, AP Medical Writer | October 16, 2009
WASHINGTON --The swine flu is causing an unprecedented amount of illness for this early in the fall, with the deaths of 11 more children reported in the past week. And less vaccine than expected will be ready by month's end, federal health officials said Friday.
Of the 86 children who have died since the new swine flu arose last spring, 43 deaths have been reported in September and early October alone, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported. That's a startling number because in some past winters, the CDC has counted 40 or 50 child deaths for the entire flu season -- and no one knows how long this swine flu outbreak will last.
"These are very sobering statistics," said the CDC's Dr. Anne Schuchat.
Also surprising, about half of the child deaths reported since Sept. 1 have been teenagers. Until now, much of the attention has focused on younger children.
Overall, what CDC calls the 2009 H1N1 flu is causing widespread disease in 41 states, and about 6 percent of all doctor visits are for flu-like illnesses, levels not normally seen until much later in the fall.
There may be only 28 million to 30 million vaccine doses dispersed around the country by month's end, Schuchat said, short of the 40 million-plus the government had hoped. But more will continue to arrive weekly, and she urged patience as people await their turn.
As of Wednesday, states had ordered 8 million of the 11.4 million doses of swine flu vaccine the government has ready to ship.
Initial vaccine shipments were only of FluMist, the nasal spray version that can be used by only certain people -- those ages 2 to 49 who aren't pregnant and have no chronic illnesses such as asthma. But swine flu shots now are shipping, too, accounting for a bit more than half of the vaccine available today, Schuchat said.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2001
Never had a flu shot before, never had the flu before. With that said since I'm a healthcare provider I'm sure my boss would prefer me to get it, but I'll pass.


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2006
Yep. I tend to get nasty lung complications from flus and colds. I would be quite dead by the age of 8 or so if we were living in an era before antibiotics.


Diamond Member
Aug 21, 2005
I never got flu shots. Last year I got the flu during Christmas and my life was miserable. I might get a regular flu shot this year, I'm not sure.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2005
I have never gotten the flu shot and coincidentally have never gotten the flu.

I don't plan on getting either any time soon.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Originally posted by: moshquerade
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
If it is mandated for healthcare workers then yep.

have flu shots ever been mandated for health care workers? they are recommended, but i have never been forced to get one. (like i was the Hep B series)

individual clinics or hospitals are mandating it, or trying to at least. remains to be seen how that holds out.

as for me, I will be getting it.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Originally posted by: Muse
Originally posted by: AbAbber2k
Originally posted by: Joemonkey
nope, i hate to be "that guy that says that thing" but every time i've had a flu shot i've ended up feeling worse than i ever have had NOT getting one

no flu shots for me in the past ~8 years, haven't gotten the flu in any of those years either

Flu shots force your immune system to respond as it would were you to get the flu, but without ACTUALLY being infected. The result is a variety of responses which are less than "comfortable" such as lack of energy, swollen lymph nodes, etc.

But flu shots don't make you sick with the flu.

That said, I never get flu shots. My immune system is probably the strongest its every been and as a result getting the flu shot for myself is more trouble than its worth. I've maybe got the flu twice in my life.

I totally support immunization for children and what not. But beyond the regular gamut of shots you get as a child, I'm not about to put something in my body that I don't need. And right now my immune system is plenty capable of fending off something as mundane as "swine flu".

Famous last words. Would you get a flue shot if a strain broke out like the 1918 Spanish Flue that killed 50 million?

I get a flu shot every year usually on October. I don't remember ever suffering a negative consequence of a flu shot. I may have, but I didn't notice a thing.

and those of you born after 1954, good luck with that supposed "super immune system" that you stupidly think you have.

you (and I), have absolutely no resistance to the H1N1 strain, which has allowed this to reach pandemic status so freaking quickly.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Originally posted by: Gibsons
Originally posted by: Baked
Originally posted by: Muse
Famous last words. Would you get a flue shot if a strain broke out like the 1918 Spanish Flue that killed 50 million?

Right... and many people survived the black plaque too. For those with superior genes, they pass it onto their offspring and life goes on. All these prevention shot do is promote breeding of the weak and will doom the human race.

You seem to have severe misconceptions about immunity and genetics.

glad I wasn't the only one :laugh:ing and :roll:



No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Originally posted by: peritusONE
Getting a flu shot is one of four options I can do to get $40/month knocked off my health insurance premium, so I get it every year. If not for that, I wouldn't waste the money. If the H1N1 shot costs money, then I'm not getting it. I'm sure it'll be like $50 or something so as to feed off of everyone's fears. If so, I think the media should get a cut, since they tried to induce the panic before everyone stopped caring.

The Government purchased all the vaccinations. ergo, it is free for just about everyone.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Originally posted by: SirChadwick
Nope, haven't gotten a flu shot since I was about 12 years old. Funny too b/c I got sick every year as a kid. Now that I've built up my immune system, I haven't had the flu since.

OMG Really??? that is completely insane! You are so unique, because, you know, everyone gets sick at least once/year as a kid. this is so UNUSUAL, I'm really glad you mentioned it.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006

such events are so rare, because the diseases that they trigger are rare. meaning, there is an underlying disorder that existed before the vaccination. The Media has always been very misleading with this kind of information, b/c, well, they know dick about medicine or science.

trigger /= cause. she could have knocked her head doing a flip and just as likely triggered the dystonia as with a vaccination.

There was a recent broo-ha in merry-old England about woman dying from an infarct "after receiving the vaccination," as it was reported--b/c heaven forbid the media ever check its facts before going to print. Was all over the news for a day, but turns out that there was an underlying condition, completely unrelated to the vaccination--but the damage had been done, as they say.

EDIT: http://blogs.wsj.com/health/20...idnt-kill-uk-teenager/
It was the Cervical Cancer vaccine, not H1N1.

also, do remember that any time you see Jenny McCarthy or Jim Carrey's face attached to one of these stories, it's pure BS.

another simple fact is that you absolutely CAN NOT get the flu from the vaccine. it doesn't happen. people can get the flu after receiving the vaccine, but it has never stemmed from the actual vaccination.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2001
Got the seasonal shot...dunno yet about swine. If my docs asks, I'll probably do it.


Aug 14, 2001
Originally posted by: zinfamous
Originally posted by: Muse
Originally posted by: AbAbber2k
Originally posted by: Joemonkey
nope, i hate to be "that guy that says that thing" but every time i've had a flu shot i've ended up feeling worse than i ever have had NOT getting one

no flu shots for me in the past ~8 years, haven't gotten the flu in any of those years either

Flu shots force your immune system to respond as it would were you to get the flu, but without ACTUALLY being infected. The result is a variety of responses which are less than "comfortable" such as lack of energy, swollen lymph nodes, etc.

But flu shots don't make you sick with the flu.

That said, I never get flu shots. My immune system is probably the strongest its every been and as a result getting the flu shot for myself is more trouble than its worth. I've maybe got the flu twice in my life.

I totally support immunization for children and what not. But beyond the regular gamut of shots you get as a child, I'm not about to put something in my body that I don't need. And right now my immune system is plenty capable of fending off something as mundane as "swine flu".

Famous last words. Would you get a flue shot if a strain broke out like the 1918 Spanish Flue that killed 50 million?

I get a flu shot every year usually on October. I don't remember ever suffering a negative consequence of a flu shot. I may have, but I didn't notice a thing.

and those of you born after 1954, good luck with that supposed "super immune system" that you stupidly think you have.

you (and I), have absolutely no resistance to the H1N1 strain, which has allowed this to reach pandemic status so freaking quickly.

I'm immune to it. :D Well, probably.

Got my immunity the hard way, unfortunately.


May 29, 2003

But only because I already had it (the H1N1 flu)

I always get the flu shot though since my wife works in the medical field and as a result she and I are exposed to more than the average person.


May 19, 2003
I wanted to, but didn't sign up for it at work in time. :(
Maybe I'll just show up on the day of the shots and talk to one of our HR people to sneak me in. :)


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2007
I won't be getting the H1N1 or Flue vaccination because:

1) How many government organized things really work correctly without consequences?

2) If everyone else gets the vaccination, I should be safe. Yes, this is a weak argument, but I know we all who don't get vaccinated think it.

3) Do you really know what is in this vaccination? It is a propietary shot with a patented formula. Sort of reminds me of the days of the HP propietary motherboards that were believed to handle everything, but couldn't do much of anything one thing very good.

4) Is it not possible that the flu or H1N1 vaccine company rushed their product to the market to quickly grab the billions of dollars before anyone else without the necessary testing and quality control? Can anyone remember SARS from a few years ago?

5) Why is there a big movement in the Autism community that beleives that over vaccinations contribute to autism in children?

6) Do you really know where the vaccine is being produced? Many are made over seas where the pharmcutical labs and doctors are not as clean or qualified.

7) What about the small percentage of people who die or who have a major side affect from the vaccine? Too small a percentage to worry about? What if it was your kid?

No shots for me.



Aug 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Raizinman
I won't be getting the H1N1 or Flue vaccination because:

1) How many government organized things really work correctly without consequences?

2) If everyone else gets the vaccination, I should be safe. Yes, this is a weak argument, but I know we all who don't get vaccinated think it.

3) Do you really know what is in this vaccination? It is a propietary shot with a patented formula. Sort of reminds me of the days of the HP propietary motherboards that were believed to handle everything, but couldn't do much of anything one thing very good.

4) Is it not possible that the flu or H1N1 vaccine company rushed their product to the market to quickly grab the billions of dollars before anyone else without the necessary testing and quality control? Can anyone remember SARS from a few years ago?

5) Why is there a big movement in the Autism community that beleives that over vaccinations contribute to autism in children?

6) Do you really know where the vaccine is being produced? Many are made over seas where the pharmcutical labs and doctors are not as clean or qualified.

7) What about the small percentage of people who die or who have a major side affect from the vaccine? Too small a percentage to worry about? What if it was your kid?

No shots for me.

1 - The flu vaccine tends to work pretty well. Everything has consequences.

2 - everyone won't get it.

3 - yeah, I pretty much do. I don't need the vaccine b/c I've been infected, but I'd get the vaccine on a dare or for a klondike bar, I'm not concerned at all about its safety or side effects.

4 - It had to be developed and distributed asap. That's the game with influenza. It's been tested, and it's also pretty much the same thing as any other flu shot - just a different strain of flu. You're overestimating the money by a bit. It's a lot, but not billions.

5 - Because some people will believe fucking anything.

6 - same could be said about a lot of things. There are 5 different companies making either the vaccine and/or adjuvant.

7 - Under one in a million. And chances are the flu, if it infects, will cause the same thing, only moreso.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: AbAbber2k
Originally posted by: Joemonkey
nope, i hate to be "that guy that says that thing" but every time i've had a flu shot i've ended up feeling worse than i ever have had NOT getting one

no flu shots for me in the past ~8 years, haven't gotten the flu in any of those years either

Flu shots force your immune system to respond as it would were you to get the flu, but without ACTUALLY being infected. The result is a variety of responses which are less than "comfortable" such as lack of energy, swollen lymph nodes, etc.

But flu shots don't make you sick with the flu.

That said, I never get flu shots. My immune system is probably the strongest its every been and as a result getting the flu shot for myself is more trouble than its worth. I've maybe got the flu twice in my life.

I totally support immunization for children and what not. But beyond the regular gamut of shots you get as a child, I'm not about to put something in my body that I don't need. And right now my immune system is plenty capable of fending off something as mundane as "swine flu".

Wasn't swine flu deadly because strong immune systems overreacted to it?